Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

A man in a tie and jacket stands in front of a podium, flanked by three people.

Alaska seeks to collect more than 20,000 missing DNA samples from people charged with crimes

Alaska law requires that state and local law enforcement agencies collect DNA samples from all people charged with a crime against another person or a felony. But over the past 25 years, that hasn't happened in thousands of cases.
A dog team runs up the banks of the Kuskokwim River.

How bad are the Iditarod trail moguls? Depends who you ask.

Iditarod officials had warned mushers that the trail into Nikolai would have the worst moguls in race history.
A map of Alaska, outlining the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

ANWR takes tiny step down rocky Senate road

You know how members of Congress sometimes try to pass legislation by attaching it to a fast-moving bill everyone loves? That's not the case here. ANWR is controversial, and the budget plan it's hitching a ride on isn't entirely popular, either. Listen now
Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy speaks to a microphone.

Dunleavy argues homeschool allotments are an ‘indirect benefit’ to private schools. Lawmakers disagree.

House Republicans and the bipartisan Senate majority each say the Alaska Constitution prohibits spending public money on private education.

Number of House members calling for Fansler resignation grows

The House majority caucus meets Monday evening and could remove representative, accused of assault, from the caucus and his committee assignments. Listen now

Special session to begin Thursday after lawmakers fail to compromise

Gov. Bill Walker called the Alaska Legislature into a special session starting Thursday.
A man in a suit speaks at a white podium.

Anchorage Assembly, Bronson trade accusations over subpoena-powers veto and override

The Assembly unpacked misleading statements in Mayor’s Dave Bronson's argument against an ordinance, then overrode his veto of it in a 9-3 vote.

The EPA issues Shell Oil Air Quality Permits for Arctic Ocean Drilling

The Environmental Protection Agency has approved an air quality permit for a Shell Oil drilling vessel and accompanying vessels that the company hopes to use in Arctic waters next year.

ExxonMobil asks Supreme Court to review $2.5 billion penalty

Earlier this week, ExxonMobil filed a petition asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review the $2.5 billion punitive damage judgment in the 1989 Exxon...

Anchorage man in custody for Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting

The FBI said an Anchorage man opened fire at the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida airport this morning. The Broward County Sheriff's office said 26-year-old Esteban Santiago killed five people and wounded eight others. Listen now

Polar Bears Show Signs of Mysterious Illness

Biologists have found Polar Bears in the Beaufort Sea with hair loss and skin lesions. Those are the same symptoms that have sickened ice...

Berkowitz issues an emergency ‘hunker down’ order for Anchorage residents, effective Sunday

Standing next to leaders from the state’s largest hospitals, Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz issued the city’s most sweeping emergency order yet Friday evening, asking residents to minimize social contact and limit movement in the city to essential errands.
bethel harbor

Bethel searchers recover body of 1 of 3 missing moose hunters

The body of Shane McIntyre was recovered on Sept. 22 at the Bethel small boat harbor, according to Bethel Search and Rescue Vice President Perry Barr.

Dunleavy taps Sean Parnell for gas line advice

Dunleavy’s transition chairman Tuckerman Babcock also announced that former Libertarian Party state legislator Dick Randolph will be an adviser on constitutional amendments. Listen now

Fight over required health precautions in Anchorage Assembly chamber ends meeting early

The Anchorage Assembly meeting ended earlier than expected Wednesday, with Assembly leadership and Mayor Dave Bronson’s administration locked in debate over new masking and social distancing requirements for the chamber.

The Alaska commission that investigates discrimination has been sued for alleged discrimination

Marilyn Stewart’s lawsuit alleges that – because she is Black, a woman and a military veteran – two former commissioners convinced others to vote to terminate her employment in 2019.
A picture of a vape pen disguised as a watch

Anchorage School District administrators go on the offensive against vaping

Administrators in Alaska's largest school district are trying to get a handle on youth vaping.

Large crowd greets Celebration paddlers

Dozens of paddlers from Yakutat to Metlakatla and places in between landed their canoes on a Juneau beach on their way to the Southeast Native cultural festival Celebration 2014. More than 500 people waded into the water or watched from the shore as the paddlers ended their journey Wednesday afternoon. Hundreds of others lined a nearby causeway or cheered from parks and bridges along the route. We spoke with some of the paddlers and recorded some of the songs and filed this audio post card. Download Audio

Eating disorders are on the rise in Alaska, but local resources are scarce

The number of Americans with eating disorders has skyrocketed during the pandemic. Alaska does not have enough resources to help them.

Chickaloon Villagers Opposing Coal Mining Activities

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Chickaloon villagers are fighting a state Department of Natural Resources decision to go forward on coal mining activities...