Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

A fat brown bear's bust

LISTEN: How to avoid a negative bear encounter in Alaska this summer

Despite negative encounters in the news, bear experts say, most of the time, bears don't want to mess around with humans, and they say there are some things you can do to keep it that way.
A black and white photo of barracks near mountains and water

Berries, wildlife and toxic land: The continuing push to clean up contamination in rural Alaska

When a string of Yup'ik elders from St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, all received the same cancer diagnoses, officials initially shrugged it off as a bizarre medical mystery. But not long after, a different village reported an increase in unusual cancer symptoms as well.

The trans-Alaska pipeline fights off 22 million cyber attacks. Daily.

Energy infrastructure is a tempting target for hackers, and the trans-Alaska pipeline is no exception. Alyeska, which operates the pipeline, now ranks cyberattacks as one of its top three risks. Listen now

State Says No to Education Funds

The state has again decided NOT to compete for education dollars available under a competitive federal program.  The Race to the Top competition was designed to...

Only Two Bills Passed So Far This Session

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau With less than two weeks remaining in this year’s legislative session, lawmakers don’t have much to brag...
A Pacific Islander person wearing a mask and a blue shirt opening a door

For some Alaskans, getting vaccinated is a simple choice. For others, like this Anchorage pastor, it’s complicated.

William Tauanu’u knows the danger of COVID-19 and believes the vaccine is effective. But he’s also concerned by reports from friends and family about side effects of the COVID vaccine, which has led him to cancel three appointments to get the shot.

Hubbard Glacier threatening salmon spawning in Situk River

One of Southeast Alaska’s few advancing glaciers continues to threaten the river that produces most of Yakutat’s salmon. The Hubbard Glacier came within a...
a hospital

Juneau’s hospital gets $4M from feds to improve emergency department

The project will expand and renovate the south side of Bartlett Regional Hospital's emergency department with ventilation and electrical upgrades.

Dunleavy’s Fish and Game nominee vows tough stance against federal agencies

The governor’s pick to lead the Alaska Department of Fish and Game told lawmakers he’d push back against federal agencies that interfere with Alaskans’ right to hunt and fish.
a family

Alaska Wildlife Troopers dedicate patrol vessel to former Unalaska trooper

The P/V Arduser is named after retired Trooper Alex Arduser, who died one year ago while on a hunting trip in Prince William Sound.

Comparing Gubernatorial Candidates’ Oil Tax Strategies

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Oil taxes may be the defining issue in the Democratic primary race for Alaska governor.  Former State Representative Ethan...

Disapproval Resolution Rejected

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC On Thursday, the US Senate rejected Senator Lisa Murkowski’s bid to curb the Environmental Protection Agency’s power.  Her “disapproval...

Strange Orange Robots Sail Into Dutch Harbor… Just What Are They Up To?

Aquatic robots have been spotted in the Aleutian Islands. Two ocean-going drones were seen sailing into Dutch Harbor Monday night with no one on board. Just what are these orange robots doing out there--and should we be alarmed? Download Audio
whales breach near a boat

Sitka-based tour company is asking visitors to consider the cost of their emissions

Allen Marine Tours is one of the first tour companies in the region to adopt a carbon offset program.

Kuskokwim River Flooding Upriver Villages; Red Devil Nearly Evacuated

Breakup on the Kuskokwim River is also flooding some upriver villages. Red Devil was nearly evacuated this weekend before water levels there began to...

Anchorage’s early snow unofficial but pleasing to zoo’s polar bears, otters

Snow blanketed parts of Alaska’s largest city Tuesday morning, as Anchorage saw an early, though unofficial, first snowfall of the season. It's technically unofficial because none was reported at the National Weather Service’s official measuring spot on the city’s west side.

Juneau businesses find themselves in alcohol license limbo as legislators work to change laws

Businesses in Juneau and across Alaska have been surprised to find their alcohol license renewals denied by the state recently. A new bill could solve the issue, but legislators say more reforms are necessary to overhaul Alaska’s alcohol laws.

Gas Pipeline Up Before US Senate Committee

Provisions that would help finance an Alaska natural gas pipeline are in the US Senate energy bill being hammered out this month. Senator Lisa...

No oil companies oppose bonds for tax credits, commissioner says

State payments for the credits slowed as oil prices fell. But companies have said the delayed payments have hurt development. Listen now
A cruise ship next to a forested hill

CDC says Florida lawsuit imperils summer cruises to Alaska

If Florida wins an injunction blocking the CDC order, it would “end cruising in Alaska for the season,” lawyers for the agency say because the bill pushed by Alaska’s Republican congressional delegation hinges on the CDC order being in effect.