Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Campaign to recall GOP Gov. Dunleavy can go on the ballot, Alaska Supreme Court rules

The decision by the five justices, with a partial dissent by Justice Craig Stowers, was announced in a two-page order Friday afternoon.

Murkowski Declares Victory, Miller Seeking Preliminary Injunction

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Lisa Murkowski trumped naysayers yesterday by claiming victory in her U.S. Senate race against Republican Party candidate Joe Miller. ...

Murkowski at odds with Trump’s call to end NEA funding

President Trump’s budget calls for ending funding for the National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA has been a frequent target of Republicans, but U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski supports the endowment, and Tuesday she won an award for it. Listen now
A white man gestures at a podium

No new mandates: Gov. Dunleavy will continue to rely on voluntary measures in response to COVID-19

More than 20% of the 1,539 Alaskan cases have been announced in the last five days.

With rain in the forecast, Ketchikan switches back to hydroelectric power

The second half of October brought enough rain for Ketchikan’s electric utility to switch off its diesel generators.
a man poses for a portrait in a city area

Former Anchorage chief equity officer is suing the Bronson administration for wrongful termination

In a legal complaint filed Tuesday, Clifford Armstrong alleges that Mayor Bronson fired him in a manner that went against municipal code.

Alaska Airlines and Mechanics Union Reach Tentative Agreement

Alaska Airlines and the carriers aircraft maintenance mechanics union along with related employees have reached a tentative agreement on a new, five-year contract, according to the Seattle Times. The over 600 union members still must ratify the agreement. That vote's expected next month.

Holiday cold snap breaks records, may save Northwest Alaska snowmachine races

Rick Thoman, a climatologist with the International Arctic Research Center in Fairbanks, says it’s a dramatic drop from this winter’s balmy start, but this is a normal weather pattern for this time of year.
a man in a tie stands in a meeting room

Alaska legislator, member of Oath Keepers, faces lawsuit challenging his eligibility for office

Members of the Oath Keepers, including the group’s founder, have been accused of crimes linked to the Jan. 6 riots.
a red haired woman in a purple hat

Anchorage woman seeks justice for boyfriend killed outside their home

Brad Robert’s death was the 24th homicide in Anchorage this year.

An Alaskan couple looks back at romance and upheaval in the wilderness

During the 1970s, a small number of tough-minded young people moved into what is now the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve. They built cabins, trapped, fished, hunted and raised sled-dogs — living a version of the Alaskan dream that would soon become a thing of the past. The third section of John McPhee’s book, “Coming into the Country,” profiles many of these people, living a life only the Alaskan frontier could offer. Listen now

State works to interpret its newest oil tax credit overhaul

The state's tax division aims to have its interpretation of the newest oil and gas tax credit bill out by January. Listen now

Pipeline reopens after overnight shutdown

The trans-Alaska oil pipeline has reopened after an overnightshutdown and tankers began taking on oil at the Valdez tanker dock after the weather calmed...

Senate Candidates Try to Gain Last-Minute Vote

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks and Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Candidates are making their final rounds Monday as Alaska’s U.S. Senate race...

Program providing housing, life skills helps youth succeed

Research shows that kids who age out of the foster care system are less likely to finish high school, find jobs, or go to college. But one organization in Anchorage is trying to change the outcome for former foster kids and other young adults who need to learn the skills to live independently. Download Audio

Ferry supporters rally as DOT ponies up $250,000 for privatization study

This comes as the Dunleavy administration decided to offer more time — and a lot more money — for a new study to recommend ways to reduce or eliminate the state’s subsidy for the Alaska Marine Highway System.

Escaped Prisoner Recaptured in Wasilla

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage School children in the Matanuska Susitna Borough were kept indoors Wednesday after a prisoner escaped from the Mat-Su...

It’s official: Alaska won’t see any large cruise ships this year

Carnival and Royal Caribbean already announced that they wouldn't be sailing to Alaska.
A white man in a blue zipper jacket sits at a table and speaks

Gov. Dunleavy extends Alaska’s emergency declaration, health officials want him to do more

Congressional leaders feared the governor's declaration could be challenged in court.

Board of Game Gives Community Hunt the Green Light

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Alaska’s game board has given the green light to a community hunt plan to start in 2011, despite grumblings...