Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Tier Two subsistence harvest regulations upheld by Supreme Court

The Alaska Supreme Court today upheld the 2003 changes to the state's Tier Two subsistence harvest regulations. Tier Two restrictions go into effect when...

Defense rested today, closing arguments tomorrow in Anderson corruption trial

The corruption trial of former lawmaker Tom Anderson is close to wrapping up. Closing arguments will be heard tomorrow morning after a quick ending...

Ted Stevens receives moral support amidst VECO investigation

Alaska Senator Ted Stevens says he has received "overwhelming support" in the face of an FBI investigation into his relationship with recently indicted VECO...

NTSB finds small cruise ship safety problems; recommends inspections

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued urgent recommendations today in the wake of the wreck of the Empress of the North. The agency...

Prosecution rests in Anderson corruption trial

The prosecution rested yesterday in the corruption trial of former state Representative Tom Anderson. It could go to the jury by the end of...

Alaska DNR green lights cyanide facility outside Fairbanks

The state Department of Natural Resources has issued permits that will allow construction of a large-scale cyanide facility for the Fort Knox Gold Mine. Associated...

Yukon king salmon run may be too small for upriver subsistence

King salmon is a primary subsistence resource for residents along the Yukon River. And now many subsistence fishermen on the middle and upper part...

Mount Marathon women's victory goes to Cedar Bourgeois

A Seward woman has won the Mount Marathon title for the 4th year in a row. 31-year-old Cedar Bourgeois finished the women's race in...

Palin publishes natural gas pipeline project invitation

The state has invited anyone interested in developing a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to Canadian and Lower 48 markets to send...

Bobrick takes the stand, describes web site front for Anderson payments

The Tom Anderson legislative corruption trial kept moving today as former lobbyist Bill Bobrick took the stand and answered questions about alleged payments to...

Canadian arctic ponds disappearing

A new study shows arctic ponds that have existed for thousands of years in Northern Canada are drying up. Biologist John Smol, from Queens...

Prosecutors lay out core of corruption case against Anderson

Today was probably the most important day for the government's corruption case against former state Representative Tom Anderson. Two witnesses prosecutors are counting on...

Senator proposes close observation of Massachusetts health care program

The state of Massachusetts yesterday began rolling out its universal health care system -- a mandate that everyone in the state have some form...

Department of Labor employees in Juneau file health grievance against State

Roof repairs are under way to stop leaks and mold at the Department of Labor and Workforce Development's building in downtown Juneau. But building...

Governor Palin axes $226 million from statewide capital budget

Governor Palin put the brakes on state spending today. With vetoes of more than 40% of the state's share of the capital projects budget...

Reactions to budget vetoes immediate, statewide, strong and mixed

Virtually every corner of the state will be feeling the impact of Governor Palin's capitol budget vetoes. Among the hardest hit was the city...

News Alert: Palin cuts capital budget by $226 million

Governor Sarah Palin today put the brakes on state spending. She vetoed more than 40% percent of the state's portion of the capital projects...

Governor Palin set to announce capital expenditure choices for fiscal 2008

Governor Palin is expected tomorrow to take action on the operating and capital budgets that came out of this year's legislature. And she will...

Anderson corruption trial delves into secret recordings and alleged under-the-table deals

The bribery and corruption trial of former state representative Tom Anderson plunged right into the critical evidence today as prosecutors began playing secretly recorded...

Alaska climate change may require $3 to $6 billion in public infrastructure by 2030

The University of Alaska Anchorage Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) released a report today that for the first time calculates the future...