Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

pillars and dome of u.s. capitol

Budget bill in Congress could derail ANWR drilling

House Democrats want to use the budget to reverse the 2017 law opening the Arctic Refuge.

In feud over PFD, Alaska Legislature grinds to a halt when Republican lawmakers refuse to show up

The Alaska House of Representatives couldn’t conduct any business Wednesday when minority-caucus Republicans refused to attend a floor session. The mostly Democratic House majority didn’t have enough members present to reach a quorum. 

Native Corporations ask to start looking for oil in ANWR

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation have submitted a 3-D seismic exploration plan for the Coastal Plain, or the 1002 area. Listen now

Walker, House Dems aim to put climate policy back on the table

Climate change has always been a sticky issue for Alaska policymakers. In a state that sits on the front lines of global warming but remains deeply dependent on oil, it sometimes seems like the easiest option is just not talking about it at all. Listen now
A white man with a suit and red tie

Alaska Gov. Dunleavy’s administration says it’s ensuring “ethical transition” of chief of staff to ConocoPhillips job

Ben Stevens’ last day in the governor’s office was Friday, Feb. 26, and he started work as vice president of external affairs and transportation at ConocoPhillips the following Monday.
A blue building with a water tower that says 'palmer'

Mat-Su had a large number of excess deaths last year, raising questions about COVID-19 reporting

The Mat-Su Borough had the country’s lowest number of reported COVID-19 deaths compared to the number of people who died in the borough beyond what would normally be expected, according to recently published analysis.

Army wounded being treated at Elmendorf

Wounded Iraq war Army personnel based at Fort Richardson are receiving care at the Elmendorf Air Force Base hospital so they can be close...

Murkowski Maintaining Support for Nuclear Energy

Photo and Story by Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is not backing down on her support of nuclear...
a hike in a rainjacket, wet from the rain

They logged on to watch the famous fat brown bears. They saved a hiker’s life instead.

A hiker wandered into view of a Katmai National Park bear camera last week, mouthing the words "help me."

Alaska statehood pioneer dies

Thomas Stewart was secretary of the Alaska Constitutional Convention.  He passed away last night at a Juneau hospital from complications of pneumonia. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO...

Australian Company to Explore “Deep Coal” in Alaska

An Australian Company wants to explore deep coal resources in Alaska. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the proposal is aimed at coal too far underground to mine.

Mental Health Trust leadership change official

Though many community members and advisory members expressed concern, the change in leadership at the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority was made official on Thursday.

Stevens trial opens with jury selection and more than 200 listed witnesses

Powerful lawmakers and prominent Alaskans are on the list of more than 200 potential witnesses in the federal trial of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens....

COVID-19 cases in Anchorage move school district into all-online learning

The average number of cases is now above 30 cases over the last 14 days.

‘I can’t just be quiet right now’: Murkowski says Trump needs to resign

Sen. Lisa Murkowski says President Trump incited the violence at the Capitol and is too angry about losing the election to govern.

Army Troops Cope In The Cage

109 members of the military gather at JBER for two days of unsanctioned fighting.

Investigators Able to Move Most Wreckage from Meklung Hills

Adam Kane, KDLG – Dillingham The National Transportation Safety Board is continuing its investigation into the crash that killed Senator Stevens and four others...
A teacher in a gray sweater leans over to assist a student wearing a black shirt in an elementary school classroom.

Anchorage school communities grapple with potential closures

Birchwood ABC is one of Anchorage School District's top performing schools, but it's also one of six schools the district may close due to a budget deficit.

Redoubt keeping Alaskans in suspense

Mt. Redoubt volcano seems determined to keep Alaskans gripped in suspense. Alaska Volcano Observatory geologist Tina Neal says Redoubt remains in a heightened state...

ANWR may get new environmental protections in newly-Democratic DC

A renewed effort to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) from development is being met with excitement from environmental groups who hope they...