Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Soldier guilty of planting evidence, but not murder

A military panel has found a Fort Richardson soldier not guilty of two counts of murdering unarmed Iraqis. Specialist Jorge Sandoval was acquitted of...

Big crab harvest expected in Bristol Bay this winter

State regulators are planning for a booming winter season in the Bering Sea this year, with harvest levels for red king crab set higher...

VPSO shortage vexing villages

Alaska's Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) Senate Task Force heard sobering testimony this week at the Bering Strait Regional Conference in Nome about the...

Alaska Native leaders working with Census to get better 2010 numbers

The director of the Census Bureau heard from Alaska Native leaders about some of the problems from past census counts identified by Native people....

Violence against Alaska Native women attracts U.S. Senate attention

An advocate for Alaska Native women who've been sexually assaulted appeared today before the U.S. Senate Indian Affairs Committee as it tackles the high...

Water restrictions proposed in Alaska House could stop Pebble Mine

The second round of legislative hearings for House Bill 134 was held in Naknek yesterday. Almost 30 people from around Bristol Bay Borough and...

Wade will remain in jail awaiting fraud trial; remains "person of interest"

This morning a U.S. District Judge in Anchorage moved Joshua Wade's trial for bank fraud from November to January. Wade is also "a person...

Mat-Su voters considering land use implications of Prop 1

Mat-Su Borough voters will be weighing the pros and cons of the Private Property Protection Act when they head to the polls next Tuesday,...

Kott found guilty on 3 of 4 counts; sentencing in December

Former state legislator Pete Kott has been found guilty of taking bribes from former VECO executives Bill Allen and Rick Smith. He was also...

Legislators call for investigation of VECO campaign activities

Two state Democratic lawmakers sent a letter today to Attorney General Talis Colberg and Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) director Brooke Miles, saying the...

MacArthur 'Genius Grant' awarded to Alutiiq Museum director

The 2007 MacArthur Foundation Fellowships were announced today. The awards -- which include a five-year grant totaling $500,000 -- are sometimes referred to as...

Kott: Guilty of conspiracy, bribery and extortion

Former Alaska lawmaker Pete Kott was found guilty on three counts this afternoon: conspiracy, bribery and extortion. He was found not guilty of the...

Jury takes on Kott corruption case

A jury of 12 Alaskans is deliberating the fate of former state legislator Pete Kott. They got the case a little after noon today,...

Senate passes seemingly veto-proof $20 billion water projects bill

The U.S. Senate today gave final congressional approval to a long-delayed bill authorizing federally-funded water projects around the country. The question now is whether...

Proposed Gravina Island bridge going nowhere

Governor Palin announced today that the state is abandoning plans to construct the Gravina bridge. One of the two infamous "bridges to nowhere" that...

Kott defense wraps case, closing statements next

The defense rested its case this morning in the federal corruption trial of former legislator Pete Kott. David Shurtleff and Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage

Sealaska may acquire part of Tongass and cultural sites

Southeast Alaska's regional Native corporation could acquire more federal land under a bill introduced by Congressman Don Young. Sealaska hopes to select second-growth timberland...

Prosecutors cross-examine Kott on the stand

Former legislator Pete Kott completed his testimony this afternoon in Anchorage federal court. He was called as a witness in his own corruption trial...

AP: Ted Stevens secretly taped in call with Bill Allen

Two sources say the FBI was working with former VECO Chief Bill Allen when it secretly taped phone calls between Allen and Senator Ted...

Allegations of Pebble Mine payola met with backlash

Three Alaska Native Corporations want Fairbanks Republican Jay Ramras to retract comments he made concerning the public opinion fight over the Pebble Mine in...