Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Russian Orthodox Bishop Nikolai ordered to take leave of absence

National leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church are ordering Alaska Bishop Nikolai Soraich to take a leave of absence, and say they will investigate...

Fairbanks Roman Catholic Diocese files for bankruptcy

The Diocese is facing 130 civil suits filed by Alaska natives who allege sexual abuse by priests, and other church employees, beginning in the...

We're waiting at the river — who will we see first?

Warm temperatures slowed the leaders in the Iditarod as they came through Cripple and headed toward the Yukon River and Ruby overnight. Lance Mackey...

North Pacific Right Whale gets further federal protection

The North Pacific right whale is now a unique species in the eyes of the law. The right whale has been on the endangered...

Palin baby due in May

The Palin family is growing some more. Governor Palin late yesterday announced that she is seven months pregnant. The announcement was a complete surprise...

Iditarod leaders into Cripple – DeeDee surprised to be first

On the Iditarod trail, DeeDee Jonrowe was the first into the Cripple checkpoint at 6:22 a.m. She was followed in rapid succession by Paul...

Iditarod frontrunner status scrambled on way to Cripple

It looks like a fast trail to Cripple. A pack of mushers led by Paul Gebhart took off for there yesterday afternoon. We're not...

Governor Palin pregnant

News came out late today that Alaska's governor, Sarah Palin, is pregnant with her fifth child. You can follow the developments via Google News...

Alaska Senate set to sock away billions for rainy day

The State Senate today passed a supplemental budget that increases the current fiscal year's spending. While its normal purpose is to cover unforeseen expenses...

Steller sea lion numbers improving in southeast, declining in Aleutians

The National Marine Fisheries Service has issued its final recovery plan for Alaska's long-troubled population of Steller sea lions and it includes good news...

Governor Murkowski's chief of staff Jim Clark pleads guilty to fraud

Jim Clark pleaded guilty today in U-S District Court in Anchorage to charges of federal Mail and Wire Fraud. Clark was former governor Frank...

Clark apologizes for unethical actions

Clark told APRN today that an apology goes along with his guilty plea. He said he knows that what he did was inconsistent with...

Homeland Defense Secretary Chertoff plans trip to Alaska's arctic

With climate change opening access to the Arctic Ocean, the Coast Guard is gearing up to increase its presence there. So Homeland Defense Secretary...

Reports say Jim Clark has agreed to plead guilty to fraud

The Anchorage Daily News is reporting that former Governor Frank Murkowski's chief of staff Jim Clark has agreed to plead guilty to a felony...

Senate approves education funding formula

The Senate today had the final word on the legislature’s rewrite of the formula the state uses to pay for local school operations. They...

New federal grant for preserving Alaska Native languages

A National Science Foundation grant will help linguists work to preserve 11 Alaska Native languages over the next 3 years. Dr. Michael Krauss, Professor...

New scam threatens Alaska seniors

Alaskan seniors need to beware a telephone scam threatening to stop social security and medicare benefits if they don't supply personal banking information. Len Anderson,...

A glimpse into Supreme Court deliberations

Now that the Supreme Court has heard the Exxon Valdez punitive damages case, both sides will have to wait months for a decision.  But...

Clean water initiative under scrutiny in the courts

A State Superior Court judge in Fairbanks has ruled that one of the two clean water ballot initiatives slated for this year's election is...

Senator Stevens berates Transportation Department

Senator Ted Stevens gave top Transportation Department officials an earful today about the Bush Administration’s proposed cuts in aviation programs next year. Stevens was...