Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Statewide climate-change group meets in Anchorage

The Governor's Sub-Cabinet on Climate Change began its meetings today in Anchorage.  The group plans to pull together a strategy for dealing with Alaska's...

Legislators begin making plans for special session

The leaders in the House and Senate have begun making plans jointly for handling the work required of them during the special legislative session...

Polar bears officially a 'threatened' species

After months of delay and wrangling over what to do, the Bush Administration announced today that it's listing polar bears as 'threatened' under the...

Ted Stevens takes TSA to task

The head of the federal Transportation Security Administration got an earful from Ted Stevens at a US Senate Commerce Committee hearing today. Joel Southern, APRN...

Digital TV conversion looms for Alaskans

Alaskans haven't exactly been rushing to buy digital television equipment. TV stations in urban markets will discontinue analog broadcasts next February. But only 14,500...

Speaker Harris wants special session to consider energy cash for Alaskans

Alaska House Speaker John Harris is asking Governor Palin to expand the special legislative session next month to allow lawmakers time to develop a...

State launches $100 million home energy efficiency grant program

Alaskans facing high energy prices can take part in a state program going into effect this week to help lower fuel expenses. The Home...

Karleen Jackson, Alaska Commissioner of Health and Social Services resigns

Jackson has been with the department since 2003, when she became deputy HSS commissioner in the Murkowski administration.  She took over as commissioner in...

Vic Kohring sentenced to prison

Convicted former lawmaker Vic Kohring was sentenced to 3-and-a-half years in federal prison this morning. He was found guilty in November of bribery, conspiracy,...

Legislature wants to take special session to the people

The Special Session of the legislature the governor has called next month will have a new twist – it’s taking some of its deliberations...

Jake Metcalfe calls it quits

Democrat Jake Metcalfe has withdrawn his candidacy for the US House of Representatives. He made the announcement this afternoon. It comes after weeks of...

Governor's disaster cabinet calls for economic assistance for Juneau

Governor Palin’s Disaster Policy Cabinet is recommending the governor request an economic injury disaster declaration to help small businesses access low-interest loans during Juneau’s...

Stevens continues push for federal crack down on illegal fishing

At a U.S. Senate hearing today, Ted Stevens prodded the head of NOAA to put more effort into curbing illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU)...

Bethel under fire for possible Voting Rights Act violations

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Alaska is asking the U.S District Court to order the City of Bethel to provide effective oral...

Salcha area flood threat prompts Fairbanks to act

The Fairbanks North Star Borough has opened an Emergency Operations Center in response to flood danger in Salcha. Libby Casey, KUAC - Fairbanks

Planned seismic testing in Arctic waters under new legal challenge

Conservation organizations and Native groups filed a lawsuit today in federal district court in Anchorage against the federal government for issuing permits for seismic...

Polar bear research in progress while Endangered Species status under review

Click the image above for a larger copy and three more from USGS researcher Steven Amstrup. The Bush Administration has until May 15 to decide...

Alaska teachers union endorses Begich in run for U.S. Senate

The state's largest union announced this afternoon they will endorse U.S. Senate candidate Mark Begich. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Former Fairbanks mayor headed to prison

Former Fairbanks mayor Jim Hayes and his wife Chris were sentenced to prison today in federal court for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars....