Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Courts put temporary halt on Southeast halibut bag limit

A Washington DC federal judge has put a temporary stop to the one halibut a day bag limit imposed on the Southeast Alaska charter...

Special session gets ready to hit the road

Lawmakers have wrapped up the initial part of their consideration of the North Slope gasline project Governor Sarah Palin gave them at the start...

'Downstream' gas profits likely better for producers, worse for state

One of the major factors legislators have to overcome in deciding whether to approve a North Slope gas line supported by the Palin administration...

Will Bering Sea crab fishermen get emergency rationalization relief?

Bering Sea crab fishermen are looking for emergency relief from the Crab Rationalization program, but it's not what you might think. Casey Kelly, KMXT -...

California pilot dies in crash

Shaun Lunt in Alaska, 2007. More photos at Friday night at approximately 7:30 p.m. (ADT), Alaska State Troopers in Bethel were notified a Piper...

TransCanada-Alaska puts gas line case before the legislature

The Palin administration took its turn today before legislators considering whether to approve a license that will allow TransCanada to begin work developing a...

Fisheries managers want to balance pollock catch against salmon returns

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council, meeting in Kodiak today, narrowed down its options for reducing King salmon bycatch by the Bering Sea pollock...

Interview: Danish Ambassador Friis Arne Petersen

Pictured: Niels Junker Jacobsen, Economic Minister-Counselor for the Embassy of Denmark; Shelly James, trade specialist with the Alaska Office of International Trade; Friis Arne...

US House votes against continued payments to logging communities

A program that provides payments to rural counties and boroughs affected by reduced logging in national forests expires at the end of this month....

Legislators hear from an AGIA skeptic

The legislature heard today from their third and final consultant scheduled to make a presentation on the gas line legislation during the special session. Dave...

Halibut charter operators take the one-fish bag limit to court

The Charter Halibut Task Force this week filed a lawsuit in Washington, D.C. seeking a both temporary restraining order and a preliminary block of...

Rural Alaska utility co-op declares emergency over fuel prices

The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) is asking the state to consider an alternative to Governor Sarah Palin's energy relief plan. AVEC President Meera...

Special legislative session opens, focused on North Slope gas

Legislators opened a week of hearings at the capitol on a project to take natural gas from the North Slope to North American markets. Dave...

Palin's gas line plan in legislative minds on eve of special session

The legislature is gaveling into special session this evening to consider the Palin administration's proposal for a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope...

Murkowski and Stevens share concerns over climate change bill

As debate continues on the Lieberman-Warner climate change bill, Alaska senators Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski say they have serious concerns about the economic...

Climate bill advances in Senate; Murkowski and Stevens uncommitted, concerned

The U.S. Senate today voted to move ahead with debate on the bipartisan Lieberman-Warner climate change bill. It's aimed at reducing and capping human-caused...

Hydropower returns to Juneau; utility asking for cost recovery

Hydropower has been restored in Juneau. Alaska Electric Light and Power flipped the switch about 9:00 p.m. last night, putting the Snettisham facility back...

Western Alaska gas prices leap as summer barges arrive

The price of gas and heating oil is jumping up around Western Alaska as the first fuel deliveries of the season arrive. Gas prices...

Head of US Farm Service Agency visits Alaska

The head of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency is in Alaska for a first visit to see for herself the challenges...

MatSu Creamery beats the odds

It was a long shot, but today, the eagerly anticipated Matanuska Creamery became a reality. Federal and state dignitaries stood with Matanuska Valley dairy...