Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Palin Wants Changes on Spending Plan for Stimulus Funding

The Palin administration today (Tuesday) presented changes it wants in the way the legislature spends the federal economic stimulus money that the state can...

Juneau Mayor Offers Compromise Senate Candidate

Juneau’s mayor today (Monday) said he’s actively getting involved in trying to find a state senator for the capital city. Bruce Botelho released a...

Native Leaders Voice Concerns on Off Shore Drilling

Alaska Natives are uniting in asking Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to put a stop to oil and gas development off Alaska’s shores. A five...

Democrats Reject 2nd Candidate for Senate Seat B

Senate Democrats today (Friday) said they have rejected Joe Nelson, Governor Palin’s second choice to replace Kim Elton, who left his Senate seat to...

Party Officials Hope for Compromise on Seat B

An Alaska Native, 39-year-old Joe Nelson is admissions director at the University of Alaska Southeast and a member of the Sealaska Corporation Board of...

Board of Fisheries Appointee Faces Opposition

The confirmation of one of Governor Palin’s appointees to the Board of Fisheries is getting a lot of opposition from legislators and the public. Dave...

Governor Blames Democrats for Continued Senate Seat B Vacancy

Governor Palin is blaming delays in filling Juneau’s vacant Senate seat on Senate Democrats who must vote to confirm her latest appointment. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO...

Lawmakers question Palin’s Attorney General Pick

Wayne Anthony Ross today (Wednesday) had his first hearing before state lawmakers. He is Governor Sarah Palin’s pick for Attorney General. Ross reiterated his...

Restarting Drift River Oil Terminal Uncertain

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is holding a series of field hearings this month about the country’s offshore energy resources. He’ll be in Anchorage next...

Judge Scraps Stevens Conviction

Former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens leaves the E. Barrett Prettyman federal courthouse in Washington, D.C. Tuesday for what may be the last time. His...

Cowdery sentenced to 6 months home confinement

Former Alaska state senator John Cowdery has been sentenced to six months home confinement and fined $25,000 on federal bribery charges. Cowdery, a former...

Court continues to sort out irregularities in Stevens trial

The Justice Department got back on track in court today in the case of former Senator Ted Stevens. At their last court...

Senator Murkowski injured in ski accident

Senator Lisa Murkowski seriously injured her knee while skiing in Alaska Sunday.  She tore two ligaments and cartilage in her left knee, and is...

Exxon ‘Valdez’ Captain Hazelwood to Alaska: I’m sorry

Twenty years after the Exxon Valdez disaster, the ship's captain is apologizing to Alaska. In a new book -- The Spill: Personal Stories From...

Schnuelle first out of Rainy Pass in tight Iditarod leader pack

Two-time defending Iditarod champion Lance Mackey led the way into the Rainy Pass checkpoint at 11:34 this morning. Norwegian Bjornar Anderson followed more than...

Former Don Young aide indicted

A grand jury has indicted Fraser Verrusio, one of  Don Young's former congressional staffers, on corruption charges for taking a free trip to the...

Alaska Delegation takes aim and new bypass mail increase

Alaska’s Congressional Delegation is warning that the upcoming increase on postal rates will have devastating consequences in Rural Alaska.  Parcel post rates are going...

US Interior Secretary Salazar to visit Alaska in April

US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says he’ll visit Alaska next month, but only the state’s biggest city.  The Interior Department is holding hearings in...

Senate clears way for changes in Endangered Species Act

The Senate has cleared the way for the Obama Administration to reverse changes made to the Endangered Species Act under President Bush.  Today the...

Legislature reaches halfway point

The legislature today has passed the half-way mark of this year’s 90-day session.  So far, members have passed and sent to the governor one...