Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Former Attorney General Elected Mat-Su Mayor

Talis Colberg will serve as Matanuska Susitna Borough mayor, at least until October. Ellen Lockyer, APRN - Anchorage Download Audio (MP3)

US Senate Committee Takes Up Energy Bill

The US Senate Energy Committee tackled the oil and gas part of its massive energy bill in Washington today. Libby Casey, APRN - Washington DC Download...

Murkowski and Begich Allied on Pipeline

Outside the Energy Committee and across the aisle, US Senator Lisa Murkowski (R) has a supporter for her pipeline loan guarantee measures.  Alaska's Junior...

Gas Pipeline Up Before US Senate Committee

Provisions that would help finance an Alaska natural gas pipeline are in the US Senate energy bill being hammered out this month. Senator Lisa...

Mat-Su Borough Votes for Mayor Tuesday

Seven candidates are vying for the Matanuska-Susitina Borough mayor's seat. The outcome of Tuesday's election could hold long range implications for changes in the...

State Launches Next Steps for Gas Pipeline

The state is opening a one-year project to do the basic engineering studies that will set up the design leading to the eventual construction...

Unclear What Happens Next for Freed Lawmakers

Observers say its not yet clear what the next step will be in responding to yesterday's bombshell announcement that the U-S Justice Department wants...

Former Legislators to Be Released From Prison

Former state representatives Pete Kott and Vic Kohring are going to be released from prison.  The Attorney General has decided that prosecutors held back...

Kott Attorney Pleased with Decision

The attorney who represented Pete Kott at his trial said he was "ecstatic" when he heard about Attorney General Holder's decision. Steve Heimel, APRN -...

Legislators Want Time to Override Palin Veto of Stimulus Funds

Legislative leaders are requesting time to override Governor Sarah Palin's veto last month of $28 million in federal energy stimulus grants. ...

Energy Committee Focusing on Renewable Power

The Senate Energy Committee is working its way through a massive draft energy bill that focuses heavily on renewable power.  Tomorrow the committee will...

Congressional Leaders Reflect on China, Alaska Trip

Congressional leaders are reflecting on their recent trip to China - and a stopover in Anchorage where they heard about climate change from Alaska...

DOD Secretary Says US Ready for Any Korean Threat

North Korea is reportedly preparing an intercontinental missile for launch. The country has been blowing up explosives underground and launching short-range missiles for the...

Eagle Residents Working to Clean Up After Flooding

Eagle residents have started the long cleanup process after record ice jam flooding destroyed much of the Interior community this spring.  Large blocks of...

Study: Huge Amounts of Undiscovered Oil In Alaska Waters

The largest amount of undiscovered oil above the Arctic Circle is in Alaskan waters. That's according to a new study from the US Geological...

Obama Administration Wants Second Look at Timber Sales

The Obama Administration is taking a second look at new forest service timber sales in roadless areas. The new directive announced on Thursday requires...

Arctic Village Hosting Refuge Celebration

Arctic Village is hosting a celebration this weekend to mark two decades protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  The events, including a unique art...

State Officials Confirm First Case of Swine Flu

The State Virology lab is confirming the first case of H1N1 (swine) flu in Alaska. The patient is a middle age Fairbanks woman who...

Preliminary Flood Damage Estimates Emerging

Preliminary flood damage estimates are starting to come in. State Department of Emergency management spokesman Jeremy Zidek says a damage assessment team has run...

Roads Money Under Special Scrutiny

Stimulus money headed to tribes in Alaska through the Bureau of Indian Affairs roads program is under special scrutiny because of a recent report that...