Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Suit Filed to Prompt New Support for Seniors

Four people who believe they could qualify for state assistance under the state’s Seniors and Disabilities Services have filed what they hope...

Report Cites Potential Damage to Chuitna River

New reports just released indicate that Western Cook Inlet’s Chuitna River drainage salmon streams will be ruined if a proposed coal mining project is approved....

Juneau to Begin Testing Prep Players for Drugs

High school athletes in Juneau will be subjected to random drug tests beginning this fall. The plan mandates drug testing of athletes at...

Coast Guard Out in Force This Month

The U.S. Coast Guard has been out in force around Western Alaska this month, to assess both is capabilities and limitations amid warming...

Scientists Watching Retreating Sea Ice

As September approaches, scientists are guessing how far the Arctic Sea ice will retreat this year before it begins to freeze up again. ...

Anchorage Mayor Vetoes Gay Rights Ordinance

Mayor Dan Sullivan issued a written statement that he has vetoed the gay rights ordinance passed last week by the Anchorage Assembly. Len Anderson,...

State to Archive Official Emails on Personal Accounts

State employees are now required to let the state archive their personal email accounts if they use them for state business.  Under a...

Kensington Gets Permit for Tailings Facility

The Kensington Gold Mine just received its long-awaited permit to construct a mine tailings facility at Lower Slate Lake. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO –...

Alaska Waters Facing Troubles

Alaska's oceans are acidifying at a troubling rate. Water samples collected this spring from the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska show...

Pretrial Hearing Scheduled for Point Hope Eight

The eight Point Hope defendants charged with wasting caribou will have a pre-trial hearing on August 20th. State wildlife troopers say more than 100...

Judge Allows Private Emails for AK Officials

An Anchorage judge on Wednesday declined to put an immediate stop on the governor's office from conducting public business on private e-mail accounts.  A Superior...

Education Secretary Meets with Local Educators

Education Secretary Arne Duncan met with Anchorage school officials at a brief question and answer session on Tuesday in a gathering hosted by Cook...

HUD Secretary Announces Block Grants for Tribes

The early signs are that Alaska's Native tribal governments are going to get a significant boost from the Obama administration cabinet members visiting this...

Bethel Prepping for Obama Cabinet

Bethel is preparing for a visit from four Obama Administration cabinet Secretaries tomorrow. The delegation includes HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, Agriculture Secretary Tom...

Legislature Override’s Palin Veto; Confirms Campbell

The Legislature met in a special session on Monday in Anchorage and voted to override former Gov. Sarah Palin's veto of federal stimulus funds....

Lawmakers Balk At Additional Vetoes

Lawmakers turned down one further attempt to override the vetoes from last year's budget just a few minutes before adjournment. Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau Download...

Moratorium Lifted on Health Applications

The moratorium has been partially lifted on the state's authority to accept new applications for Personal Care Assistance through the US Department of...

Special Session Meets Monday

The Legislature has called itself into special session next Monday to take up two issues members can deal with in one day. Dave Donaldson, APRN...

Two Killed in Seward Highway Accident

Photo Provided by Alaska State Troopers Two people were killed and others sought treatment for injuries after a multiple vehicle accident on the Seward highway...

Alaska Senators Split on Sotomayor

Alaska's senators split their vote on Thursday sending Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. Senator Mark Begich (D) voted yes. Senator Lisa Murkowski...