Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Derelict Vessel Adrift in Southeast Waters

The Coast Guard is monitoring a derelict vessel in U.S. waters off Alaska's coast that washed out to sea during the tsunami that struck...

Lawmaker Predicts Uphill Battle For Oil Tax Bill

State House Speaker Mike Chenault says it's "very unlikely" an oil tax bill will pass before the legislative session's scheduled adjournment. That raises the potential...

GAO Raises Questions About Shell’s Arctic Drilling Plan

A new report from the Government Accountability Office - or GAO - raises questions about Shell's plan to drill exploratory wells in the Arctic...

Innovative Court Program Encourages Settlment in Divorce Cases

Divorce can lead to a messy and drawn-out legal battle. But in Anchorage, an innovative court program is helping divorcing couples settle their cases...

Polls Say Sullivan Leads Anchorage Mayoral Race, Prop 5 Could Be Close

It's election season in Anchorage and you can't drive around the city without seeing signs for incumbent Mayor Dan Sullivan and challenger Paul Honeman....

Plane Crash Kills Miner’s Son, Sleetmute Tribal Leader

Richard I Wilmarth crashed his father's airplane at Red Devil Friday evening and he and his passenger both died in the crash. The...

State Re-districting Board Revises Map to Comply with Voting Rights Act, Fairbanks District Still Stretched Out

The state Re-districting Board voted to approve a new map of legislative districts over the week-end. This is a revision of last week's...

EPA Appeals Board Lets Air Quality Permit for Chukchi Drilling Go Through, but New GAO Study Says Government Still Not Adequately Prepared for Arctic Offshore Spill

The air quality permits for Shell Oil's Chukchi Sea drilling plans have passed muster with an appeals board of the Environmental Protection Agency.  A...

Senate Finance Passes Scholarship Bill with Part of Fund Reserved for Needs-Based Assistance

The Governor will likely get a scholarship bill from the Senate, but not quite the one he wants. The Senate Finance Committee Friday approved...

Point Thomson Settlement Seen As Path to Gas Pipeline

Governor Sean Parnell today, (Friday) announced what is likely to be seen as a milestone in the development of North Slope Liquefied Natural Gas,...

Village Subsistence Fishermen Call for Bycatch Restrictions

Alaska villagers say it's time to crack down on the Pollock trawl fleet because it is intercepting too many salmon bound for their rivers. ...

Alaskan Dropped from FCC Board Amid Questions

An Alaskan appointed to a federal Communications Commission board, was dropped after a letter from Governor Sean Parnell's Chief of Staff asked for a...

Sitka Herring Fishery Goes on 2-hour Notice

Still no herring fishery in Sitka, where the fleet remained on two-hour notice for a fourth day Friday. More samples will be taken Saturday...

NPFMC Take No Action on Chum Bycatch

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council began taking public comment yesterday on measures to reduce the number of Chum Salmon caught incidentally by the...

Federal Highway Bill Gets Another Extension

Congress couldn't agree on re-authorizing the highway act.  It melted down in the House, which just couldn't agree to get behind efforts by House...

House Ethics Committee Extends Probe of Rep. Young

The House Ethics Committee is extending an investigation into possible violations by Rep. Don Young of Alaska. Today’s announcement was the first public confirmation that the ethics panel is probing into Young. The Congressman's office says the investigation centers around donations made to his legal defense fund and whether they exceed the legal limit.

Probe Into Stevens Prosecutors Reveals Concealment But Does Not Call For Charges

A special independent investigator who probed into misconduct by prosecutors in the case of the late Alaska Senator Ted Stevens says they should not face criminal charges. Despite that the investigator found widespread concealment of evidence that could have helped Stevens mount his defense.

Fort Yukon Man Receives Presidential Honor

Yesterday in Washington, D.C., Clarence Lee Alexander of Ft. Yukon received the Presidential Citizen's Medal from President Barrack Obama. Alexander was one of this year's 13 recipients nationwide.

Anchorage Municipality Withdraws Lawsuit over Knik Arm Crossing

Anchorage mayor withdraws lawsuit against Federal Highway Administration over Knik Arm Crossing project.

Alaska’s Senators Push Legislation to Protect Rural Post Offices

Alaska’s U.S. Senators are part of a congressional effort to stop the Postal Service from closing branches in rural areas.