Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

A postal worker carries a package out of his truck in the snow

From living rooms to landfills, some holiday shopping returns take a ‘very sad path’

It's peak season for returns, which are setting a new record. Some end up back on shelves or get resold to other merchants, and some wind up in landfills or sail overseas.
A school.

Kodiak borough schools switch to remote learning amid coronavirus spike

5% of the Kodiak Island Borough’s population is known to presently have COVID, using the data from the latest census in 2020.   
People wearing military camo gear in a room around desks

Fort Greely Missile Defense Base evacuated last week, but leaders won’t say why

North Korea test launched a missile the same day of the evacuation, but military officials wouldn't answer questions about whether that was the reason for the evacuation.
A wooden sign with stylized red and black ravens painted on it in a spruce forest

Winter storms stress Hydaburg Dam, imperiling Southeast Alaska city’s water supply

An eight-foot dam on Prince of Wales Island is at risk of failing. Officials said Thursday there’s minimal risk to life and property but a breach could knock out the city of Hydaburg’s water supply.
A barricade fence in front of a white greco building

Supreme Court blocks Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate for large private companies

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Biden administration's vaccine-or-test rule Thursday, declaring that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration had exceeded its...

After four special sessions, Alaska’s budget solutions remain elusive

As Lawmakers prepare for this year’s session, Alaska Public Media’s Adelyn Baxter looks back and reports that, despite the lengthy process, lawmakers didn’t make much progress in 2021.
A row of post boxes in a deep snow bank

Governor issues disaster declaration for storms in Southeast Alaska

That disaster declaration opens a pot of money for communities, federally recognized tribal organizations and some private nonprofits to apply for reimbursement for funds they spent combating the storms. 
A person's bear arms with an IV drip coming from the window

Omicron wave prompts rationing of COVID medications in Alaska

With fewer monoclonal antibody treatments available that work with the omicron variant, it's tough for Alaskans to find treatment if they find themselves sick with COVID-19.

Petersburg police officer fired after Nazi-themed social media post

The post appeared to be supportive of Adolph Hitler and Nazi Germany, but the former officer says it was a reference to a comedy film that was taken out of context.
A photo of a multi-story building.

Alaska Legislative Council seeks to fund per diems after Gov. Dunleavy veto

The payments to lawmakers from outside of Juneau supplement their salaries and cover their living expenses during the session. They receive $293 per day. 
A person stands in a library on a cell phone

Juneau elementary school closed indefinitely after damage from flooding

Teachers haven’t been back into Riverbend yet to fully catalog everything that’s been damaged. In the email, the school district said they’ll have to pack up their classrooms and move everything out of the way so that construction crews can come through. 
A gravel road next to a mountainside

Bridge proposed in Denali National Park to avoid landslide area

The National Park Service is proposing a large steel bridge along a section of the only road that runs through Denali National Park and Preserve. The road was closed last year near its halfway point due to a long-running landslide issue that has been exacerbated by climate change.
An old white man with white hair in a suit seen in profile in front of a blue projection that says "covid-19 response'

You’ll be able to order free at-home COVID test kits starting on Wednesday

Orders for up to four tests per household can be placed using a website, beginning on Jan. 19.

New Alaska smartphone feature allows for anonymous reporting of COVID exposure

The service COVID ENX was developed by Apple and Google to allow users to anonymously report that they’ve tested positive for COVID-19. 

Lawmakers hope for compromise and consensus as next Legislative session approaches | Alaska Insight

Long-term fiscal solutions for Alaska’s budget have been elusive so far, and political frustration is boiling over. State lawmakers are returning to Juneau for the regular legislative session starting next week.
A grayscale image of a large gray circle.

Volcanic eruption in Tonga leads to tsunami advisory in Alaska

tsunami advisory is in effect for much of coastal Alaska after an undersea volcano erupted near Tonga. 

An advisory means a dangerous wave is on the way according to the National Weather Service — the wave is expected to be between 1 to 3 feet.

A woman in a grey sweater and short reddish hair gestures in front of a white man at a desk

Why former Permanent Fund Corp. director believes firing was ‘political retribution’

The abrupt firing of Permanent Fund Corporation Director Angela Rodell in December surprised and concerned many Alaskans, including some lawmakers. Senate President Peter Micciche said this week that he was surprised by Rodell’s firing.
a gray sphere

The eruption near Tonga was so powerful you could hear it in Alaska

How did so many Alaskans hear a sound from so far away? The short answer is that this volcanic blast was so big it traveled thousands of miles.
Three men sit around one side of a large wood table

Alaska lawmakers grill Permanent Fund Corp. chair Richards over firing of executive director Rodell

On Monday, members of the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee met with the corporation’s board of trustees chair, Craig Richards, with the intent to better understand the decision. Richards maintained that Rodell was an at-will state employee but declined to give details about why she was fired. 
An aerial view of a cloud of smoke over an island.

NASA scientists estimate Tonga blast at 10 megatons

Researchers who have been studying the volcano since 2015 say it was likely caused by seawater flowing into a chamber filled with magma.