Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

woman at a microphone with an alaska flag behind her.

Alaska’s COVID case count keeps climbing

COVID was the 4th leading cause of death for Alaska in 2020.
A dog in a harness leaps up into the air

Yukon Quest organizations break up

The relationship between the Alaska and Canadian organizations which have run the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race since 1984 has fallen apart.
A front counter with signs about COVID-19

After four-week “reset,” Anchorage opens bars, restaurants to indoor dining

After a four week “reset,” in an attempt to curb the surge of COVID-19 cases, the Municipality of Anchorage is once again loosening restrictions on businesses.

Alaska’s pot cafes will give patrons a taste of cannabis

Alaska is about to become the first state to have pot cafes where people can buy and consume marijuana, similar to Amsterdam. Right now, that’s not legal in other states that have recreational marijuana. Download Audio

Low sockeye returns prompt commercial fishing closure on the Copper River

Fish and Game is planning to make an announcement Friday about whether the fishery will reopen as scheduled on Monday.

Cokie Roberts was a pioneer journalist — and she had an Alaska connection

NPR political correspondent Cokie Roberts died this week, and her passing has been a reminder, not just of Roberts' contributions to journalism, but also her connection to Alaska.
A mirrored building.

Anchorage Assembly overrides Bronson’s veto of the creation of a homelessness task force

The Assembly also overrode the mayor's veto of federal COVID-19 relief money.
Crooked Creek flooding

Crooked Creek struggles to rebuild after historic breakup flooding

Last month's 15-mile-long ice jam inundated homes, led to a significant loss of stored food and washed away critical fishing gear.

Helicopter crew, pregnant pilot deliver Aleutian Islands fishermen to safety

Two fishermen were rescued from their boat grounded off Unalga Island in the eastern Aleutians on Tuesday. A Coast Guard helicopter crew from Air Station Kodiak hoisted the men to safety about 1 pm. The two were flown to Dutch Harbor and did not require medical attention.

When homelessness is around the corner, even the helpers can become helpless

Dion Wynne was working full-time and preparing to open a therapeutic foster home. Then he fell ill and was hospitalized for over a month. Join him as he tries to save his home -- and his dreams.

Wind energy comes to Bethel

Bethel is getting wind energy. After half a decade of tests and feasibility studies, the city secured funding to build one wind turbine. The...

Revak stepping down as Peltola’s state director

Josh Revak is a former state legislator. Peltola drew some heat for picking a Republican to serve in a key spot.

Trump administration kicks off process for oil development in ANWR

The Department of Interior released a notice saying it will hold “no fewer than two” oil lease sales in a 1.6-million acre portion of the refuge, known as the 1002 area or the Coastal Plain. Listen now

Alaska’s top oil companies adjusting to low prices

The big three oil majors that operate in Alaska — BP, ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil Corp. — all released third quarter earnings results in the past week. Listen Now

Pilot identified in fatal Alaska Range crash

Four people are confirmed dead with a fifth unaccounted for and presumed dead after a crash in the Alaska Range on Saturday. It is the first fatal crash in the Alaska Range involving a commercial operator since 2003. Listen now

Kotzebue man sentenced to 99 years in death of 10-year-old Ashley Johnson-Barr

Peter Vance Wilson, 44, had earlier pleaded guilty to charges of murder and sexual abuse of 10-year-old Ashley Johnson-Barr.
High waters surround buildings

Residents take stock of damage as floodwaters recede in Manley Hot Springs

As of Sunday, the community’s power, phone lines and cell service were still down. 
A white man in a gray suit gestures in front of a microphone

Dunleavy says returning to disaster declaration jeopardizes tourism

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy sent a letter to all legislators on Wednesday saying the state should not return to having a disaster declaration because it would lead travelers to assume that the COVID-19 situation in the state is worsening.
plants grow in an indoor warehouse

Juneau police end policy of flagging flying weed

A change in policy by Juneau police means licensed marijuana producers should now be able to fly their product out of Juneau on commercial airlines. Until recently commercial cannabis was allowed to fly in but not out of Juneau International Airport. Listen now

Alaska communities must adapt as climate change transforms state, federal report says

Declining sea ice, thinning snowpack, thawing permafrost and other climate-driven changes are threatening Alaskans statewide, the report says.