Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

On A Mission In Australia, News of Army Cuts Trickles in Via Family, Social Media

The Army will be cutting thousands of positions from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, with the majority expected to come from the 4-25th Airborne Brigade. This week hundreds of troops from that unit are currently in Australia on a training mission. Many of the soldiers heard about the cuts for the first time from family or on social media. Download Audio:

Off Their Rockers At Juneau’s Senior Prom

Every year, the senior citizens living at the Juneau Pioneer Home throw a "senior prom."

Nakeen Homepack: Processing Salmon With A Little TLC

Many fishermen in Bristol Bay dream of packing and selling their own fish, but challenges. One four-year-old startup in Naknek shows how those challenges can be overcome with some grit, humor, and attention to detail. Download Audio

A Pilgrimage To Minidoka: ‘We Can See The Memories Slipping Away’

Living witnesses to the forced relocation of West Coast Japanese-Americans during World War II are growing fewer every year. Many who were incarcerated are in their 80s and 90s now. Download Audio:

IG Finds Service to Veterans Lacking at VA clinic in Mat-Su

The Inspector General for Veterans Affairs has verified a host of problems at the VA’s Mat-Su outpatient clinic.

Shell Finds Fracture in Hull of Icebreaker

An icebreaker leased to Shell sprang a leak and had to return to Dutch Harbor early Friday morning. The MV Fennica carries the company’s capping stack -- a critical piece of safety equipment for Shell’s plan to drill two wells this summer in the Chukchi Sea. Download Audio:

Caribou Emigrate From Adak; Feds Struggle to Stop the Spread

Every summer, a team of federal exterminators set up shop in the southwest corners of the state. Their job is to root out non-native animals that might disturb the Alaska Maritime wildlife refuge. Besides the usual rats and foxes, the refuge managers decided to target a new pest this season. Download Audio

Computer Models Aid Firefighters

The wildfires around Nulato and Ruby on the Yukon River have been burning slowly but steadily this week. The Nulato Fire has covered more than 26 thousand acres, while a series of fires around Ruby have burned close to 65 thousand acres.

Sunshine affects Ketchikan’s tourism industry

Ketchikan’s summer tourism season is well underway. Record low rainfall in May and warmer-than-usual temperatures had a lot OF tourists smiling. But in a place known for rain, is sunshine bad for business?

Marriage equality and mourning: Mildred Boesser fought till the end

When the Supreme Court legalized same sex marriage nationwide last week, President Obama called the ruling “a consequence of the countless small acts of courage of millions of people across decades who stood up.” Mildred Boesser stood 5 feet tall, and she was one of those people. On the day of the ruling, Boesser was on her deathbed at home in Juneau, surrounded by family. Download Audio

Flying Karamazovs and friends bring Chautauqua spirit to Juneau

When the New Old Time Chautauqua marched into a TEDx talk in Seattle in 2012, there were jugglers, marching band musicians with mismatched uniforms, a saxophonist with a fez and a mustachioed ringmaster in a kilt. Now, the motley troupe of almost 60 performers and educators is in Juneau for three days of workshops, shows and activities that start Thursday. Download Audio

In Petersburg, Childcare Shortage Leaves Parents Hanging

There is not enough child care in Petersburg. One of the preschools, the Petersburg Children’s Center, has a waiting list of 45 kids. A planned expansion could help drop that number. Download Audio

AK: The journey to Bristol Bay’s fishing grounds

Every year dozens of boats travel back to Bristol Bay. Some ride on tenders or cargo ships, and some steam themselves around False Pass, a journey of more than 1000 miles that can be treacherous. But about 60 boats, most from Homer and Kodiak, take a different route across the Chigmit Mountains on the Alaska Peninsula. KDLG's Molly Dischner tagged along with a captain and crew bringing their 32-foot drift boat back to the Bay after a winter of maintenance in Homer. Download Audio

Sparc! Gives Artists A Way to Communicate When They May Otherwise Be Silent

Sparc! studio blends in with the line of shops and galleries in downtown Anchorage, but behind the displays of vivid paintings and sculptures, artists are learning more than just creative expression.

Partial Evacuations Underway in Aniak and Chuathbaluk

The latest figures show 21 new fires were logged in Alaska yesterday. That brings the total to nearly 300, which are burning almost 945 square miles. Fires are growing quickly in the middle Kuskokwim. Download Audio

Historic Juneau park becomes an oasis for Alaska artists

Constance Baltuck is the first artist of a pilot program at the Ernest Gruening Cabin run by Alaska State Parks. Download Audio

Searching for Sheep in Denali

Dall Sheep played and important role in the creation of Denali National Park. That doesn't necessarily mean they're always easy to find. Each year, the National Park Service conducts ground-based and aerial surveys to identify sheep population trends in an effort to ensure effective management within the national park.

Sen. Sullivan: VA Must Own Up to Alaska ‘Crisis’

A new Veterans Affairs program aimed at reducing long wait times for health care has had the opposite effect for scores of Alaska vets. At a congressional hearing today, Sen. Dan Sullivan said the Choice program is undermining older systems that helped Alaskans use their VA benefits to get treatment outside the VA. Download Audio

Enviros: Shell’s Arctic Plan Violates Walrus Rule

Environmental groups say they’ve found a fundamental flaw in Shell’s plan to drill in the Chukchi Sea this summer. They say Shell’s plan to use two drill rigs at once violates a 2013 Fish and Wildlife regulation aimed at protecting walruses. Listen now:

Innovative Summer School Class Helps Students Succeed, Together

What happens when you throw a mix of middle school kids who all learn at different levels into one class then hand them a couple of college-level texts? An innovative, collaborative approach to teaching that gets students to pay attention. Listen now: