Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Psychiatric Hospital for Military Opens Amid VA Funding SNAFU

The Chris Kyle Patriots Hospital in Anchorage opens as healthcare systems serving Alaska's military are struggling to meet demand.

Alaska Senators No Fans of Iran Deal

The Obama administration faced a tough crowd this morning as it defended its nuclear agreement with Iran in Congress. Both of Alaska’s senators are among the chorus of lawmakers who say the deal is bad for the U.S. Download Audio

Conservationists Declare Victory in Court’s Tongass Road Ruling

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a 2003 exemption today that would have made it possible to build roads through the Tongass National Forest. Download Audio

On Love, Adoption and Raising 3 Kids With FASD

Not many people wish to raise a child with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or FASD. Diane Lohrey is no different. But when she and her husband adopted three children, all later diagnosed with an FASD, they accepted the hardships and the rewards. Download Audio

Matanuska River Erosion Continues To Threaten Sutton Homes

The dramatic surge of the Matanuska River during the past few days has pushed families from some homes and is continuing to threaten others. Download Audio

As Subsistence Foods Become Scarce, Kivalina Celebrates A New Store

It's been a festive day in the northwest Arctic community of Kivalina today as residents celebrate the grand opening of a new store. It's an end to eight months of struggle with limited supplies after Kivalina's store burned to the ground last December. Download Audio

Watzituya: Naknek’s One-Stop Shop for Nets, Coffee, Counseling

At the Watzituya net shop, Bristol Bay fishermen find a warm cup of joe and a welcoming ear. Download Audio

VA Secretary to Visit 49th State

Alaska can expect another high-level Washington visitor next month. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert McDonald, plans to come to the state for several days starting Aug. 11.

Berkowitz Transition Report Draws on Community, Corporate Solutions Alike

The Berkowitz Administration released an ambitious set of policy aims for Anchorage over the next three years, many representing a dramatic departure from the last administration's approach to the same problems. Download Audio

Forgiving Without Forgetting: A Tlingit Village Up in Smoke

In 1962, the Douglas Indian Village was set ablaze to make way for a new harbor. This month marks 53 years since the city displaced households of Tlingit T’aaku Kwáan families. Little to no restitution has ever been offered. Download Audio

Young Votes Yes, Meant No, on Bill Gutting GMO Labeling Laws

The U.S. House today passed a bill to gut state labeling laws for GMO foods. Alaska Congressman Don Young voted for the bill, which he says he did by mistake. Download Audio

Anchorage To ‘Revisit’ Knik Arm Bridge

AMATS adopts a resolution noting financial, environmental, and community concerns that could see project cut from transportation spending. Download Audio

With Ever-Changing Restrictions, 2015 Marks a Summer of Flexibility on the Kuskokwim

Subsistence fishing is open indefinitely on the Kuskokwim River. But that hasn’t been the norm this summer, as the river underwent two management regimes —state and federal—and strict closures for two species. Lower river fishermen are adjusting to the new reality of Kuskokwim subsistence—where conservative management is now the status quo. Download Audio

Haines climbers likely first women to summit Cathedral Peaks

Haines residents Jenn Walsh and Jessica Kayser Forster are likely the first women to summit the 6,400-foot Mount Emmerich in the Chilkat Valley, also known as Cathedral Peaks. Download Audio

Two Alaska Lodges Make National Geographic’s ‘Most Unique in the World’ List

Two remote Alaska lodges have been given an international nod with a listing from National Geographic as some of the most unique in the world.

Record Numbers Turn Out to Testify Against Anchorage Mega-Projects

AMATS takesk hours of public testimony from dozens of Anchorage residents opposed to the proposed Bragaw Extension and the Knik Arm Bridge. Download Audio

As Chinook Cross into Canada, Fall Chum Begin Running on the Yukon

The chinook have reached Canada, and Alaska Fish and Game biologists say they’ve now met nearly all escapement goals along the Yukon and are confident they’ll see enough of the prized king salmon cross the border. Download Audio

Kenai Sockeye Arrive, Tardy But Intact

The late and hopefully-still-great run of sockeye might finally be making its way to the Kenai River.

Explosion Shakes Aleutians’ Cleveland Volcano

An explosion shook Cleveland Volcano in the east-central Aleutian Islands at 8:17 a.m. local time Tuesday. It's the volcano's first explosion since November. Download Audio

No second king opening for Southeast trollers

After just eight days in early July, the summer king salmon season for Southeast trollers is over. The Alaska Department of Fish & Game announced Friday that there will be no second king opening in August. It will be only the third summer in 15 years without an August opening. Download Audio