Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

A white man in a black robe on a fence

Winfree selected to be first Alaska-born chief justice of state Supreme Court

Daniel Winfree was selected unanimously on Wednesday as the chief justice of the Alaska Supreme Court.
A sunset over a watery lanscape

Interior drops Trump proposal easing rules for Arctic offshore drilling

A statement from the department said existing regulations released in 2016 remain in effect and “are critical to ensuring adequate safety and environmental protections for this sensitive ecosystem and Alaska Native subsistence activities.”
An Alaska native teen with a black mask getting vaccinated

Alaskans ages 12 to 15 could get COVID-19 vaccine as early as Wednesday

The federal Food and Drug Administration on Monday authorized use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for the age group. Now, the state is waiting for approval from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before it starts vaccinating children ages 12 to 15.
Four people stand in front of a sign that says open door baptist

How a troubled Anchorage strip club transformed into Baptist church

The team that turned Fantasies on 5th into Open Door Baptist say the coincidences that allowed them to create a Baptist church at the site during a global pandemic were serendipitous.
Two white men pictureed side by side

Signs of strong turnout for Tuesday’s hotly-contested mayoral runoff in Anchorage

As of Friday the municipal Elections Center had already received 61,525 ballots. That’s 3,563 more than had been received by general election day last month. About 75,000 people voted in the general election.
A white man with a suit and red tie

15 years after VECO scandal, Stevens’ new oil job renews old ethics questions

A decade after the VECO corruption scandal pushed lawmakers to pass sweeping ethics reforms, Ben Stevens — one of the scandal's central figures — has prompted new ethical questions by moving from a powerful government job to an executive post at oil company ConocoPhillips.

Alaska Gov. Dunleavy’s top rural affairs advisor departs, and tribal and fishing leaders wonder why

Moller was a trusted advisor to Dunleavy, having co-chaired his successful 2018 gubernatorial campaign, and his portfolio included work with the fishing industry and Alaska Native issues. The governor's office won't say if he resigned or was fired.
Two white men pose for the camera

Anchorage mayor’s race too close to call, with thousands of ballots left to count

Forrest Dunbar leads Dave Bronson in a narrow race, but full results won't be known for weeks.
A bingo card

Illegal Facebook gambling in Y-K Delta draws scrutiny

Regulators and some community members fear that the illegal bingo and pulltab games could be drawing money away from nonprofits who rely on revenue from legal gambling. A moderator says it's a COVID-safe pastime that raises money for unofficial charities.

No, you are not imagining it. Prices for a lot of things did jump in April

Consumer prices surged 4.2% in April from the depressed levels of a year earlier when the global economy was hit hard by the coronavius pandemic, according to the Labor Department on Wednesday.

New proposal from Gov. Dunleavy would put PFD in Constitution, along with rural electricity fund

The proposal aims to defuse long-running, time-consuming fights over the size of the Permanent Fund dividend and government spending. This year's PFD would be $2,350 if the plan is approved.
A railroad track leading into yellow leaves

Alaska-Alberta rail project may have a problem: Regulators are investigating its financier

The founder of the Alaska-Alberta rail project paid millions to benefit its lender's CEO, regulators say.
Two white men in a side by side photos. One is younger and wearing a black work jacket, the other speaking in a microphone wearing a suit and tie

Bronson takes a slim lead in the Anchorage mayoral runoff

Retired commercial pilot Dave Bronson took a slim lead in the runoff election for Anchorage mayor on Wednesday. With about 76,000 votes counted, Bronson leads over Assembly member Forrest Dunbar by under 278 votes. Only about 4,000 votes were added to the count between Tuesday and Wednesday.
A plain looking building with a flag out front

As COVID outbreak worsens, Ketchikan raises pandemic risk level to ‘very high’ for first time

As of Tuesday, officials say one person is currently admitted to the COVID-19 unit at Ketchikan’s hospital. Some 77 cases are active in the community, and 65 have been reported in the past week.
A white woman with a turquoise scarf speaks into a microphone frmo a desk.

Mat-Su senator introduces bill to bar transgender girls from school sports

An advocate for transgender rights called the bill "horrific".

Anchorage hotel owner lied to get pandemic relief money, prosecutors say

Federal authorities have seized more than $1 million in pandemic relief money they say an Anchorage hotelier received by lying on applications for the...

US Senate acts to save part of Alaska’s 2021 cruise season

The U.S. Senate passed a bill hat could allow cruise ships to return to Alaska ports this summer. The bill goes next to the House.
Governor Dunleavy, wearing a greenish zip up jacket, gestures as he talks

Dunleavy calls for special sessions on budget, Permanent Fund, taxes and spending

The first 30-day session would begin on May 20, the day after the regular session ends. It will focus on finishing work on the state budget, and on a constitutional amendment intended to protect the Permanent Fund’s earnings reserve, permanent fund dividends and a fund lowering rural electricity costs.

Anchorage School District to reexamine policy after students prevented from wearing cultural regalia at graduation

One student chose not to attend her graduation entirely after her regalia notification was denied. Another student’s sealskin cap was taken moments before joining his peers on graduation day.