Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Alaska Aces hockey team to fold after this season

The state's only professional sports franchise, the Alaska Aces, will fold after this season. The decision was announced Thursday (Feb. 23). Listen now

Sullivan urges Board of Game to repeal predator control regulations

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan is urging the State Board of Game to get behind legislation to repeal a rule regulating predator control on federal wildlife refuges in Alaska. Listen now

Rep. Young joins motley cannabis caucus

Alaska Congressman Don Young says he’s never smoked marijuana. But Young says he wants to change federal law to help marijuana entrepreneurs do business. The issue has Young joining forces with congressmen of different stripes. Listen now

Environmental group to sue Hilcorp over Cook Inlet gas leak

Hilcorp's leaking gas pipeline in Cook Inlet is drawing concern from environmental groups and state and federal agencies. Listen now
Governor Bill Walker pictured in April 2016. (Photo by Skip Gray, 360 North)

Governor Walker issues disaster declaration on opioid epidemic

Governor Bill Walker has declared Alaska’s opioid epidemic a state disaster and ordered state and federal money for overdose medication. Listen now

AK: Happiness is orange at Hoonah City Schools

The Happiness Advantage is an idea based on research that points to a link between a positive mindset and success. Listen now

City data on crime, property, health brought online

New website is a one-stop-shop for public data, part of the city's broader effort toward open data. Listen now

Alaska’s infrastructure report card probably not going on the fridge

Is Alaska on the honor roll for its energy grid and water systems? According to the American Society of Civil Engineers the answer is “no.” The professional organization graded Alaska’s infrastructure for the first time, releasing the report card on Tuesday. And while the state didn’t ace anything, it could always be worse. Listen now

Chief justice urges lawmakers to collaborate and compromise

State Supreme Court Chief Justice Craig Stowers said Alaska’s courts are leading the way in cutting costs in a way that doesn’t threaten vital services. Listen now

Presbyterian Church formally apologizes to North Slope Natives for denouncing culture

In Utqiagvik, an apology from the head of the Presbyterian Church will be offered to the Alaska Native people of the North Slope. The idea is to start a process of healing by acknowledging that the Church, however well intended, was wrong, when it denounced the cultures of Native people, both in Alaska and across the nation. Listen now

Rep. Young named ‘chairman emeritus,’ loses power of the gavel

For most of the past 20 years, Alaska Congressman Don Young has been either a committee or subcommittee chairman. But now he wields no gavel. Listen now

Motor fuel tax would triple under bill, but remain below national average

Lawmakers are considering tripling the state’s motor fuels tax over the next two years. A bill would raise the tax from a national low of 8 cents per gallon to 16 cents in July, then 24 cents per gallon in July 2018. Listen now

Following winter storms, Governor Walker declares disaster in Savoonga and Gambell

Governor Bill Walker has issued a disaster declaration for the winter storms that struck Savoonga and Gambell at the end of 2016. Almost $3 million in public assistance, state individual assistance and temporary housing assistance will be given to the St. Lawrence Island communities. Listen now

Alaska senators ultimately split as DeVos becomes Education secretary

The U.S. Senate today (Feb. 7) voted to confirm Betsy DeVos as Education secretary. DeVos is the only one President Trump’s cabinet nominees so far to face serious trouble on the Senate floor. Senators were evenly divided, 50 to 50, and Vice President Mike Pence cast the tie-breaker in favor of confirmation. Alaska’s two senators were split. Listen now

Walker, House Dems aim to put climate policy back on the table

Climate change has always been a sticky issue for Alaska policymakers. In a state that sits on the front lines of global warming but remains deeply dependent on oil, it sometimes seems like the easiest option is just not talking about it at all. Listen now

Alaska’s budget, easier to swallow with ice cream and beer

The Alaska legislature has a lot on its plate trying to fix the state’s multi-billion dollar budget deficit, and a couple of budget experts are adding to the menu. They’re inviting the public to weigh-in over ice cream and beer. Listen now

New measure puts Uber back before Anchorage Assembly

Anchorage Assembly member Bill Evans wrote the ordinance, which seeks to regulate what are called Transportation Network Companies, or TNCs. Listen now

Legislature eyes limit on state government spending

Some state legislators want to write into law a new limit on how much the state can spend each year. But policy experts say it’s a difficult strategy to put into effect. And Alaska already has a limit – one that critics say hasn’t worked. Listen now

Senators stick by Trump, but how close?

WASHINGTON - Alaska’s U.S. senators helped President Trump fill out his cabinet this week, but in different degrees. With a new, colorful president in the White House, each of them has to decide how close to stand to the standard-bearer of their party. Listen now

Alaska Marijuana Control Board nixes on-site consumption

The state’s Marijuana Control Board was set to regulate the consumption of marijuana at licensed retailers. If it had been approved, Alaska would have been the first state in the nation to allow on-site consumption. But that’s now moot. Listen now