Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

F-22s intercept Russian bombers outside Alaska for first time since 2015

Military officials say they launched fighter jets on Monday afternoon to intercept two Russian long-range bombers flying toward Alaska. Listen now

In a rare case of river piracy, climate change is the culprit

Scientists are pointing to climate change as the reason a river that used to feed into the Yukon has nearly disappeared. Listen now

House sends income tax bill to Senate

The House passed a bill Saturday that would bring a state income tax to Alaska for the first time in 37 years. The vote sends it to the Senate, where leaders oppose the tax. Listen now

Vice President meets with Walker over the weekend on his way to Asia

Vice President Mike Pence stopped in Anchorage on Saturday and met with Governor Bill Walker. Listen now

BP halts oil and gas leaking from North Slope well

BP announced Monday morning that an out-of-control release from a North Slope oil and gas production well has been stopped. Listen now
Alaska State Troopers. Photo: Monica Gokey/ Alaska Public Media file photo.

Troopers: Peaceful end to Seward Highway shots fired incident

A man who fired shots near Girdwood and apparently fled the area prompted Alaska State Troopers to close the Seward Highway from Girdwood to south of Portage on Monday morning. Listen now

Senate committee grills state over inaccurate oil production forecast

Alaska’s Department of Revenue faced criticism during a Senate Finance Committee meeting on Friday after it put out its spring forecast. It predicts an unprecedented 12 percent drop in oil production next year. Listen now

BP working to contain well on North Slope

BP is working to contain an out-of-control production well at the Prudhoe Bay oil field on the North Slope. The well is currently venting natural gas and has released at least some crude oil into the environment. Listen now

In light of unexpected cuts, UA Board of Regents discusses likely cuts

Cuts would be accelerated across the University of Alaska system if a State Senate proposed budget is finalized by the legislature. The UA Board of Regent met Thursday to discuss contingency measures in light of Senate passed funding for UA that’s 22 million dollars less than the amount supported by the House and Governor. Listen now

End of legislative session unclear as lawmakers remain divided

The news about oil revenue comes out two days before the Legislature was scheduled to end its session. But with much work left to do, lawmakers will continue to work in Juneau next week. To talk about this, Alaska Public Media's Lori Townsend spoke with Alaska Public Media and KTOO’s Andrew Kitchenman. Listen now

AK: Yukon cowboy shares love of old country songs at folk festival

Art Johns has been playing at the Alaska Folk Festival since 1995. But his musical roots go way back -- almost 80 years. Listen now

Hilcorp completes repairs on Cook Inlet gas line leak

A natural gas leak in Cook Inlet has finally been repaired, more than three months after it began. Listen now

How many wolves should be on Prince of Wales Island?

The Alexander Archipelago Wolf didn’t go on the endangered species list in 2016, after it was petitioned by six conservation groups. But the feds and the state are looking at ways to stabilize the wolf population on Prince of Wales Island.

Alaska Legislature on pace to pass fewest bills ever

Alaska’s Legislature is on pace to pass fewer bills than in any other session in the state’s history. And it’s not clear whether lawmakers will be able to agree on a plan to fix the state’s budget for the future. Listen now

Anchorage air traffic controller wins award for Bering Sea save

An air traffic controller in Anchorage has been honored for helping a pilot land his disabled jet on a remote Bering Sea island. Listen now

Fairbanks International Airport evacuated after bomb threat

The FBI and Fairbanks International Airport police are investigating two bomb threats called-in to the airport Wednesday night. The terminal was evacuated for a little more than an hour, but no bomb was found and no one was injured. Two Alaska Airlines flights were delayed. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: River breakup is all about spring temps

The National Weather Service issued its annual river breakup forecast this week. The forecast calls for a relatively mild breakup arriving about on schedule across Alaska. But what factors determine the timing and severity how it plays out? We put that question to climatologist Brian Brettschneider. Listen now

Human Rights Commission appointment draws conservative ire

The Senate voted Wednesday to delay a joint session on whether to confirm Gov. Bill Walker’s appointments. When the hearing does happen, one of Walker’s appointments to the Alaska State Commission for Human Rights potentially faces a close vote. Listen now

Rep. Young wants feds to lay off medical marijuana prosecution

Congressman Don Young and 42 colleagues are asking that Congress block the Justice Department from pursuing federal drug cases against people who are complying with their state’s medical marijuana laws. Listen now

State TB rate dips but remains among the highest

The state Health Department says 57 cases of tuberculosis were reported in Alaska in 2016. That’s a moderate decrease from the prior year, but Alaska's rate remains more than double the national average. Listen now