Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

the corner of the City Hall building

Dunbar, Robbins lead in fundraising for Anchorage mayoral race

Fourteen candidates are currently in the race for Anchorage mayor, but two have sizeable leads in fundraising.
A woman in a wood-panelled building

Gov. Dunleavy to Sen. Reinbold: ‘The misinformation must end’

Dunleavy wrote fellow Republican Lora Reinbold a letter on Thursday saying she has “abdicated the tenets” of her oath of office after she attacked his administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine

Bad weather Outside delays 3,000 Alaska vaccine doses

The doses were in shipments headed for 21 different providers, and some are having to postpone clinics until the vaccine can arrive next week.
A public health worker in a tent outside Juneau International Airport bags a freshly collected nasal swab for COVID-19 testing.

‘We have many reasons to be optimistic’: Daily COVID-19 cases in Alaska hit 5-month low

Hospitalizations have also dropped to their lowest levels since July, with 33 Alaskans being treated with confirmed COVID-19 cases.
A legislative chamber with plastic barriers in between

Alaska House organizes — without clear majority

The Alaska House of Representatives organized on Thursday, but without either caucus able to claim most of the members.
A large black boat

Inquiry into the fatal Scandies Rose sinking to begin in Seattle

A two-week federal inquiry into the fatal sinking of the F/V Scandies Rose — lost on New Year's Eve 2019 west of Kodiak Island — will open on Monday in Seattle.
A crew of workers stand around a shipping container

Fairbanks designers testing shipping container kitchen-bathroom module for rural Alaska

The National Renewable Energy Lab's Cold Climate Housing Research Center in Fairbanks is working with the Native village of Unalakleet to build the prototype kitchen-bathroom module inside an 8-by-20-foot steel shipping container.
A police officer stnds in front of a building

After mishandled investigations, advocates cautious as Nome police try rebuilding trust

Under new leadership, the Nome Police Department has made some positive reforms, but advocates say a lot more work needs to be done to repair trust with the community.
a dog lunges onto a person in a blue jacket

Dallas Seavey returns to Iditarod after mysterious scandal rocked his mushing career

This year marks Dallas Seavey’s 12th Iditarod. But it’s the four-time Iditarod champion's first since a dog-doping whodunit turned his mushing career upside down four years ago.
A portrait of a man with a half-zipped fleece

Alaska’s top tribal health executive, Andy Teuber, has resigned

The nonprofit consortium is an umbrella group that coordinates health care for Alaska Native people and helps run the Anchorage Native hospital. It's also one of the state's largest employers, with more than 3,000 workers.
A white man in a blue zipper jacket sits at a table and speaks

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy tests positive for COVID-19

Alaska's governor was exposed to a person who later tested positive for COVID-19 over the weekend, but his first test came back negative. He tested positive Wednesday after feeling poorly on Tuesday night.
People standing in front of white capitol dome holding banners that say protect the Arctic.

Alaska Native enthusiasm for Interior nominee puts Murkowski on the spot

Deb Haaland's confirmation hearing forces Sen. Murkowski to choose between one of her long-held political goals and many of her Native constituents.
A man with tatooed arms gets a vaccine while giving a shaka symbol

Anchorage Pacific Islander community brings COVID-19 vaccines to church

A Tuesday vaccine clinic brought 80 vaccines to a Samoan church in Airport Heights, where food and music made for a unique atmosphere.
Building with flowers out front under a blue sky

Federal judge temporarily halts sale of Seattle National Archives building

A federal judge temporarily stopped the sale of a National Archives building in Seattle, Washington.

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s chief of staff, Ben Stevens, resigns to become executive at ConocoPhillips

Stevens will become the new vice president of external affairs and transportation at ConocoPhillips Alaska, Dunleavy's office said in a prepared statement.
Red billowy objexxt with blue rods latching onto them

Alaska reports first case of rare COVID-19 variant that could evade antibodies

Alaska is one of five state to have reported cases of the P.1 variant, which likely originated in Brazil.
a vial of the COVID-19 vaccine

Alaska’s federal allocation of COVID-19 vaccine will nearly double in March

The federal government's monthly shipment of COVID-19 vaccine to Alaska will nearly double in March, rising to 103,000 first doses from the 61,000 allocated to the state in February.

Unscathed: These Alaska villages are reaching herd immunity — without a single case of COVID-19

Alaska's unique geography and isolation have helped at least 10 villages record zero cases of COVID-19. The list of communities stretches from Southeast Alaska to the Aleutian Islands to deep in the Interior, and some of them have vaccinated nearly all of their adults.
Several legislators on the floor of the house of representatives in Juneau

Alaska lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19, meetings are cancelled

A member of Alaska’s House of Representatives has tested positive for COVID-19. House Speaker Louise Stutes, R-Kodiak, cancelled all House meetings on Thursday.
a person stands in front of a giant cruise ship

Rep. Don Young looks for workaround on Canada cruise ship ban

U.S. Rep. Don Young introduced legislation on Wednesday that aims to allow large cruise ships to return to Alaska this summer.