Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Murkowski: Senate had duty to approve spending bill, avoid government shutdown

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski on Thursday touted the Senate's passing of a spending bill, avoiding a possible government shutdown. Listen now

Debate continues over role of Suboxone in primary care

Buprenorphine is one of the medications used to treat opioid addictions. A speaker at a recent medical conference in Anchorage says getting the medication to heroin users thru their primary care providers is an essential way to reduce overdose deaths. But some addiction treatment professionals in Alaska say not so fast. Listen now

Study asks why species bounced back – or didn’t – after Exxon Valdez

When the Exxon Valdez spilled 11 million gallons of crude oil into Prince William Sound in 1989, the immediate effects were pretty obvious. Researchers estimate that hundreds of thousands of sea birds and thousands of sea otters died within months, among other impacts. Listen now
A white man in a gray suit

Rep. Eastman: Some women ‘glad’ to be pregnant for Medicaid-funded travel for abortions

State Rep. David Eastman said some Alaskans are glad to become pregnant, so that they can have a Medicaid-funded trip to Anchorage or Seattle to have an abortion. Eastman didn’t provide evidence for this, but said he had been told this by friends and acquaintances. Listen now

ADN reporter allegedly slapped by legislator in a stairwell

The Alaska Dispatch News is reporting its legislative reporter was lightly hit during the brief encounter with a lawmaker at the capitol. Listen now

Enviros challenge legality of Trump’s Arctic order

As expected, environmental groups have filed a lawsuit over an order President Trump signed last week to reverse a ban on Arctic offshore oil and gas leasing. Listen now

Alaska Native representatives offer support for income tax

Representatives of two regional Alaska Native tribal organizations offered support for an income or another progressive tax Tuesday. Listen now

State troopers leading efforts to recover pilot from crash site south of Chigniks

Authorities have shifted into recovery operations for a pilot killed south of the Chigniks on Monday. Gabriele Cianetti, 54, was the only occupant in a Grant Aviation Cessna 208B Caravan that crashed into a mountain on its way to Perryville. Listen now

Earthquakes shake Southeast Alaska, Yukon communities

May kicked off to a shaky start in Northern Southeast Alaska. Two major earthquakes woke residents early Monday morning. They were some of the most powerful quakes Haines area residents have felt in years, but caused hardly any damage in Alaska. Listen now

Trump order baffles Bering Sea Elders

When President Trump signed an order last week lifting his predecessor’s restrictions on offshore leasing in the Arctic, he also revoked a decree that created the “Bering Sea Climate Resistance Area.” People who worked to get the designation aren't happy. Listen now

Gov. Walker signs bill recognizing the black soldiers who helped build the Alaska Highway

Yesterday, Governor Walker signed Senate Bill 46 into law, establishing October 25 as "African American Soldiers’ Contribution to Building the Alaska Highway Day.” Listen now

Court rules civil commitment statutes don’t apply to foster children, North Star Hospital

A three-year-long legal argument about committing foster children to North Star Behavioral Health Hospital is one step closer to resolution. A judge ruled in late March that the Office of Children’s Services can legally commit foster kids to the psychiatric hospital without getting a judge’s approval. Listen now

Oil prices shrink budget gap, but lawmakers remain far apart

The state’s budget problem is shrinking, but it may not be enough to resolve differences between the Senate and House. Listen now

Trump lifts ban on Arctic offshore drilling

The president has signed an order lifting a ban Obama imposed on drilling off Alaska’s Arctic shores. Environmental groups say the ban is permanent. Expect a lawsuit. Listen now

Secretary Tillerson to attend Arctic Council meeting in Fairbanks

United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will be in Fairbanks next month during the Week of the Arctic. Fairbanks Borough Mayor Special Assistant Jeff Stepp broke the news at a Borough Assembly meeting Thursday night. Listen now

AK: From tree to cream; how birch syrup makes its way to dessert bowls

The chartreuse leaves of the birch tree are one of the first signs of spring in Southcentral Alaska. But for a few weeks before the leaves unfurl the trees offer a sweet treat –a watery liquid that when tapped and boiled down turns into a rich, nutty syrup. Birch syrup is becoming a favorite flavor in the state's budding local food scene. Listen now

Mulling the possibility of a “managed retreat” from climate change

By the end of the century, researchers predict climate change could displace millions of people across the country, as rising sea levels and erosion hit coastal communities. As policymakers start to grapple with that reality, there’s a specific phrase making the rounds: “managed retreat.” In other words, relocating whole neighborhoods or communities and retreating from the coast. Listen now

Senate defies Walker’s call to weigh nominees

Governor Bill Walker tried and failed to get lawmakers to vote on his nominees Thursday. Listen now

Trump may have plans for Alaska, but not for its national monuments

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to consider scaling back some national monuments. The plans likely won’t affect Alaska, but the president still gave a shout out to the state in his speech. Listen now

UPDATE: Trump rescinds Obama’s ‘permanent’ Arctic leasing ban

President Trump is expected to sign an order Friday aimed at lifting his predecessor’s ban on new oil leasing in waters off Alaska’s Arctic coast. Listen now