Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

an empty downtown street

New report says emergency orders helped slow the spread of coronavirus in Anchorage

A new report shows COVID-19 pandemic restrictions helped slow the spread of the virus in Anchorage. That’s according to the state Section of Epidemiology.

Rep. Young votes against impeaching Trump

Only 10 House Republicans voted against impeachment. Rep. Young was not among them.
A woman in a pink shirt speaks at t

Alaska Federation of Natives leadership calls for Trump’s resignation after violence at Capitol

Alaska Federation of Natives president Julie Kitka said that she was horrified by Jan. 6’s deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters.

Anchorage man swerved to hit friend in fatal Glenn Highway collision, charges say

Brian McGee, 25, is charged with murder after police say he left his friend on the side of a highway, then came back and hit him with a car.
A girl wearing a mask on the beach in a rainy rocky area

New climate action task force to tackle Sitka’s carbon footprint

Tackling the global crisis can be daunting, but in Sitka, the city assembly and a group of concerned citizens are taking action with the revival of a decade-old task force.
Two people carry a large box into a walk-in freezer.

The Trump administration joined with tribes to get vaccines to rural and Indigenous Alaskans. Here’s how.

After a year of pleading for access to COVID-19 testing and protective equipment, tribal health-care leaders say that a vaccine partnership with the Trump administration has brought good access to doses for rural areas and a measure of relief amid an unrelenting public health crisis.

Murkowski praises impeachment, says Trump’s incitement of violence ‘cannot go without consequence’

Sen. Murkowski isn't saying if she'll vote to convict President Trump, but said the House was right to impeach him.
A nurse wearing a face sheild pokes a person

Poll: Nearly half of Alaska Republicans won’t get COVID-19 vaccine

A statewide poll from late November shows that 45% of Alaskans who identify as Republicans said they won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine when they become eligible. That’s compared with just 13% of Democrats.

LISTEN: Anchorage police monitoring for threats, preparing for protests

While Anchorage Police Chief Justin Doll says residents might see a bigger police presence at some government buildings, Doll says there are currently no specific threats of violence.
The Trans-Alaska Pipeline is seen running alongside the Dalton Highway, next to a small mountain.

After a year of dramatic lows, Alaska sees modest climb in oil prices

Right now, West Texas Intermediate, Brent and Alaska North Slope Crude are all selling for over $50 per barrel.
A health worker in a blue gown swabs travelers waiting in line outside the bethel airport

Y-K Delta health corporation recommends regional lockdown for third straight month

The region has recorded the highest COVID-19 rates in the state for months.
A Korean woman stands in front of a sign for video world

Iconic Bethel video store closes for good

While video stores in other parts of the country mostly closed years ago, the exorbitant cost of high-speed internet in the region kept the business alive.

Despite warnings of capitol violence, no one showed up to protest in Juneau

Despite FBI warnings of potential protests at state capitols on Sunday, there were no demonstrations, armed or otherwise, at the Alaska Capitol in Juneau.
A woman stands in a classroom with her arm on a plastic barrier attached to a student's desk

With ‘highly orchestrated’ plans, Anchorage schools prepare to welcome students back to classrooms

The first phase of students will be returning to classrooms after being away for nearly 10 months due to the pandemic.
People stand on marble steps outdoors with flag that says "Alaska for Trump"

Rep. Eastman attended D.C. Trump rally, but blames violence on ‘antifa.’ Now he faces calls to resign.

A storm of criticism is raining down on state Rep. Eastman for undermining faith in the election and attending the rally in Washington that led to the storming of the Capitol.
A blue warehouse building with a small entry building oustdie where employees in hazmat equiipment wait

Unalaska seafood plant remains on lockdown with 20 more COVID-19 cases

UniSea is one of the largest seafood plants in the world.
Goose Creek Prison. Photo by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage.

LISTEN: Anchorage attorney says prison during pandemic shouldn’t be a death sentence

Anchorage attorney Gavin Kentch represented one of five Alaska inmates to die of COVID-19. He wants Alaskans to remember that even people who have committed crimes don't deserve to get sick and die from COVID-19.
A white man in a blue mask sits in front of a golden seal at a wiooden desk next to an american flag

On first day of Alaska legislative session, Senate organizes while House deadlocks

Soldotna Republican Sen. Peter Micciche was chosen as the Senate president.
The white underside of halibut lie in a metal tub

COVID-19 takes half-billion dollar bite from Alaska commercial fisheries revenue

A federal agency has put some dollar amounts to the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic on commercial and charter fishing industries nationwide in the first part of last year.
Two silhouetted figures in the distance around some lakes with mountains in the background

Biden immediately slams the brakes on oil drilling in Arctic refuge

President Joe Biden imposed a “temporary moratorium” on all oil and gas leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge shortly after taking office on Wednesday, citing the "alleged legal deficiencies underlying the program."