Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Pull out of Iran deal? Sullivan says no

Sen. Dan Sullivan was harshly critical of the Iran nuclear agreement in 2015. Now, though, he says the U.S. shouldn't pull out. He says enforcement is a better idea. Listen now

Premera to bump up premium to cover Trump cut

Last month Premera announced it would lowers rates 26 percent. But the drop may quite so steep for silver plans. The new factor: President Trump says he's cutting Cost Sharing Reductions. Listen now

Pentagon announces changes for immigrants entering the military

The Defense Department announced changes to military recruiting that will make it harder for legal immigrants to enlist and qualify for citizenship. Listen now

AK: The mystery behind Ketchikan Ghost Tours

Ketchikan is home to plenty of supernatural phenomena. That’s the theory, at least, behind a new venture: Ketchikan Ghost Tours. Listen now

Murkowski-Warren letter slams White House’s response to opioid epidemic

The Senate colleagues detailed policy recommendations they want the White House to pursue, starting with a disaster declaration on the opioid crisis. Listen now

Pebble opponents hammer EPA for changed course at Dillingham meeting

The Environmental Protection Agency is backing away from the use of preemptive Clean Water Act restrictions against large-scale mining in the Bristol Bay watershed. That comes as part of a settlement with the Pebble Limited Partnership, and the company now says it is preparing to file for permits. Listen now

New bill aims to reverse Obama restrictions on offshore drilling

The House measure would, among other things, allow lease sales in more Arctic waters and block new environmental standards for the Arctic. Listen now

As Trump administration removes federal roadblocks, Pebble Mine fight shifts to state

Now that the Trump administration has removed a major roadblock, Alaskans can expect a lot more action at the state level. Listen now

Sen. Sullivan says he’s hopeful about tax changes, but cautions Trump on tweets

The U.S. senator is hopeful about the Trump administration’s infrastructure, permitting and energy policies. But he said Trump doesn’t always help himself. Listen now

Residents rail against SB91 at rare Anchorage meeting

Amid growing frustration over an uptick in crime, officials in Anchorage are weighing what kind of solutions they want from lawmakers in Juneau. Listen now

Judge overrules state, says salmon initiative can go forward

A controversial ballot initiative intended to protect salmon habitat has cleared a major hurdle, setting up what could be an intense political fight. Listen now

Critics call Pebble’s concept an investment ploy, not a real plan

Former state senate president Rick Halford is critical of Pebble's new effort to reintroduce the project in a smaller package, saying the move is aimed at "mining the stock market," not the copper and gold. Listen now

AK: At Wales’ Kingikmiut Festival, dancing to heal

Last month, the community of Wales, in Western Alaska, hosted one of the biggest Alaska Native dance festivals in the state. 10 groups from around the region and as far as Anchorage flew in to the village over Labor Day weekend, to sing, dance, drum, talk — and heal. Listen now

Pebble shows first glance at its new mine plans

Early Thursday morning in Anchorage Pebble CEO Tom Collier began the rollout of Pebble Mine’s new design. The company is focusing on a much smaller footprint in the Pebble West deposit only. Listen now

ANWR advances with GOP budget

The U.S. House has passed a budget plan that could open the door to drilling in the Arctic Refuge. Listen now

Climate change roundtable puts Alaska contradictions on full display

Representatives from the oil and gas and mining industries joined environmentalists and local community leaders to spitball solutions. Listen now
A map of Alaska, outlining the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

ANWR takes tiny step down rocky Senate road

You know how members of Congress sometimes try to pass legislation by attaching it to a fast-moving bill everyone loves? That's not the case here. ANWR is controversial, and the budget plan it's hitching a ride on isn't entirely popular, either. Listen now

Walker doubles down on opposing Pebble Mine

Tomorrow, Pebble Limited Partnership CEO Tom Collier is expected to publicly outline a plan for the proposed Pebble Mine project for the first time. But in an interview today, Governor Bill Walker said he's against the controversial mine. Listen now

Amid expansion, Anchorage Police announce new strategy to fight violent crime

As property and violent crime continue to increase in Anchorage, the city's police department is internally reorganizing to better respond. Listen now