Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

People waitiing in line at a counter at the PFD office

New legal filings: Seven were denied PFDs based on Alaska’s defunct same-sex marriage law

The assertion comes from an anonymous state worker quoted in an ongoing lawsuit filed by a woman in a same-sex marriage with a member of the military stationed outside the state, who says she was unlawfully denied her 2019 PFD.

Massive Disabled Cargo Ship in Route to Dutch Harbor

When it finally arrives in Unalaska next week, the Shin Onoe will be one of the biggest vessels to ever stay in port here. It’s 150 feet wide, with a 60 foot draft when it’s full of coal, soybeans, or iron. Right now, it’s empty. It was traveling along the Great Circle shipping route to Prince William Sound early this week to pick up cargo when its turbocharger failed, just west of Attu island.

After a health crisis, help navigating the complicated medical system

The road from illness to recovery is often difficult. In the middle of a major health crisis, patients are expected to navigate the complicated health care system. A pilot program called Alaska Innovative Medicine in Anchorage is rounding out its first year trying to improve that journey for patients while also spending fewer healthcare dollars. Download Audio
marijuana products

Alaska Court System rule change will remove hundreds of marijuana convictions from Courtview

State lawmakers have been considering broader legislation intended to help people convicted before legalization.
ship in icy waters

The U.S. was supposed to get keys to a new heavy icebreaker this year. Instead, construction is years late as costs soar.

The cost to build three Coast Guard icebreakers is 250% higher than initially projected. The first cutter is delayed until at least 2029.
A white man in a cowoby hat playing an acoustic guitar

Diagnosed with end-stage cancer, Hobo Jim thanks his fans for their support

James Varsos, best known to Alaska and the world as Hobo Jim, said his cancer is untreatable and that doctors told him he has three to six months to live.

Finance Committee Releases Version of Capital Project Budget

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau The legislature at last has a capital projects budget to look at.    The Senate Finance committee released its...

Alaska GOP politicians are lobbying the governor and pharmacy board for easier access to ivermectin

The legislative lobbying efforts highlight how Alaskans’ enthusiasm for ivermectin and other alternative treatments has persisted, even as federal regulators and an array of provider groups have warned that the drug should not be used to treat or prevent COVID-19.

Imprisoned former militia leader Schaeffer Cox has appeal hearing

Imprisoned former Fairbanks militia leader Schaeffer Cox had an appeal hearing Wednesday morning in federal court in Anchorage. Convicted in 2013 of conspiracy and solicitation to murder government officials, Cox is serving 26 years in a federal prison. His appeal centers on whether anyone was specifically targeted. Listen now

Kikkan Randall Dominates Sprint in Sochi

Kikkan Randall won the world cup skate sprint near Sochi, Russia today, on the same course that will serve as the Olympic venue next year. The Alaska Pacific University skier won all three heats.

Man arrested after reports of an active shooter sent Kake into lockdown

The community of Kake was on lockdown Tuesday morning following reports of an active shooter who began firing a weapon in the early hours of the morning. Now authorities confirm that a suspect, 48-year-old Keith Nelson of Kake, has been arrested and flown off the island.
snow covered park, cars driving on a bend in the road, and a plane flies in front of snowy mountains

State job vacancies lead to unplowed roads and other service gaps

Critical state jobs are going unfilled this year. That’s led to unplowed roads, ferries tied up at dock and slowdowns in the court system.

On mass shootings, Murkowski leaves a word unspoken

Sen. Lisa Murkowski spoke passionately about the Florida school shooting. Congress must take action, she said, and no issue should be off-limits in the discussion. But she left an obvious word unsaid: "gun." Listen now

Ketchikan planes in mid-air crash both had equipment designed to help avert collisions. What went wrong?

How the planes' GPS transponders were or weren't working is a question investigators will explore, they said Wednesday.
the seal of a fire department

Violating a burn ban is now a misdemeanor in Anchorage

The Anchorage Assembly unanimously approved the emergency ordinance Tuesday as the National Weather Service warned of high fire danger in much of Southcentral through the upcoming holiday weekend.

Alaska delegation mulls Trump order keeping children detained with parents

President Trump signed an order Wednesday to address the family separations at the southern border, but it raises new questions for Congress. Listen now

BP, ConocoPhillips Abandon Alaska Gas Pipeline Project

Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage BP and Conoco Phillips are abandoning their joint effort to build a gas pipeline from Alaska's North Slope to the...

Oil Companies Seeking Bids for Natural Gas Pipeline

Earlier this month TransCanada Alaska president Tony Palmer told the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce that industry interest in his company's natural gas pipeline plan...
The community of Ambler along the Kobuk river as seen from the air

Environmental groups sue Trump administration over approval of Ambler Road

Nine environmental groups are suing the Trump administration for approving the 211-mile Ambler Road project.

Senators propose spending limit to curb future sprees

The amount allowed under the constitutional limit has grown so much that the state is nowhere near it. Listen now