Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Permanent fund leader says budget plan puts fund’s future into question

Permanent Fund Corp. CEO Angela Rodell presented a study that predicts a nearly 50 percent chance of the fund losing value in the next decade, if it’s used to pay for state government as lawmakers have proposed. Listen now

Tsunami warning prompts hundreds of Alaskans to evacuate to higher ground

Alaskans across the state woke up to the shaking and an emergency alert buzzing their cell phones, warning them to move away from the coast. Listen now

7.9 earthquake was an intriguing one for seismologists

The 7.9 earthquake was an interesting one that will "garner a lot of attention, scientifically."

Tsunami warning DOWNGRADED to an advisory

The National Weather Service has lifted the tsunami warning for coastal Alaska. It has been downgraded to a tsunami advisory. That means that while a wave *has* been recorded in the Gulf of Alaska, it’s not big enough to require evacuations.

Zinke signs land trade to allow road for King Cove

Alaska's congressional delegation ticked another item off its decades-old to-do list Monday: Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke signed a land swap agreement to allow a road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge for King Cove. Listen now

Impacts from shutdown on military were set to intensify Monday

The standoff over the weekend threatened furloughs, facility closures and work without pay for service-members at Alaska bases and around the globe. Listen now

Two major candidates file papers to run for Anchorage mayor

Rebecca Logan is the main challenger taking on incumbent mayor Ethan Berkowitz in the first election to be conducted by mail for the municipality.

What’s open, what’s closed if the government shuts down

The government is set to cease operations at Friday at 8 p.m. Alaska time if Congress can't reach an agreement on spending. How will that affect you? Listen now
A town on a cove as seen from above

Interior aims to sign King Cove road deal Monday, official confirms

A top Interior official in Alaska has confirmed that on Monday, the Trump administration plans to sign a deal to build a controversial road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Listen now

What caused the Blob? Scientists conclude, we did

In 2014, a warm water system — known as the Blob — wreaked havoc in the waters of the Gulf of Alaska. Listen now

State senators slam additional Medicaid costs

The rising cost of Medicaid to the state of Alaska has been the target of criticism during the first two days of state Senate Finance Committee hearings. Listen now

Alaska senators vote ‘no’ as Congress renews surveillance law

FISA allows the government to collect email and phone records of foreigners overseas without a warrant. Privacy advocates warn it sweeps up communications of Americans, too. Listen now

Rep. Young wants earmarks back, and he’s not alone

Alaska Congressman Don Young says without earmarks, lawmakers can't effectively represent their constituents. "This to me is one of the crucial issues to this Congress, the next Congress and this House," Young told colleagues. And he defends the "bridge to nowhere." Listen now

House leaders aim for compromise, early school budget this year

The second session of the 30th Alaska Legislature began Tuesday, with the caucus leaders expressing hope that this year will be more productive than 2017. Listen now

Petit wins Copper Basin 300 in slow race hampered by weather

A race official pointed to strong winds and heavy snow as contributing to 16 scratches in the challenging mid-distance race out of Glennallen. Listen now

AK Attorney General asks Congress to open banking for pot businesses

Alaska's Attorney General has joined a bipartisan group calling on lawmakers to change federal banking rules over handling legal marijuana sales. Listen now

Unprecedented open water, warm weather cause K300 route change

The Kuskokwim 300 Sled Dog Race has taken an unprecedented turn: For the first time, the race will run two laps to its halfway point and back because of warm weather and open water. Listen now

Murkowski, Sullivan contend with less-Republican Senate

Last year, it was all eyes on Sen. Lisa Murkowski. The fate of health care and tax bills seemed at times to turn on what she would do. But this year is shaping up differently in the Senate, and both Alaska senators will have to contend with new dynamics. Listen now
On a cloudy, twilight winter day, an oil platform an be seen rising in the water.

Alaska’s leaders got more than they bargained for from Interior’s offshore drilling proposal

The Trump administration recently proposed a vast expansion of federal waters available for oil development. Many U.S. states were not pleased — states like California, Oregon and Florida don’t want oil development off their coastlines. Alaska is a different story. Alaska’s leaders got what they wanted in the plan — and then some. Now the question is: will Alaska ask the Trump administration to cut back? Listen now

Murkowski condemns Trump for ‘offensive’ remark

Sen. Lisa Murkowski has condemned President Trump for a vulgar term he reportedly used in a White House meeting, referring to countries in Africa and elsewhere. Listen now