Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Eighteen months after backing Westlake and Fansler, Democrats look toward future

Anchorage Rep. Ivy Spohnholz said the Democratic party will more closely scrutinize candidates’ past conduct in the future. Listen now

Trump infrastructure plan has rural money, but can Alaska have some?

The White House has presented its long promised infrastructure plan. It’s getting mixed reviews from Alaska's U.S. senators. Listen now

Ben Anderson-Agimuk resigns from legislative position

On Thursday, Ben Anderson-Agimuk resigned from his position as a House District 38 legislative aide in order to dedicate more time to filling former Representative Zach Fansler's seat. Listen now

Alaska sends record number of athletes to the Olympics

The 2018 Winter Olympics begin in PyeongChang, South Korea on Friday and a record number of Alaskan athletes competing for medals over the next few weeks. Listen now

AK: UAA’s Earthquake ’64 brings historic disaster to the stage

UAA's Earthquake '64 shows how the 1964 Alaska Earthquake affected ordinary citizens in Anchorage. It's not a traditional natural disaster play. Listen now

Wasilla man convicted in first-ever killing of trooper dog

A jury has convicted a Wasilla man in the fatal 2016 shooting of an Alaska State Trooper dog, the first to be killed in the line of duty. Listen now

Murkowski says Pruitt’s Pebble decision surprised her

Sen. Murkowski says the EPA administrator's move to keep alive proposed limits on the mine seemed out of character. Listen now

Chief Justice Stowers says courts will examine sex harassment policies

Stowers quoted the Star Wars character Yoda in encouraging the Legislature to address the state’s ongoing budget crisis. Listen now

Alaska prosecutors make case for rebuilding amid soaring caseloads

Alaska has seen an upward trend in crime in recent years. At the same time, the Department of Law's Criminal Division has been hit with deep budget cuts. Now, prosecutors are making the case for rebuilding their capacity so they can hold more criminal offenders accountable. Listen now

Legislators hope to fix uncertainty plaguing school budgets this session

This session, some state legislators hope to put an end to the uncertainty school districts across the state face when it comes to their budgets. House Bill 287 and Senate Bill 131 both address K-12 school funding, but in different ways. Listen now

China seeks bigger role in Arctic

China issued its first national policy on the Arctic, and it reveals expansive ambitions in the far North. "China is stepping into the power vacuum of global leadership since the Trump administration came to power." Listen now

Alaska Sen. Dennis Egan won’t seek re-election

Alaska Sen. Dennis Egan won’t seek re-election this year due to poor health. Early contenders to seek his seat include Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association CEO Larry Cotter and possibly Juneau Assemblyman Jesse Kiehl. Listen now

Vice President Mike Pence visits JBER, emphasizes missile defense

Vice President Mike Pence stopped in Alaska on Monday. on his way to Asia where he'll lead the U.S. Olympic delegation in South Korea. Listen now

Crude spill at Valdez Terminal under investigation

According to Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, which operates the terminal, under 200 gallons of oil leaked from two arms used to load crude onto tankers. Listen now

After years shut, a rural tannery re-opens for business

In the small community of Shishmaref there’s a local business like no other. It’s a tannery, set up to process hundreds of seal hides a year sent from subsistence hunters. Listen now

Two lawsuits challenge NPR-A lease sale

Environmental groups filed separate lawsuits Friday challenging the federal government’s December lease sale in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Listen now

While residents oppose Donlin’s waste plans, industry groups and Native corporations voice support

The tone of a hearing in Anchorage on two draft permits for the proposed Donlin Gold mine was very different from those held in the region where the mine would be located. Listen now

Amid assault allegations, Rep. Zach Fansler resigns

District 38 Representative Zach Fansler has resigned. Listen now

State supplemental budget reaches $178 million, prompts Medicaid concern

Most of this cost — $92 million — is from Medicaid. Legislature is funding Medicaid at a lower level than state officials projected costs would run. On top of that, those projections were too low. Officials say more people enrolled in Medicaid due to the recession. Listen now

Trump ‘really didn’t care’ about ANWR. Then a friend called.

President Trump says he didn't care much about opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling - until a friend told him other presidents had tried to and failed. Listen now