Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Hilcorp CEO steps down

Hildebrand is known for being among the wealthiest people in the world, with a net worth of $7.6 billion, according to Bloomberg. Listen now

Anchorage skier Kikkan Randall wins Olympic gold

The Olympic gold ends a 46-year drought for the American women, who had never won a medal before at the winter games. Listen now

State leaders push to take next steps on ANWR drilling

Murkowski isn’t done with ANWR. After speaking at an event in Anchorage this week, the Senator told reporters there are a lot of details that need to be filled in. Listen now

Young, Murkowski hold fast on gun rights

Alaska's members of Congress remain unapologetic supporters of gun rights. They have top ratings from the National Rifle Association. But Sen. Murkowski and Rep. Don Young say the mass shootings reveal something is wrong in America. Listen now

Walker appoints USAF veteran to Dunleavy Senate vacancy

Governor Bill Walker has appointed retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Mike Shower to fill the vacancy in Senate District E. Shower lives in Wasilla, and currently works as a pilot for FedEx. Listen now

Protesters call for gun control at event featuring Murkowski, Young

The event was intended to be a victory lap for Murkowski and Young, who were at the Anchorage Petroleum Club speaking about successfully opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for oil development.

District 38 Democrats select 3 candidates for Fansler seat

Alaska House District 38 Democrats selected three potential nominees Sunday night to replace state Rep. Zach Fansler, who resigned earlier this month following assault allegations. Listen now

More than $6 billion gap in state pension funding draws concern

Some state senators are expressing concern about the projected shortfall in funding Alaska’s public employee pensions. But those who manage the pension funds say the shortfall will likely remain manageable. Listen now

Cheering from Alaska: Women’s relay 5th at the Olympics

The U.S women’s cross-country ski team didn’t win their first medal but they finished 5th, their best relay result ever at the Olympics. Listen now

Last day for Y-K Delta residents to apply for Fansler’s seat

Today is the filing deadline for potential candidates who hope to replace Zach Fansler as House District 38's State Representative. Fansler resigned after being accused of domestic violence related to alcohol. Listen now

Bill would exempt utility companies from pesticide pollution

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists discovered “concerning levels” of the pesticide Penta in soils around power poles running through the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. Listen now

AK: Rising populations, threat of disease prompt renewed interest in bat research

Bats are a pretty low priority for most Alaskan biologists, but that could be changing due to a recent uptick in the creature’s population. Add to that a disease that’s been killing millions of bats in the lower 48, and Alaska might be taking note with the rest of the nation very soon. Listen now

Senate appointee drops out after controversial Facebook comments scrutinized

A new possibility to fill the seat emerged. The Republican Party advanced retired Palmer small business owner Vicki Wallner to replace Braund as one of three nominees. Listen now

Murkowski, Sullivan split as immigration reform mires in Senate

The future of immigration reform was in doubt Thursday, after two proposals failed to win 60 votes in the U.S. Senate. Alaska's U.S. senators split their votes, on both measures. Listen now

Walker chooses Sutton resident for Senate after Republicans reject top pick

Braund’s posts on Facebook contain potentially controversial material.

Seavey attorney: Report shows musher didn’t drug dogs

An attorney for four-time Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey released a toxicology report Wednesday that he says proves the musher did not drug his dogs in last year's race. Listen now

Senate Republicans reject Walker’s Senate pick, Kowalke

Soldotna Republican Sen. Peter Micciche said the rejection was based on Walker not following the traditional process. Listen now

Training accident ends Anchorage snowboarder Mancari’s Olympics

The Anchorage snowboarder revealed she ruptured both Achilles tendons. Mancari was set to compete in the women's snowboardcross event on Friday. Listen now

Ouch! 5 ways Trump’s budget could pinch Alaska

President Trump's 2019 budget would cut a lot of line-items that benefit Alaska. Ultimately, it's up to Congress, but here are some of the ways the White House plan could sting. Listen now

New EPA head for Alaska talks Pebble, budget cuts and climate change

Hladick said his boss -- EPA administrator Scott Pruitt -- recently called him up seeking some local knowledge, on a hot topic for many Alaskans: the proposed Pebble Mine. Listen now