Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

UA President Johnsen shares outlook for university budget

The Alaska House of Representatives passed its version of the state operating budget Monday by a narrow margin. It includes $19 million more for the University of Alaska’s operating budget than Gov. Bill Walker proposed. Listen now

House passes state budget in close vote

Any changes the Senate makes in the budget would likely be worked out in a conference committee. Listen now

Nearly $1M spent on Anchorage “bathroom bill” ahead of vote

Amid a packed slate of propositions and candidates, one particularly controversial measure has drawn the lion's share of campaign money. Listen now

Gasline signs a DC insider

Former White House communications director Mike Dubke is now helping promote the Alaska gasline project. Listen now

Alaska House reverses itself on full dividend

The House had been stalled for days, when the majority split over the size of the PFD. Six members of the majority reversed their position. Listen now

Chinese officials tour proposed gasline project

A Chinese group is touring the route of a proposed Alaska natural gas pipeline. Chinese government and energy officials are investigating the project in cooperation with the state of Alaska, in anticipation of investing in construction of the $43 billion gas line. Listen now

LISTEN: These undocumented Alaskans came to the U.S. as children. What happens next?

What's it like to live in Alaska as a member of the DACA generation? Meet local business owner Deicy Camarena and mother and legal services worker H.J Kim. Thanks for listening!
blue sticker that says "I Voted Today!" with big dipper

Reactions mixed as Vote By Mail approaches deadline in Anchorage

So far, the system is not without kinks. But the experiment is proceeding steadily toward its April 3rd deadline.

Walker admin says Corps moving too fast on Pebble

The proposed gold and copper mine would sit upstream from Bristol Bay. Gov. Bill Walker has said he doesn’t support the mine and believes the priority should be on the region’s salmon.

Divided House majority coalition stuck on state budget

Since the majority couldn’t agree on the dividend, it can’t agree on the overall size of the budget. The added dividend money would cost $892 million. Listen now

BOEM seeks input on Beaufort leasing; plan still pending

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is beginning work on a lease sale next year in Arctic waters, even though the larger plan for offshore leasing is still a draft proposal. Listen now

In Anchorage mayor’s race, divergent stances on same set of topics

The race's two major candidates have put crime and the economy at the center of the election, but disagree on the best policies for the city. Listen now

Newtok to Congress: thank you for saving our village

The $15 million in this year’s spending bill is just a fraction of what Newtok needs to fund its relocation. But village leaders say it’s crucial seed money that will make everything else possible. Listen now

Hill visits: It’s all about access in DC

Conventional wisdom has it that politicians only grant access to donors or lobbyists. Does the phenomenon of the "Hill visit" prove the cynics wrong? Listen now

Man survives plane strike on Arctic sea ice north of Alaska

A man survived being struck by a plane that was taking off from sea ice 140 miles north of Deadhorse on the Beaufort Sea, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. Listen now

House votes to restore PFDs to full $2,700

It's not clear how the House will fund the dividends. And it's not clear what will happen to the PFD in the Senate. Listen now

Marches held across the state in solidarity with DC March For Our Lives

More than 1,000 people gathered at the Delaney Park Strip in Downtown Anchorage on Saturday in solidarity with the March For Our Lives in Washington D.C. Listen now

Why Sullivan voted ‘no’ on $1.3T bill

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan typically votes with the Republican leadership in the Senate. But in the wee hours of Friday morning, Congress passed a $1.3 trillion spending bill and Sullivan voted "no." Listen now

Increasing numbers of Alaska wildlife testing positive for Movi bacteria

There’s more evidence of a bacteria potentially dangerous to some Alaska wildlife. Listen now

ACLU sues city of Palmer over alleged unlawful immigrant arrest

At the heart of the ACLU complaint in state court is whether or not it was lawful for police to arrest and detain an undocumented Palmer resident without evidence of a criminal offense. Listen now