Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

House Ethics Committee Extends Probe of Rep. Young

The House Ethics Committee is extending an investigation into possible violations by Rep. Don Young of Alaska. Today’s announcement was the first public confirmation that the ethics panel is probing into Young. The Congressman's office says the investigation centers around donations made to his legal defense fund and whether they exceed the legal limit.

Coast Guard calls off search for Japanese balloonist

The Coast Guard has ended its search for missing Japanese balloonist Michio Kanda. Kanda's hot air balloon disappeared in the North Pacific south of...
a Girdwood water rescue

Girdwood fire crews rescue man trapped up to his waist in Turnagain Arm mud

The surveyor became in stuck in the mudflats and then called 911 on his cellphone.

Private Christian schools in Anchorage grapple with outpouring of alumni stories about racial discrimination

Alumni say they were inspired by recent protests across the country, and hope change can take place in Alaska.

Fuel Barge Runs Aground Near Quinhagak

The Coast Guard is reporting a Crowley fuel barge is grounded near the village of Quinhagak on the Kanektok River. The village is...
An aerial view of a factory near water.

A state corporation is still pushing a massive gas line plan in Alaska. Is it a pipe dream?

The Alaska Gasline Development Corporation says the 800-mile natural gas line will be good for the state’s economy and energy costs. But critics argue that it’s time to give up on the expensive, decades-long dream.

What’s so special about the Mustang Field?

How one oil field got more than $95 million in unique state or state-backed loans from Alaska. Listen now

50 years ago, the US House voted for Alaska statehood

Alaska is coming up on its 50th anniversary as a state. It was exactly 50 years ago today that Alaskans began taking the last...

Without a mask mandate, Anchorage businesses wade into culture clash

Businesses that have required customers and employees to wear masks say that they've run into some brusque opposition from those who say that such requirements are a violation of personal liberty.

Young joins Afghanistan war skeptics in Congress

Rep. Don Young wants to know why Americans are still fighting in Afghanistan. He has co-sponsored a bill that would end funding for the war in a year, unless the president and Congress affirm the need for it. Listen now

In push up the coast, Iditarod mushers vie for top 10

Competition is hardly confined to the front as Iditarod teams sprint along the coast. Mushers in Unalakleet are hoping to hop, skip, and leap-frog their teams toward the top 10.

Why a wilderness lodge in the middle of nowhere became a magnet for mushers

Along one of the most remote stretches of the state's road system is a wilderness lodge that's become thoroughly popular with elite dog-mushers.

Sen. Sullivan: Mueller doesn’t need Congress to protect him

U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan said a bill to protect the Mueller investigation isn't needed because the president has said he doesn't intend to replace Robert Mueller. "I take him at his word on that.”

Prosecutors wrap up corruption case against Kott

Federal prosecutors finished presenting their political corruption case against former State Representative Pete Kott today. Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage

Murkowski back in GOP fold on health care

Last weekend, Sen. Murkowski made headlines for breaking with her party over the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. But she fell in line with her Republican caucus Wednesday on a controversial health care vote. Listen now
The view from Point Hope, early winter 2015. (Photo by Ellen Chenoweth/University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Oil and subsistence in the warming Arctic: A conversation with Tom Kizzia

In the most recent issue of The New Yorker, Alaska writer and longtime former ADN reporter Tom Kizzia looks back at the debate over offshore drilling in North Slope communities. Kizzia visited Point Hope to report on how climate change is affecting the region’s twin pillars: oil development and subsistence hunting.

Sen. Murkowski talks aviation, climate change in Bethel visit

Climate change and rural aviation are major issues in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski addressed both during her visit to the region last week.

Incivility in Anchorage: Ex-Assembly members do not approve

There was a time when the other side wasn't considered evil, they say.
assembly members stand for a pledge

Anchorage Assembly urges Dunleavy and Alaska’s delegation to do more to fight COVID-19

In a nonbinding resolution, the Anchorage Assembly voted 9-1 to ask Gov. Mike Dunleavy to implement a statewide mask mandate.
Governor Dunleavy, wearing a greenish zip up jacket, gestures as he talks

Dunleavy’s court system vetoes because of abortion funding were illegal, judge says

Anchorage Superior Court Judge Jennifer Henderson ruled that Dunleavy’s vetoes of $334,700 both last year and this year violated the separation of powers doctrine. She also voided the veto for the current budget.