Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

A grean lump with yellow dots

Anchorage officials are “hyper-vigilant” after COVID spike, but no new restrictions are planned

After another Anchorage resident died of coronavirus at an extended care facility, Anchorage officials say that they are a lot more concerned this week than last week.
A bunch of signs on a garden

Your questions about traveling through Canada, answered

We’ve had several questions from listeners about whether they can cross the Canadian border to go to or from Alaska. Alaska Public Media’s Liz Ruskin looked into it and has a few answers.

COVID-19 spreading quickly in Alaska, with 46 new cases reported over the weekend

According to modeling the state is using, the rate that Alaskans are transmitting the virus is now the second highest in the nation.

Anchorage bids to become headquarters for revamped Space Command

The CEO of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation admitted that Anchorage was probably not at the front of the list, but said Alaska's largest city does have some things lined up in its favor.

Have questions about police accountability and use of force in Alaska? We’ve got some answers.

What does data show about police shootings and use of force in Alaska, particularly when it’s used on people of color? What do we know about how officers are disciplined for violating those policies? We ask and answer those questions, and others, about Anchorage police and the Alaska State Troopers.

With another year of low early-season returns for Kenai kings, managers close fishing

King salmon caught while fishing for other species may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.

After fears, crew of American Seafoods vessel tests negative for COVID-19 in Unalaska

Over 100 asymptomatic crew members tested positive on three of the seafood company's other factory trawlers.

ConocoPhillips to resume normal production in July in Alaska

ConocoPhillips plans to resume normal production operations on Alaska’s North Slope in July, a spokesperson said, after a reduction this month that the company attributed to low prices and a global oversupply of oil.
alaska canadian border sig

Restrictions for crossing the border into Canada extended to July 21

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the move is important to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Alaska’s courtrooms remain closed to jury trials due to pandemic

Most non-emergency proceedings were first suspended in late March. Now they will be canceled at least until September.

Developers of proposed Pebble Mine offer dividends to everyone in Bristol Bay, hotbed of mine opposition

Register now, the company says, and payments will begin with construction. "Shameless" says one leading opponent.

Kaktovik voters overturn decades-old alcohol ban

The community voted 54-32 in favor of lifting the ban.

State investment arm seeks approval to put up to $500K towards controversial Ambler road

If approved, the $500,000 would go to aerial photography of the proposed route, public outreach and the hiring of program manager, among other items.

LISTEN: Alaska NAACP activism in early ’80s changed police use of force rules

Anchorage's history of activism impacting local police policy includes the NAACP's efforts toward repealing the "fleeing felon" rule. That said police officers were justified in using lethal force to stop a fleeing felon.

Amidst calls for police reform, Anchorage School District opts to keep School Resource Officer program

The program is used across the country and stations local police officers in public schools.

Alaska’s active COVID-19 case count hits new high as 25 more people test positive

There’s now a total of 246 Alaskans who have been diagnosed with the disease and haven’t recovered yet — the highest number since the pandemic began.

Ketchikan officials warn of potential ‘wide community spread’ of COVID-19 after traveler broke quarantine

A COVID-infected visitor did not follow quarantine requirements after arriving in the community.

Assembly looks to expand where it can set up homeless shelters

The administration says that when the lease to use the Sullivan Arena ends, residents will be forced out on the streets without housing.
A wall with the name "Palmer Police Dept."

Action on Palmer police chief’s protest-inducing statements still pending

Two weeks, one protest and one city council meeting later, and the city of Palmer has made no decision yet on how to handle statements by its police chief calling the Black Lives Matter movement a "hate group" and questioning the honesty of sexual assault victims.

Anchorage Police chief says his department is committed to ‘dignity and respect’

Chief Justin Doll says APD officers are taught to intervene if a colleague is out of bounds, and to report fellow officers for any misconduct they witness.