Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

BP moves to exit Alaska, relinquishing role as operator of Prudhoe Bay

One of Alaska's "Big Three" oil companies is stepping away from its major role in the state. BP is leaving its position as the company that oversees Prudhoe Bay.

Governor signs $1,600 PFD, says third special session would focus on full dividend

For the second time, Dunleavy vetoed funding to reimburse municipalities for school construction debt and to pay for Medicaid.

Initiative would increase state oil taxes, eliminate tax credits

Oil industry representatives say the initiative would hurt the industry.

Fires burn from Homer to Mat-Su, stalling traffic, as evacuees wait for news

Fire crews and additional resources are pouring in to Alaska to help contain multiple blazes burning on and off the road system. And while cooler, calmer weather has helped, there's still no rain forecast for the days ahead.

Wildfires crimp Alaska’s major transportation corridor, halting tourist operations, delaying groceries

Major wildfires that flared up in Southcentral Alaska over the weekend caused road closures and delays on some of the region's busiest road corridors, forcing re-routes and long delays for locals, buses filled with tourists and trucks trying to re-supply grocery stores.

Alaskan Joe Balash resigns as assistant secretary of Interior

Joe Balash is one of the highest placed Alaskans in the Trump administration.

In a trickle of information, fire evacuees learn fate of homes

Residents displaced by the McKinley fire are gradually finding out about their homes and property, as state begins an assessment that will take days.

The McKinley Fire raged through this area over the weekend. Here’s what it looks like now.

As the the McKinley wildfire continues to burn in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. leaving charred destruction in its wake, emergency crews work to protect area homes and property.

Trump’s path to ‘energy dominance’ in Alaska has a key opponent: lawyers

Not long after Trump took office, former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke famously proclaimed "the only path for energy dominance is a path through the great state of Alaska." Two and a half years into the administration, lawyers have proven to be significant impediments to that path.

The latest on Southcentral wildfires: Aug. 21, 2019

The Caribou Lake Fire is threatening around 30 cabins near Homer. The blaze, 25 miles northeast of the city, grew to an estimated 700 acres on Wednesday.

Swan Lake Fire pushes Cooper Landing’s smoky air quality off the charts, literally

Cooper Landing is registering some of the worst air quality readings in the country this week, due to smoke from the Swan Lake fire.

Pentagon scraps Fort Greely missile plan

The Pentagon is canceling a project to improve its ground-based missile interceptors, most of which are housed at Fort Greely in the Interior of Alaska.

When the McKinley fire started, local firefighters took the first calls

Many of the local firefighters are still at the scene, but their initial efforts were especially important, officials said, amid diminished staffing levels at the end of the fire season, and as other wildfires around the state were competing for staff and equipment.

The latest on Southcentral wildfires: Aug. 22, 2019

Calm winds are aiding firefighters as they continue to battle blazes throughout Southcentral.

Experts: Heat and drought, not spruce beetles or leaf miners, turned Alaska forests into kindling

There are more insects in the forest than other years, but experts say climate is the biggest factor for fires.

Budget cuts rely on Medicaid savings that will be difficult to achieve

Once a state makes someone eligible for Medicaid, they’re entitled to receive health care — and their provider is entitled to be paid.

51 homes burned from McKinley fire, 3 businesses, 80 outbuildings

Officials dealing with the McKinley fire burning between Willow and Talkeetna released an assessment Friday of damage since the blaze ignited last weekend.

ConocoPhillips’ next big oil project in Alaska takes another step forward

The company hopes to construct a new oil processing facility, up to five drill sites, about 40 miles of permanent roads, a gravel mine and hundreds of miles of pipelines and seasonal ice roads.

Even before vetoes, poll by anti-tax Gov. Dunleavy shows Alaskans, narrowly, favoring more taxes

Alaska GOP Gov. Mike Dunleavy opposes new taxes. But in a poll he quietly commissioned earlier this year, a narrow majority of respondents supported them.

In Alaska, Education Secretary DeVos touts alternative schooling agenda

U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is in Alaska this week, traveling the state to see how certain communities are using alternatives to traditional K-12 public schooling.