Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Iditapod: Kaiser Racing team hangs on for first Iditarod win

That’s right: Iditarod has a new champion. And it’s really looking like we’re going to have three women in the top 10 for the first time in 47 years for the Last Great Race. As for the pride and swelling hearts of Bethel, the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, maybe all of Western Alaska, Peter Kaiser and eight dogs crossed under the Burled Arch in Nome at 3:39 a.m. Alaska time Wednesday trailed only 12 minutes later by the 2018 champ, Joar Leifseth Ulsom.
a man in a suit

Bill would repeal conflict of interest requirements enacted last year

Alaska lawmakers want to repeal parts of a new law that requires them to declare a wider range of conflicts of interest: Senators say it's creating practical obstacles to serving their constituents.

Iditapod: A new trio of elite women mushers

It happened, because Paige Drobny made it happen: The top 10 of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race includes three women for the first time ever. Fans of Drobny, Aliy Zirkle and Jessie Royer are ecstatic, as are some Bethel residents who were cheering on 2019 Iditarod champion Pete Kaiser. We hear from them in this episode, plus a lightning round of questions and... a couple special guests!

Virginia GOP group helps boost conservative Anchorage school board candidates

An independent political group with money from a national Republican organization is running radio ads boosting conservative candidates in Anchorage’s local school board races.

Murkowski votes to block Trump’s emergency; Sullivan votes opposite

Alaska's U.S. senators split on the vote Thursday to block President Trump's declaration of an emergency. If Trump prevails with a veto, Alaska could lose military construction projects as money is diverted to build a wall on the southern border.

Alaska, oil companies to determine economic viability of gasline within 60 days

Gov. Mike Dunleavy says he didn’t hear much interest in Alaska’s gasline at a conference in Texas. But he did hear interest from companies in investing in North Slope oil.

Over 100 people rally in Anchorage as part of Global Climate Strike

More than 100 people rallied in Anchorage today in solidarity with an international effort for a Global Climate Strike to raise awareness of climate change.

New House Tribal Affairs Committee aims to advance state relationships

The Alaska House has a new special committee to focus on tribal affairs. The committee will aim to advance relationships with tribes. Lawmakers spent...

Green New Deal? Murkowski says no, opts for middle way on climate

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is talking about global warming more than ever. While the Green New Deal is a lightning rod in Congress, Murkowski says she's reaching for what's politically possible. In a word: "Innovation."
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New report findings confirm major problems at Alaska Psychiatric Institute

The investigation by the State of Alaska's Ombudsman Office into API looked into allegations of harm to patients.

Republicans leave school budget subcommittee in protest over process

Chairman Rep. Dan Ortiz claims minority-caucus Republicans had more of a say on the governor’s ideas than they had in the past.

Anchorage lawmakers weigh options for $1.9B port modernization project

Anchorage Assembly members are considering whether to spend $100,000 to hire an independent analyst to monitor an ongoing modernization project at the Port of Alaska.

Black box recovered from crashed Southeast flight

An air ambulance company says it has recovered the cockpit voice recorder for its plane that crashed in Southeast Alaska’s Frederick Sound in late January.

At DEC nominee Brune’s confirmation hearing, public testimony centered on Pebble ties

Opposition centered largely on Brune’s involvement with the proposed Pebble Mine. From 2011 to 2014 he served as the public affairs and government relations manager for Anglo American -- a company that backed the project until 2013.
an F-35

Most Alaska military projects spared from border wall fund diversion, DOD says

Funding for Alaska military projects is largely spared from diversion for construction of a southern border wall, under criteria released by the Department of Defense.

Judge says BLM must reassess climate impacts of oil leases

The ruling stems from a challenge to lease sales in Wyoming, but if it stands, it could complicate the Trump administration’s effort to produce more petroleum from public lands. Opponents of ANWR drilling say the BLM's analysis of the climate impact of leasing there is inadequate, too.

As Trump administration contemplates drilling in Arctic waters, North Slope organizations stress need to protect subsistence resources

In public comments made available on a federal site, most North Slope institutions didn’t express outright opposition to the plan. But they did voice concern for subsistence resources and hunters’ continued access to them.

Medicaid cuts, while aimed at access, still raise concerns

As Gov. Mike Dunleavy seeks to close a $1.6 billion budget gap, the administration looked to Medicaid, where it could cut a lot of costs: $249 million.

Ferry supporters rally as DOT ponies up $250,000 for privatization study

This comes as the Dunleavy administration decided to offer more time — and a lot more money — for a new study to recommend ways to reduce or eliminate the state’s subsidy for the Alaska Marine Highway System.

China, Russia find common cause in Arctic

China and Russia are teaming up to pursue their interests in the Arctic, and regional security expert Rebecca Pincus says the United States needs to pay more attention. “We need to play a shaping role in this region. It’s our backyard," she said.