Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Final Walker budget includes $1,800 PFDs and funds to investigate murders of Alaska Native women

While Gov. Bill Walker is leaving office, his nearly $6 billion spending plan could provide the basis for Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy’s first budget.

Murkowski all in for Hyde-Smith, despite ‘hanging’ remark

Some contributors asked for refunds after the Mississippi senator seemed to make light of lynching. But Sen. Lisa Murkowski made a maximum campaign contribution.

As oceans heats up off Northwest Alaska, the fishing does too

The cod population in the Gulf of Alaska is at its lowest level on record. Officials have declared disasters after the failure of multiple Alaska salmon fisheries. But in northern parts of the state, fishermen have been landing huge catches, in numbers that haven’t been seen in decades.

Is there something for everyone in a new vision for Tongass roads?

A citizen advisory committee has released a set of new recommendations that could shape the future of the Tongass National Forest.

Icebreaker could lose out to wall

If Congress grants President Trump $5 billion for border security, it may come at the expense of a top Alaska priority — a polar icebreaker. 

Winter fuel costs could spike nationwide. Here’s why Alaska is different

Americans who heat their homes primarily with oil could be hit the hardest, with up to a 20 percent jump in prices predicted. But what happens in the Lower 48 doesn’t always apply to Alaska.

Jury finds napkin contract binding; former ADN owner obliged to pay over $850K to Dispatch founder

In a case that hinged over whether a promise scratched out on a cocktail napkin counts as a binding contract, the jury said yes, siding with Dispatch founder Tony Hopfinger.

Strong earthquake hits Southcentral: Here’s what we know

According to the Alaska Earthquake Center, the quake hit about 10 miles north of Anchorage, Alaska's most populous city. The event started at about 8:30 a.m., with multiple aftershocks following.

Anchorage driver survives on ‘little island of asphalt’ as exit ramp sloughs away

One of the most striking scenes from this morning’s earthquake in Anchorage is a photo of an SUV sunk in a crevasse that opened up on a Minnesota Drive exit ramp.

Emergency rooms open, non-critical appointments canceled at Anchorage area hospitals

Anchorage emergency departments were open today, and all three major Anchorage facilities said they received patients with minor earthquake-related injuries.

Pivotal House race recount now favors LeBon by 1 vote

The recount in the pivotal House District 1 race has ended, and the new count favors Bart LeBon by one vote. A LeBon victory would mean Republican control of the Alaska House of Representatives.

Fallen dishes, water leaks and borrowed shoes: Scenes after the earthquake in downtown Anchorage

“It was one of the most significant shakers I’ve seen in 40 years.” The earthquake hit just as Anchorage was beginning its day, causing widespread damage, derailing plans and snarling traffic.

Following earthquake, significant road damage around Southcentral

As of Saturday morning, the state Department of Transportation had documented over 40 damaged sites.

In wake of Anchorage quake, teachers thankful for regular disaster drills

Right now, all Anchorage School District facilities are closed through Tuesday, and it's unknown when classes will start back up, and when students and staff will be able to gather the belongings they left behind.

That guy driving the earthquake-marooned GMC? Yeah, he made his flight out of Anchorage

Tom Sulczynski was driving that red GMC that became an icon of Saturday’s earthquake in Anchorage.

Anchorage classes cancelled through the week as clean-up continues

The tentative first day back for students is Monday, Dec. 10.

Earthquake updates: roads under repair, utilities back, brace for weather

Officials in Anchorage say the response to Friday’s earthquake is shifting from an assessment phase to repairing damage. That task is about to get more complicated, with winter weather headed towards the area.

Update: Dunleavy sworn in as governor in Kotzebue

More people are expected to attend the inauguration event than live in the community of Noorvik.

Bettye Davis, trailblazing lawmaker and education activist, passes at the age of 80

Former state lawmaker Bettye Davis has passed away at the age of 80.

No earthquake policy? Your loss may still be insured

You probably don't have earthquake insurance. Fewer than 20 percent of Alaska homeowners do. But if your property was damaged, you may still have options to get compensation.