Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

a ship

What we know and don’t know about Baltimore’s Key Bridge collapse

Rescue efforts have turned to recovery after the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, as the region braces for a long and costly reconstruction.
a woman with glasses in a meeting room

Legislature relaunches Alaska Children’s Caucus

The revival of a legislative group focused on providing support to children from birth to adulthood comes as the state faces systemic issues in child care and education.
Eielson Air Force Base

Work on Eielson microreactor project may resume this summer

State Sen. Click Bishop, R-Fairbanks, urged the Air Force to move ahead with the small nuclear power plant after a presentation last week.

GCI customers can keep email accounts set to be shut down – for a fee

A once-temporary $4.99 monthly fee for email accounts will now be permanent, company officials said in a statement.
an ice road

Safety concerns prompt sudden closure of Kuskokwim Ice Road

Warm weather has left maintainers of the melting ice road recommending against all vehicle travel on the Kuskokwim for now.

Project seeks to gather Alaska environmental knowledge embedded in Indigenous languages

Experts want to compile a glossary of Alaska Native words and phrases holding information that can help track climate change and other conditions.
a ship

The Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore collapses after a ship crashed into it

A part of a Baltimore bridge collapsed early Tuesday morning after a container ship crashed into it, sending people into the water.
man speaking in legislative chamber

Senate passes fast-tracked rural school broadband bill, Dunleavy promises quick signature

The bill increases the amount of state money for school districts to purchase broadband service. Gov. Dunleavy indicated he'll sign it.
a ship

New Coast Guard alert system aims to reduce the number of whales hit by vessels

The Coast Guard is stepping up to help improve one of the most used whale report apps, WRAS, which also forms the basis for Canada's alert system.
a road

Unalaska to pursue geothermal energy project with new partners

For the city’s plan to work without Chena Power’s involvement, the Ounalashka Corp. would likely have to break ties with Chena.
a mountain

Warmer weather could increase Kenai Peninsula avalanche threat

Areas most prone to avalanches are those under the steep slopes where many summertime hiking trails on or near the Kenai Peninsula are located.

Environmental DNA offers scientists a look at salmon’s past and future

Scales and other genetic material can be collected from seawater up to two days after fish leave an area, according to a new paper.

Alaska House votes to give police warrantless emergency access to cellphone location data

Lawmakers have also passed other bills on storage rentals, fireworks rules, telemedicine and federal lands.
a man

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun to step down, part of a shakeup after 737 Max problems

After several difficult months, Boeing announced its embattled chief executive will step down at the end of this year.

Congress bought a stopgap icebreaker for the Arctic, but its $1.2 trillion bill has no money to build a new one

The bill has $125 million to buy a ship that Shell used in its ill-fated Arctic drilling venture. The Coast Guard plans to base it in Juneau.
the Alaska State Capitol

Alaska House adds measure raising age of consent to 18 to child sex trafficking bill

A bipartisan majority of the House approved the measure as an amendment to a bill that would provide for child sex trafficking screenings.
A man carries a sled full of shovels in winter.

Anchorage is about a foot shy of breaking winter snowfall record

NWS climatologist Brian Brettschneider says the prospect of Anchorage having more than 134.5 inches of total snowfall this winter is “not looking good.”
Four people, a man in a suit with red tie, a woman with a deep red blazer, a man in a suit with purple tie, and a man in a suit with a striped tie stand behind podiums in front of a white backdrop with the logos for PBS, NPR, and Alaska Public Media preparing for a debate.

Anchorage mayoral candidates describe city in decline during Alaska Public Media-ADN debate

Over 90 minutes, the four major candidates answered a series of questions related to topics like homelessness, an impending natural gas shortage and climate change.

Watch our 2024 Anchorage Mayoral Debate

Incumbent Dave Bronson, Bill Popp, Suzanne LaFrance and Chris Tuck face off during our live mayoral debate.
an airliner

FBI letter tells Alaska Airlines passengers they are ‘a possible victim of a crime’

"We want answers, accountability, and safer planes" — and a federal investigation will help, said an attorney for passengers of the Jan. 5 flight.