Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Warning from left: Deficit could eat Alaska’s ANWR money

Drilling opponents warn, no matter how much oil companies bid on ANWR, the feds could give Alaska zero. Listen now

In Russia, a competitor for Alaska’s gasline project comes online

The $27 billion Russian project is heavily funded by partners in China. When completed, it will be almost as large as the Alaska LNG project. Listen now

State prosecutor decides not to charge Sen. Wilson in reporter slapping

Peterson wrote that it is unlikely the state will be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Wilson acted with the specific intent to harass or annoy Herz. Listen now

Trump signs defense bill to allow more missile interceptors in Alaska

The law authorizes nearly $700 billion for the military, including $200 million for a new missile field at Fort Greely. Actual spending may vary. Listen now

State Division of Elections denies GOP primary block

The Alaska Division of Elections has denied the Alaska Republican Party’s request to block three incumbent House Republicans from running in the party’s 2018 primaries. Listen now

Protests fail to slow tax bill, or Arctic drilling

Republicans say they've reached a final agreement on their tax bill, and it appears to include ANWR drilling. Democrats complain they haven't been allowed to even see the final agreement, and Rep. Young explains the purpose of cowboy boots. Listen now

King Cove closer to goal of 100 percent renewable energy

Funding for renewable energy projects in Alaska has dried up, but that has not stopped the City of King Cove from pursuing green power. Listen now

Credit rating agency sees a ‘clear path,’ as Alaska tries to balance its budget

In less than a year and a half, Alaska went from one of Moody's highest rated states, to one of its lowest. But now, that's changed. Listen now

AK: How do you recruit more young Alaska Native nurses?

More and more programs have sprung up locally to familiarize students with trades and professions in the hopes of getting more Alaska Natives employed. That’s what the University of Alaska Anchorage did 20 years ago for Alaska Native nurses. The program is called RRANN: Recruiting and Retaining Alaska Natives into Nursing. Listen now

Murkowski unsure Congress can investigate Trump on groping charges

Lisa Murkowski was one of the voices calling for Democratic Sen. Al Franken to resign, but she doesn't know what Congress can do about the allegations against the president. Listen now

Amid sexual harassment claims, Rep. Westlake says he’ll resign

“It shows that more and more so, people who do these kinds of things are going to be held accountable for their actions,” said Olivia Garrett, a former legislative aide and the first person to come forward publicly with allegations. Listen now

Conoco hopes to crack open off-limits North Slope land

Beyond its current developments, the ConocoPhillips sees even more opportunity further west. But in that direction lies the off-limits Teshekpuk Lake Special Area.

For third straight year, Gov. Walker proposes budget drawing from Permanent Fund earnings

Walker also proposed process changes. Lawmakers’ per diem payments would stop if they don’t pass a budget in the 90-day session set by state law. Their salaries would also be delayed. Another change would shift the state to a two-year budget. Listen now

Pebble names First Quantum Minerals as new partner

First Quantum Minerals will buy in at $150 million over the next four years, during the permitting phase, and will have the option to become a 50 percent partner with Northern Dynasty for an additional $1.35 billion if the mine goes into production. Listen now

Landslide south of Anchorage creates ‘unusual’ highway blockage

A landslide early Monday on the Seward Highway blocked traffic between Anchorage and points south for more than five hours. Listen now

When preschoolers meet Pioneers, both benefit

Loneliness and isolation can be a big problem for seniors in Alaska. Many older people are often far away from family members, and kids are far away from their grandparents. In Sitka, the local Pioneer Home for seniors has found a solution for both problems: housing a local preschool right next door.

Long ANWR battle ending quietly

After 40 years of fighting about it, Congress is on the verge of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil development. Environmental groups were able to defeat all previous ANWR drilling bills. Why they were powerless to stop this one? Listen now

Climate task force begins work — and push-back begins, too

Gov. Bill Walker's climate change task force met for the first time Monday. But the team is facing questions before it even begins work. Listen now

Trump lauds ANWR passage; Young: ‘We finally got it done’

For hours at a time, no one mentioned the refuge during the congressional debate over the tax bill. But at a White House celebration, ANWR got big props from the president. Listen now

Oil companies aren’t promising to drill in ANWR…so how interested are they?

Now, everything that was hypothetical is going to get real. One of the big questions that could finally get answered this: what oil companies, if any, are actually interested in drilling in the Refuge? Listen now