Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Shell Tallies Cost of Kulluk Grounding

Shell’s chief executives responded to questions about the January grounding of the Kulluk drill rig during the company’s annual results conference in London Thursday. In a prepared presentation, Shell’s Chief Executive Officer, Peter Voser, played down the company’s many mishaps in Alaska last year.

Massive Disabled Cargo Ship in Route to Dutch Harbor

When it finally arrives in Unalaska next week, the Shin Onoe will be one of the biggest vessels to ever stay in port here. It’s 150 feet wide, with a 60 foot draft when it’s full of coal, soybeans, or iron. Right now, it’s empty. It was traveling along the Great Circle shipping route to Prince William Sound early this week to pick up cargo when its turbocharger failed, just west of Attu island.

Lawmaker Pushes Photo ID for Voters

A measure that would require voters to show photo identification at the polls got its first hearing today (on Thursday). Rep. Bob Lynn, a Republican from Anchorage, sponsored the bill, and he views it as a simple way of preventing voter fraud.

Task Force Report Reveals Ways to Help Victims of Sex Trafficking

The scope of Alaska’s sex trafficking problem remains unclear, but there’s plenty that can still be done to help victims -- that’s the conclusion of a report issued by astate task force charged with studying the issue.

Parnell Administration, Unions Reach Tentative Agreement

The Parnell administration and two public employee unions have reached tentative agreement for a new three-year contract to begin in July. The Alaska Public Employees Association settled earlier this week; the Alaska State Employees Association finished late Thursday afternoon.

Interceptor Missiles to Increase at Fort Greely

The United States is increasing the amount of interceptor missiles it stockpiles from thirty to forty four. The 14 additional missiles will be based at Fort Greely, near Fairbanks.

Northern Edge Cancelled

Another major military exercise has been cancelled. The Alaskan command announced this (Friday) morning that it will not hold Northern Edge 2013. The event, held every other year was scheduled for the last 2 weeks of June.

Marvin Sentenced To 198 Years

John Marvin, Junior has been sentenced to 198 years in prison for the murder of two Hoonah police officers. The 47-year old Hoonah resident will essentially spend the rest of his life in prison for gunning down two officers in front of their families, and then holding other officers at bay in a stand-off for more than a day.

State Vehicles Block Abortion Protesters in Front of the Capitol Building

Protesters with the anti-abortion Center for Bioethical Reform held up large signs across from the state capitol building in Juneau this week, depicting graphic images of aborted fetuses.

Audit Deems KABATA Project “Unreasonably Optimistic”

An audit of the Knik Arm bridge finds that the agency handling the project has "overstated" its traffic forecasts. Government auditors expect substantially less toll revenue as a result, leaving the state at risk of having to make up the shortfall.

F-16s at Eielson are Grounded

The Air Force has grounded the 18th Aggressor Squadron at Eielson Air Force Base due to federal budget restrictions. The Squadron of F-16s is the same one the Air Force has considered relocating to Joint Base Elemendorf Richardson near Anchorage.

Subsistence Fishermen On Kuskokwim Should Get More Kings This Summer

Last year, an unprecedented 12-day King salmon fishing closure on the Kuskokwim River devastated the subsistence harvest of the fish. Instead of taking about 75,000 Kings as usual, residents only caught 20,000. However, this year should be different. Listen Now

Kenai Man Describes Bear Attack

A weekend encounter with a brown bear on the Kasilof River left a Kenai man with just minor scrapes and bruises and his family unharmed. But the encounter was a terrifying one. KDLL’s Shaylon Cochran spoke with Toby Burke for a first hand account of what happened. Listen Now

Group Seeks Funding For Mat Su Borough Sexual Assault Response Team

Matanuska Susitna Borough residents turned out at last (Tuesday) night's  Borough Assembly special meeting  to speak up about what they want included in this year's budget.  And one line item that many Valley health care and law enforcement professionals are backing is funding for a Sexual Assault Response Team. Listen Now

Convicted Former Murkowski Aid Registers as Lobbyist

A former aide to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who served time in prison for falsifying his fishing records, is now working as a lobbyist. Records from the first quarter of this year show Arne Fuglovg represented four commercial fishing companies. Listen now.

Senator Murkowski Meets with Subsistence Users in Glenallen

Senator Lisa Murkowski held a listening session on subsistence in Glennallen yesterday (Thursday). The meeting followed an a similar meeting in Bethel last month. Murkowski says the issues raised in Glennallen were different from those voiced in Bethel. Listen now.

Cleveland Eruption Continues

Cleveland Volcano continues to be active, with two additional blasts shaking the volcano on Sunday evening, and Monday morning. Neither explosion produced ash clouds large enough to interfere with air traffic transiting the region. Listen Now

Hundreds Gather In Juneau For Malaspina Tours

Hundreds of Juneau residents flocked to the downtown waterfront Saturday to celebrate two major components of Southeast Alaska’s economy - the Alaska Marine Highway System and the fishing industry. Listen for full story

Newtok Residents Describe Injuries From Era Plane Crash

An Era Alaska Cessna 207 went down Saturday near the village of Newtok. Some passengers suffered injuries after the plane landed short of the runway and skidded across a local river. But Era is disputing the extent of the injuries. Listen For Full Story

The Nation: Kreiss-Tomkins a ‘Lesson For the Left’

A local legislative race in Alaska has caught the attention of national media, and is being held up as model for political change elsewhere in the country. Listen Now