Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Rainfall Report & Peak Wind Gusts

Here are some rainfall and peak wind gust information for the storm that affected Mainland Alaska September 15 - 16, 2012.

Seward, Mat-Su Clean Up, Kenai To Get More Rain

The cleanup is underway in Talkeetna and in other areas of the Matanuska Susitna Borough, but south of Anchorage, more rain is falling. River waters continue to rise on the Kenai Peninsula, and a flood warning has been extended until later this (Monday) afternoon a for Seward and for Tuesday night for the entire Kenai Peninsula Borough.

Homer Residents Express Growing Frustration with Endeavor Oil Rig

A public meeting between representatives of Buccaneer Energy and concerned Homer citizens turned contentious Tuesday night, with many people wondering why the company’s ‘Endeavor’ jack-up rig is still parked at the Homer harbor nearly two months after its arrival. Company officials say the rig will soon be moving to drill in the Cosmopolitan Unit near Anchor Point but as KBBI’s Aaron Selbig reports, the State of Alaska says that’s not likely to happen.

Task Force to Gather Testimony on Sex Trafficking in Alaska

Gathering information about the scale of the problem of sex trafficking in Alaska will be the focus of a state hearing on the issue next week. The lengthily titled State of Alaska Task Force on the Crimes of Human Trafficking, Promoting Prostitution and Sex Trafficking will hold hearings in Anchorage and Bethel. Cori Badgley is an assistant Attorney General with the state. She says domestic violence and sexual assault of children are usually in the backgrounds of victims of sex trafficking. She says it's important for Alaskans to weigh in on this crime.

Ancient Marine Reptiles are Topic of Recent Norwegian Journal and Fairbanks Scientist’s Research

It’s hard to imagine that oceans in the far north once teemed with ancient marine reptiles. But 145 million years ago, that’s exactly what was happening a couple hundred miles north of mainland Europe. A region east of Greenland and north of Norway used to be home to a whole slew of giant sea-faring reptiles. “It is literally one of the richest places in the world for marine reptiles like Plesiosuars and Ichthyosuars,” says Pat Druckenmiller.

First 3 Subsistence Fishermen Found Guilty

Trials began yesterday for two dozen Kuskokwim subsistence fishermen who allegedly fished with salmon nets when they were restricted this past summer. The first three fishermen were found guilty at the Bethel District Court House today. The politics of subsistence rights versus state restrictions weighs far heavier on the trials than the violations themselves, worth $250 each

Planned Parenthood Offers Free HIV testing in Alaska

This week Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest is offering free HIV testing in four Alaska locations. It started today (Monday 12/10) and runs through Friday.

Another Person Dies in Bethel After Being Found Cold

A second person has died in Bethel after being found in an unheated home. 60-year-old June Swope was found unresponsive Friday morning at 102 East Avenue, located across the slough.

Cook Inlet Energy Proposes Pipeline To Link West Side Of Cook Inlet

Plans for a 29-mile pipeline underneath Cook Inlet were announced Wednesday. Cook Inlet Energy, one of many new players in the area, is the company applying for a right-of-way lease from the Department of Natural Resources. An underwater pipeline would solve several problems for Cook Inlet oil producers, but other concerns remain.

Legislature Loses Alaska Native Representation

Southeast lost both its Tlingit lawmakers during this year’s legislative elections. It’s the first time in at least two decades that the region has been without Native representation.

Bethel Approves Tobacco Tax

Soon it will be more expensive to be a tobacco user in Bethel. At the last regular meeting the Bethel City Council passed an ordinance that will increase taxes on all tobacco products sold in the city. The ordinance will raise the price of cigarettes by $2.21 per pack and raise prices for other tobacco products by 45%.

Senate Considers Disaster Bill That Includes Alaska Aid

The Senate is green lighting a disaster relief bill to the floor. It could come up for a vote as early as Monday. It has two key provisions for Alaska – federal aid for the fishery disaster and money for marine debris research and clean up. As APRN’s Peter Granitz reports, the bill has ballooned in size, and it’s unclear whether it will pass as is.

ASD Talks About School Safety

Anchorage leaders held a press conference at City Hall today (Friday) to discuss school safety after news of the school shooting in Connecticut. Anchorage School District Superintendent Jim Browder says he's had a lot of inquires from parents about school safety since this morning's tragedy in Connecticut. And he says he wants people to know that every school in the district has an emergency plan that's required by state law.

Legislative Aide Resigns After Ethics Violation

A legislative aide resigned today because of ethics violations involving an anti-Islam organization.

Governor Parnell Announces 2014 Budget Plan

Today Governor Sean Parnell announced a $12.8 billion-dollar budget for 2014, saying it's more than a billion dollars leaner than this year's budget and leaves a half-billion-dollar surplus.

Kikkan Randall Dominates Sprint in Sochi

Kikkan Randall won the world cup skate sprint near Sochi, Russia today, on the same course that will serve as the Olympic venue next year. The Alaska Pacific University skier won all three heats.

Republicans Oust Millette as Chair

The Alaska Republican Party's Executive Committee has blocked incoming party chair. Russ Millette from taking his position. In a meeting last night, the committee voted to oust Millette, who was elected to the chairman's position at the party's annual state convention in April of last year. Millette says he's weighing his options to fight the decision.

Shell Tallies Cost of Kulluk Grounding

Shell’s chief executives responded to questions about the January grounding of the Kulluk drill rig during the company’s annual results conference in London Thursday. In a prepared presentation, Shell’s Chief Executive Officer, Peter Voser, played down the company’s many mishaps in Alaska last year.

Massive Disabled Cargo Ship in Route to Dutch Harbor

When it finally arrives in Unalaska next week, the Shin Onoe will be one of the biggest vessels to ever stay in port here. It’s 150 feet wide, with a 60 foot draft when it’s full of coal, soybeans, or iron. Right now, it’s empty. It was traveling along the Great Circle shipping route to Prince William Sound early this week to pick up cargo when its turbocharger failed, just west of Attu island.

Lawmaker Pushes Photo ID for Voters

A measure that would require voters to show photo identification at the polls got its first hearing today (on Thursday). Rep. Bob Lynn, a Republican from Anchorage, sponsored the bill, and he views it as a simple way of preventing voter fraud.