Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

LGBT Rights Ballot Measure in Anchorage

There will be another try to pass a gay rights ordinance in Anchorage. The closest it got was to be passed by the Assembly and vetoed by Mayor Dan Sullivan.

Early Morning Tsunami Warning Routs Unalaskans

A major earthquake near the Aleutian Islands meant a rude awakening Friday morning but no damage for some Alaska residents.

Anchorage School Board Officially Begins Seeking New Superintendent

The Anchorage School Board is ready to launch its search for a new district superintendent. Yesterday the board president said they've hired a search firm and provided a forum for community involvement.

Sutton Coal Permit Up For Renewal

The state has received an application from Usibelli Coal for a permit renewal for the Wishbone Hill coal mine.

Tanana Chiefs Conference Receives Suicide Grant

The Tanana Chiefs Conference is one of the recipients over 50 million dollars in youth suicide prevention grants announced yesterday for states and tribes across the country.

More Anchorage Residents Than Ever Face Hunger

According to the Food Bank of Alaska, thousands of Anchorage residents will seek assistance from food pantries and kitchen during the course of a year. Yesterday, as part of Hunger Action Month, a panel at the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce discussed the growing problem of hunger in Anchorage.

Ferry In Southeast Struggles Financially

The Inter-Island Ferry Authority was barely staying afloat when it made a decision to dramatically cut back its service. That’s according to IFA General Manager Bruce Jones, who discussed the IFA’s financial difficulties during Tuesday’s session of the Southeast Conference annual meeting.

Naknek Electric, Deep in Debt, Outlines Geothermal Plan

The Naknek Electric Association has released a plan explaining where they’re going with their geothermal project. The member-owned electricity cooperative filed for bankruptcy last year after problems with the more than decade-old geothermal exploration.

Australian Company to Explore “Deep Coal” in Alaska

An Australian Company wants to explore deep coal resources in Alaska. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the proposal is aimed at coal too far underground to mine.

Anchorage Man is Injured in Reno Air Show Crash

An Alaska man who was injured at the National Championship Air Races and Air Show in Reno, Nevada, is recovering. Noah Joraanstad is a pilot for Pen Air.

The EPA issues Shell Oil Air Quality Permits for Arctic Ocean Drilling

The Environmental Protection Agency has approved an air quality permit for a Shell Oil drilling vessel and accompanying vessels that the company hopes to use in Arctic waters next year.

Fall Storms Halt Ferries

High winds in the Gulf of Alaska have forced ships into shelter. The cruise ship Statendam couldn't leave Seward Sunday, the Amsterdam and Westerdam cancelled their stops in Sitka, which is in sheltered waters, but still on the outer coast. Travelers expecting state ferries are advised to contact the Marine Highway for the latest information there.

ACLU Wins Latest Same Sex Lawsuit

An Anchorage judge says Alaska same-sex couples are entitled to the same senior citizen and disabled veteran property tax exemptions as married couples. Superior Court Judge Frank Pfiffner ruled in a 34 page decision that the state's marital classification violates the Alaska Constitution's equal protection clause.

Probe of Arctic Slope Native Corporation 8a Contract Requested by McCaskill

U.S. Senator Clare McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat and Chair of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight, has asked the NASA inspector general to investigate a contract between NASA and an Arctic Slope Regional Corporation subsidiary.

PFD Announced at $1174 This Year

Governor Sean Parnell opened a triple sealed envelope in Anchorage this (Tuesday) morning to announce this year's Permanent Fund Dividend amount: $1174. Parnell said this year's dividend check is healthy but the amount is based on a five year average of the stock market. He warned Alaskans can face lower dividend amounts in the future.

Fairbanks Voters Consider Air Quality Ballot Proposition

Fairbanks Borough voters will consider a ballot proposition aimed at reducing wintertime fine particulate pollution. A public meeting on the proposition was held Monday. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the measure targets emissions from wood and coal fired heaters.

City Residents Without Health Insurance Can Now Get Prescription Discounts

Anchorage residents now qualify for a discount on prescriptions not covered by their insurance or if they have no insurance at all for prescribed medicines.

Chukchi Lease Sale Stands

The federal government is upholding the 2008 oil and gas lease sale in the Chukchi Sea. The sale was challenged in court and last year, a judge required the Interior Department to complete a supplemental environmental impact statement and then decide whether to vacate the sale.

Survey Shows High Rate if Sexual Violence in Anchorage

A new survey shows more than 50 percent of women in Anchorage have been the victim of some type of sexual violence in their lifetime.

Barrow Will Vote on Dry Status

The question of whether to allow sales of alcohol will be on the ballot tomorrow for voters in Barrow. A yes vote would allow the first legal local liquor sales in the city in more than a decade. Barrow currently is a “damp” community.