Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Governor’s office locks down upon receiving white powder letter

Juneau's Court Plaza Building locked its doors this afternoon after workers found a suspicious powder in a letter sent to Governor Sarah Palin. Ed Schoenfeld,...

Racist Obama jokes circulating via State of Alaska e-mail

Alaska officials are investigating racist jokes about President-elect Barack Obama that have been circulating on state government e-mail accounts. One of the e-mails obtained...

Federal lands opening to major geothermal power program

The Interior Department has finalized a plan to make 190 million acres of federal land available for geothermal energy projects, including lands in Alaska....

Ethics complaint filed against Palin staffers McCallister and Perry

An outspoken critic of Gov. Sarah Palin has filed ethics complaints against two of the governor's top aides, saying they misused their official positions...

Washington Post reports formation of Palin PAC

A political action committee has been formed around Alaska’s governor Sarah Palin.  Called SarahPac,  the group says it will raise money for local and...

Mount Spurr Could be Huge Geothermal Energy Source

Over the past few years, people who live along Alaska’s Railbelt have begun to worry about the lifespan of the system that delivers energy...

Gov. Palin Continues Last Tour of State

Gov. Sarah Palin is touring the state in her final days in office. In the last few weeks, she's visited Kotzebue and Fairbanks to...

Author Talks About New Palin Book

A new book out today takes a look at the transformation of Sarah Palin last year from Governor of an isolated state to...

BOEMRE Releases Environmental Impact Statement of Chukchi Lease

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage The Bureau of Ocean Energy, Management, Regulation and Enforcement or BOEMRE released today a draft supplemental environmental impact...

Customs Officials Seize $1.2 Million Worth of Heroin

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage U.S. Customs officials have seized more than $1.2 million worth of heroin in three different shipments through Anchorage’s...

Kobuk Cleaning Up After Weekend Flooding

People in Kobuk are cleaning up after high water flooded village streets with ice over the weekend. The water started rising on Friday. By Saturday morning, residents of one home, including children and an elder of 94 years, were evacuated by boat to the village clinic. They reported their house was shaking as large chunks of ice crashed into it.

Crews Make Progress in Containing Moose Mountain Fire

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks Substantial progress has been made on corralling a Fairbanks area wildfire.  The Moose Mountain Fire has burned more...

Entangled Whale out of Usual Habitat

A team of four, trained volunteers from Petersburg has been trying to free a young grey whale that’s tangled in some sort fishing net and line.

State Task Force on Arctic Meets in Aleutians

The Northern Waters Task Force met in Unalaska this week. The group was created by the state legislature, and it’s tasked with coming up with recommendations on Arctic policy that work for Alaska.

Fairbanks Port Authority Out of Gas Trucking Proposal

Fairbanks Borough voters will not decide whether the Alaska Gasline Port Authority pursues a plan to truck North Slope Natural gas to Fairbanks. The Borough Assembly last week rescinded an ordinance putting the question on the ballot in light of Golden Valley Electric and Flint Hills refinery’s recent announcement they are moving ahead with their own gas trucking plan. So Port Authority chairman Jim Whitaker said they are bowing out.

Journal Article Shows Grizzly Bears May Be Suffering Under Predator Control

Intensive management, or lethal predator control, of bears and wolves is mandated by a 1994 law adopted by the state Legislature. But the authors of an article in the August issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management say the state isn’t doing the research necessary to know if its causing long-term, perhaps even permanent damage to Alaska’s grizzly bear population.

Delta Junction May Need a Hospital

A group in Delta Junction is working to establish a hospital to help area residents who currently have to travel to Fairbanks or Anchorage for treatment.

Bethel Loses a Major Landmark

Residents in Bethel have lost a major landmark. On Friday afternoon the Civil Engineer Corp brought down the White Alice radar. The radar towered over the city and much of the low lying region before it came crashing down.

Petersburg Volunteers Free Whale from Fishing Gear

A team of volunteers from Petersburg freed a young grey whale that was tangled in what appeared to be foreign gillnet gear Friday. The animal was 20 to 25 feet long and looked to be in bad shape but rescuers are hopeful it will at least be able to feed again, now that it’s no longer entangled.

Conservative Political Action Conference Cruise Picketed over Labor Dispute

Unions chose to picket the a cruise ship full of well-known conservatives when it docked in Juneau yesterday. The Westerdam is carrying Donald Rumsfeld, Grover Norquist, Ralph Reed and other political conservatives and their fans through Alaska waters.