Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Palin releases new PPT proposal and calls Legislature to Juneau

Governor Sarah Palin says she has chosen Juneau as the site for next month's special session of the Alaska Legislature, where state lawmakers...

Allen testimony may spell trouble for Ben Stevens

Former VECO Chairman Bill Allen returned to the stand this morning in the Pete Kott corruption trial in Anchorage. And he provided some damaging...

Northern Dynasty: Pebble Mine corruption allegations baseless

Northern Dynasty's spokesman Sean Magee says Representative Ramras' allegations of bribes or improper payment to individuals or companies in the Pebble Mine project are...

Roman Catholic organization settles with abused Alaska Natives

A Catholic Organization has agreed to pay 50 million dollars to Alaska Natives who claim they were sexually abused by clergy. Dan Bross, KUAC -...

Governor seeks statewide feedback on how to spend new oil revenue

Governor Sarah Palin is seeking the public's input on what Alaska should do with the extra revenue that will be generated by the state's...

Alaska Gasline Port Authority asks for reconsideration

The Alaska Gasline Port Authority is asking the state to reconsider its proposal for a natural gas pipeline. It was rejected by Governor...

Fairbanks Roman Catholic Diocese files for bankruptcy

The Diocese is facing 130 civil suits filed by Alaska natives who allege sexual abuse by priests, and other church employees, beginning in the...

Governor shifts playing field on capital projects

Governor Sarah Palin last night vetoed a hundred seventy one capital projects that had been in the supplemental budget she got two years ago....

Governor Palin gives birth to 5th child

Governor Sarah Palin welcomed her fifth child into the world today.  Her spokesperson, Sharon Leighow says Palin interrupted a meeting of the Governors’ Energy...

All-Alaska gas line supporters weigh in with Legislators

Legislators in Fairbanks considering Governor Sarah Palin's  bill that would license a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to North American markets today...

Some state jobs being relocated to Anchorage

State officials are relocating some Juneau jobs to Anchorage or Fairbanks when they fail to fill job openings advertised for the capital city. Information...

Alaska reacts to McCain’s selection of Palin for VP

Tune in to Alaska News Nightly this evening -- on APRN stations statewide -- for coverage of Republican Presidential candidate John McCain's choice of...

This weekend: AK’s take on Sarah Palin

Tune in to most APRN stations this weekend for the rebroadcast of a February 2008 episode of AK simply titled: Sarah Palin. When our show...

Historical Palin events on ‘360 North’ tonight

KTOO's statewide public media channel 360 North will be broadcasting some historical events from Sarah Palin's history in Alaska politics this evening starting at...

VP pick Palin announces daughter’s pregnancy, requests privacy

Governor Sarah Palin and her husband Todd announced today that their 17 year old daughter, Bristol, is five months pregnant. The McCain campaign says...

Palin wows Republican National Convention

More than 40 million people watched last night as Governor Sarah Palin accepted the Republican nomination for Vice President in front of an...

National stage gives Alaskans new perspective on Governor Palin

A University of Alaska Fairbanks journalism professor who’s covered politics in Alaska and as foreign correspondent says Alaskans have learned more about Sarah Palin...

Tune to APRN stations at 9pm; follow us on Twitter

APRN stations around Alaska will begin offering Alaska-focused election results starting at 9:00pm tonight. For those with a computer available, you can also follow...

Fairbanks Catholic Diocese highlights abuse claim deadline

The Fairbanks Catholic Diocese is trying to get out the word about an upcoming legal deadline for people who claim abuse by clergy.  The...