Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Parnell Believes Senate Leaders Dragging Feet on Oil Tax Changes

Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO – Juneau Governor Sean Parnell says Senate leaders are dragging their feet on oil tax changes he believes would spur future...

UAF Staff, Faculty Vent over Hiked Health Insurance Costs

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks University of Alaska-Fairbanks faculty and staff met last night to vent concerns and anger over the administration’s...

Polar Bear Status Up For Debate

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Whether the polar bear is endangered, threatened, or doing just fine was debated in federal court Wednesday...

Murkowski: ANWR Drilling Back On The Table

Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO – Juneau U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski says unrest in the Middle East puts oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge...

Ice Age Child Found Near Tanana River

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks An ancient home site discovered in the interior last summer has yielded one of the oldest human remains...

Interior Department Holding Hearing About Offshore Oil, Gas Leasing

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage The Interior Department is holding a hearing Friday night in Anchorage to talk about the proposed outer continental...

Weyhrauch Trial Moved to Juneau

Anchorage Daily News The Anchorage Daily News is reporting that the trial of former lawmaker Bruce Weyhrauch will be held in Juneau, his hometown....

Bad Weather Hinders State Ferry Operations

Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska – Juneau High winds and low temperatures are interfering with state ferry operations in Southeast, Prince William Sound and Southwest Alaska. The...

High Winds Shut Down Valdez Port

Tony Gorman, KCHU – Valdez High winds over the weekend have prompted the Coast Guard to close off traffic going in and out...

Bethel Men Charged With Gun Crimes

Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK – Bethel Two Bethel men are being charged with fire arms crimes as part of a federal initiative to focus more...

House Passes Temporary Measure to Keep Federal Government Running

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Tuesday, the U.S. House passed a temporary stop-gap measure to keep the federal government running for a...

Alyeska Resumes Loading Tankers

Tony Gorman, KCHU – Valdez The Alyeska Pipeline Company resumed loading tankers at the marine terminal in Valdez, Wednesday, after a bout with...

Officials Hopeful About Shale Oil Potential

State officials are cautiously optimistic about a new type of on shore oil development that could help feed the sputtering Trans Alaska Pipeline. A new company called Great Bear Petroleum is armed with almost half a million acres in new leases and a plan to go after unconventional oil sources on the North Slope.

Coast Guard Admiral Pushing for US Ratification of Law of the Sea Treaty

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau As his tour in Alaska winds down, Rear Admiral Christopher Colvin, commander of the Coast Guard’s 17th District,...

Florida Judge Puts Stay on Own Health Care Order

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage The Florida judge who ruled the federal health care legislation to be unconstitutional in January, released a second...

Peterson, Gara Introduce ‘Truth in Alaska Oil Company Profits Act’

Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO – Juneau Two state lawmakers say the state should force major oil companies to declare their Alaska profits. Anchorage Representatives Pete Peterson...

Officials Worried About TransCanada Missing October 2012 Proposal Deadline

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau Alaska lawmakers say Federal Energy Regulatory Commission officials are worried TransCanada might miss an October 2012 deadline to...

Bundtzen Outside Rohn; Gebhardt Right Behind

Robert Bundtzen, one of the older mushers in the 2012, Iditarod was nearing Rohn late Monday afternoon and leading field. The 61-year-old is a...

Another Gas Pipeline Project Expected to Miss Deadline

Associated Press Another major natural gas pipeline project in Alaska is expected to miss a self-imposed deadline for securing agreements with shippers. Scott Jepsen, vice...

Fish and Wildlife Decides Against Unimak Island Wolf Kill

Alexandra Gutierrez, KUCB – Unalaska The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has decided that it will not conduct a wolf kill on Unimak Island...