Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Bipartisan Seating Kicks Off Year With Positive Symbolism

Photo and Story by Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Tonight’s State of the Union Address has members of Congress reaching across the aisle...

Legislature Working to Clarify Write-In Law

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau The Alaska Legislature wants to ensure voter intent takes precedent when counting write-in ballots. The issue was raised last...

Spill Commission Co-Chair Endorses Exploratory Arctic Wells

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC One of the leaders of the President’s Oil Spill Commission endorsed Shell’s plan on Wednesday to drill...

Immigrants Drivers Licenses Challenged

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Anchorage Republican Bob Lynn opened hearings Thursday to limit immigrants’ rights to an Alaska drivers license. His attempts to...

Lawmakers Consider Extending Legislative Session

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau Some Alaska lawmakers want to go back to a 120 day legislative session. Voters in 2006 narrowly passed an initiative limiting...

Congress Moving to Improve Health Care Law

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Mark Begich says the U.S. Senate now has the votes to repeal an unpopular provision in the...

International Pacific Halibut Commission Reduces Longline Quotas

Matt Lichtenstein, KFSK – Petersburg Longliners in Southeast and the Gulf of Alaska will see big cuts to their quotas this year under catch...

Report Shows Sea Ice May Recover if Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduced

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Reducing greenhouse gas emissions could go a long way toward saving the world’s polar bears. That’s the conclusion...

Parnell Calls for Delay of Health Care Law Implementation

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Alaska’s governor is calling on the federal government to temporarily suspend implementation of the health care overhaul...

Testimony Continues at Waterman Trial

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage Testimony continues in the state’s criminal case against Rachelle Waterman.  The Craig woman, now 22, is being retried...

Lawmakers Consider Change to Casting of Electoral College Votes

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau State lawmakers are considering legislation to pledge Alaska’s Electoral College votes every four years to the presidential candidate...

New Bill Encourages Independent Oil Exploration

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau A bill introduced Wednesday morning in the state House would give independent oil exploration companies more direct access to the...

State Awards Grants to Build Violence-Free Communities

Angela Denning-Barnes, KYUK – Bethel The State of Alaska has awarded four grants to build violence-free communities in rural areas. The awards were presented...

Man Files Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Against Boy Scouts of Alaska, America

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage An Anchorage man filed a lawsuit today alleging he was sexually abused by his former Boy Scout leader....

Parnell Looking to Bypass Implementing Health Care Law

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Governor Parnell is looking at ways to bypass implementation of the federal health care act.  He says he has requested...

Shell Pushes Back Arctic Exploration Plans

Libby Casey, APRN – Washington DC Alaska’s Con buy kamagra online gressional delegation has come out swinging against the Obama Administration at news that Shell is...

Alaska Delegation Blames Obama for Shell’s Decision

APRN Staff Alaska’s Congressional delegation has come out swinging against the Obama Administration at Shell’s news. Senator Mark Begich says the EPA should...

Shell Pushes Back Arctic Exploration Plans

Steve Heimel, APRN – Anchorage The price of Royal Dutch Shell’s stock dropped today when the company reported fourth quarter earnings of 4.1 billion...

Bill May End State’s Involvement in AGIA

Dave Donaldson, APRN – Juneau Friday, legislators got their first look at a bill that could lead to closing the state’s involvement in...

Man Charged with Nearly 11-Year-Old Murder

Len Anderson, KSKA – Anchorage This afternoon, standing before the Homicide Victims’ Memorial in downtown Anchorage, Police Chief Mark Mew announced that a...