Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Senator Stevens comments on Alaskan oil development, prices, ANWR and natural gas

U.S. Senator Ted Stevens is hopeful that the proposal to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) if oil hits $125 per barrel...

Governor takes offensive on education bill

Governor Sarah Palin says she is not satisfied with the Education bill the legislature sent to her earlier this month. And in a meeting...

Longterm education funding bill becomes law.

Governor Sarah Palin signed the measure today.The bill was the result of a special task force set up at the end of last year’s...

Izembek road on the radar in Washington, DC

Supporters and critics of a proposed land swap for a road that would connect King Cove with Cold Bay appeared before a US Senate...

Kodiak’s Larry LeDoux appointed state Education Commissioner

Kodiak Schools’ Superintendent Larry LeDoux is the state’s new Education Commissioner. The State Board of Education and Early Development made the selection Thursday, which...

DEC sends strong message to cruise ship industry

As the tourist season gets underway, The Alaska Cruise Association has been handed a strong message that the state Department of Environmental Conservation is...

Governor Palin announces plan to help Alaskans weather the energy crisis

Governor Sarah Palin has unveiled her plan to curb Alaska's growing energy crisis. If  passed by the legislature, the plan would put thousands of...

Governor Palin sticks with TransCanada gasline proposal

Governor Sarah Palin announced today that after months of scrutinizing the details of the TransCanada proposal to build a natural gas pipeline, the state...

Hydropower returns to Juneau; utility asking for cost recovery

Hydropower has been restored in Juneau. Alaska Electric Light and Power flipped the switch about 9:00 p.m. last night, putting the Snettisham facility back...

Western Alaska gas prices leap as summer barges arrive

The price of gas and heating oil is jumping up around Western Alaska as the first fuel deliveries of the season arrive. Gas prices...

Rural Alaska utility co-op declares emergency over fuel prices

The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) is asking the state to consider an alternative to Governor Sarah Palin's energy relief plan. AVEC President Meera...

Special session gets ready to hit the road

Lawmakers have wrapped up the initial part of their consideration of the North Slope gasline project Governor Sarah Palin gave them at the start...

Palin drops idea for energy debit cards, still pursuing consumer cost deflection

Governor Sarah Palin is expected to release her final plan to help Alaskans deal with the high costs of energy at the end of...

$1,200 each – Governor Palin unveils her new energy assistance plan

Governor Sarah Palin this afternoon released her plan to help Alaskans meet the high cost of energy throughout the state. It will give...

Governor Palin and Alaska’s Congressional delegation condemn Supreme Court ruling

Alaska's state and national leaders also expressed their disappointment today. Governor Sarah Palin used the word "gutted" to describe the Supreme Courts' impact on...

Ted Stevens and Sarah Palin join forces on energy plan

Senator Ted Stevens had a joint news conference with Governor Sarah Palin today to promote the energy plan put forward by Republicans in Congress,...

Senator Cowdery indicted on Federal corruption charges

State Senator John Cowdery has been indicted for bribery and conspiracy.  The federal charges were made public today.  The Senator is in Juneau for...

NPR-A petroleum lease sale set for October

The Bush administration plans an oil and gas lease sale in the northeastern part of the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska (NPR-A) this October. Steve...

Governor Hickel hospitalized

Former Governor Wally Hickel was hospitalized early this morning  after complaining of chest pains.  His assistant Malcolm Roberts says Hickel was feeling better by...

Legislature back at work in Juneau

The legislature this weekend is finishing up a five-day break with members set to return to their special session dealing with a natural...