Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Kensington Mine to bring in millions amidst concerns about environmental impacts

The nearly-completed Kensington Gold Mine outside Juneau has pumped more than $150 million into the Alaska economy, and could pump a lot more when...

Anti-missile radar installation headed to Juneau

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency will install a radar facility in Juneau this fall as it continues to test its Fort Greely-based anti-missile system. John...

Congressman Young officially under federal criminal investigation

A source with the investigation confirmed to The Associated Press today that Congressman Don Young faces a criminal investigation. Young joins Senator Ted Stevens...

Scientists watching walrus movements as sea ice recedes

Biologists in Anchorage are getting a daily look at how walrus in the Chukchi Sea are responding to rapidly retreating sea ice. Walrus, especially...

Governor’s ethics considered as husband goes back to work at BP

News that Governor Sarah Palin's husband Todd is returning to his pre-election job on the North Slope has gotten some public attention in the...

Governor pushing for Matanuska Maid privatization before December

Governor Sarah Palin has accepted a recommendation by the State Creamery Board to sell the Matanuska Maid dairy operation. Palin held a press conference...

Web Extra: Attorney's reaction to Weyrauch trial delay

Following the separation of the Kott and Weyrauch corruption trials today, Doug Pope, attorney for Bruce Weyrauch, spoke to the press outside the federal...

August 16 float plane crash claims final victim

A three-year-old Oregon girl who survived a float plane crash near Ketchikan two months ago died yesterday at Seattle's Harborview Medical Center. Allison Smith...

Young's ANCSA land bills get little support from the President

The Bush Administration gave the cold shoulder to several Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act land bills by Congressman Don Young at an ‘Alaska Day’...

New State Supreme Court Justice appointed

Governor Sarah Palin has appointed Daniel Winfree, a Fairbanks attorney to the State Supreme Court. Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau

Palin wants huge boost in school funding

Governor Sarah Palin today presented a $3 billion budget to pay for the state’s education needs for the next three years. Dave Donaldson, APRN -...

Palin calls for 4% increase in state budget

Governor Sarah Palin introduced her state spending plan today for the legislature to consider during next year’s session. Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage

TransCanada the only company to meet AGIA requirements

Governor Sarah Palin has named a Canadian company as her choice to build a natural gas pipeline for the state. Five different companies had...

Governor gives yearly report on the health of the state

Governor Sarah Palin delivered her state of the state address this afternoon to the House and Senate. Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau

Congressman Don Young releases fundraising numbers

A federal campaign funding report shows that Congressman Don Young received nearly $45,000 in contributions last quarter but paid out more than $425,000 in...

Y-K leaders agitated by lack of rural reps on Board of Game

Leaders in the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta are upset over Governor Sarah Palin's recent appointments to the Alaska Board of Game which does away with both...

Governor Palin pregnant

News came out late today that Alaska's governor, Sarah Palin, is pregnant with her fifth child. You can follow the developments via Google News...

Senator Stevens comments on Alaskan oil development, prices, ANWR and natural gas

U.S. Senator Ted Stevens is hopeful that the proposal to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) if oil hits $125 per barrel...

Governor takes offensive on education bill

Governor Sarah Palin says she is not satisfied with the Education bill the legislature sent to her earlier this month. And in a meeting...

Longterm education funding bill becomes law.

Governor Sarah Palin signed the measure today.The bill was the result of a special task force set up at the end of last year’s...