Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

stacks of shipping containers. A few read "Matson."

The unseen factor driving Alaska’s migration losses

It's not about the leavers. New arrivals are staying away in droves, driving Alaska to an unprecedented 12th year of net negative migration.
a library

Alaska’s public libraries sound alarm over abrupt loss of state grant funds

It's not clear why the state slashed funds for operating grants to libraries across Alaska by nearly 75%.
two cars crash into each other, both are very beaten up. a cloud of smoke engulfs both of them and spectators watch from behind a fence

From family bonding to a message on sobriety, here’s why this year’s Alaska State Fair demolition derby drivers compete

Choosing to deliberately get in a car crash repeatedly might sound extreme, but each competitor has their own motivations for participating.

Ketchikan colleagues mourn landslide victim Sean Griffin

The longtime city worker died helping clear storm drains on his day off. Friends say his commitment was central to his character.
two women stand on the edge of a river bank. the woman in front is holding a very tall green pole with a grey box on top of it

Thawing permafrost is an existential threat for Alaska communities. This nonprofit is trying to help monitor it.

The goal of the project is to put data in the hands of community members, so that they can make crucial decisions about their future.
Blue and red police lights.

3 pedestrians struck and killed in Anchorage in just over 24 hours

Four people were hit by vehicles in the Anchorage area in two days. Three of the crashes were fatal.
a food truck

In internet-less Sitka, it’s both ‘mayhem’ and a ‘golden moment’

Starlink units are a precious commodity. But people are talking, sharing stories and “doing what they used to do without the internet.”
Skyview Middle School

Former Soldotna school custodian accused of sexually abusing student

Alexander Coxwell, 52, was arrested Thursday. He worked for the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District until November 2016.
a hat

Akiak man charged with beating 7 sled dogs to death

Troopers say Charles Ivan, 23, chained up and beat nine dogs after a Sept. 1 family dispute, but a witness saved two of them.

Alaska SeaLife Center releases 4 seals into Cook Inlet

Staff say the seals, released Thursday near Kenai, are in good health. Scientists hope to continue monitoring their lives in the wild.
a river

Man dies in helicopter crash near King Salmon

The helicopter crashed into the Naknek River. One passenger died, and three others plus the pilot were rescued.

Ethics reform bill signed into law

The Ethics Reform bill passed by the legislature in May is now law. Governor Palin signed the 38-page measure this afternoon. The bill contains...

Federal government may review Alaska Native tribal status

A letter sent to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne in May sought to prompt a review of the legal status of tribes in Alaska. The...

Denali Kid Care health coverage expanded

More low-income children and pregnant women have access to medical care through a bill Governor Palin signed into law last night. The bill renews...

Climate change affecting National Parks in Alaska

Evidence of climate change is not limited to sea ice and coastal zones in Alaska. A report just out examines the effects of warming...

Affordable housing stubbornly unavailable in Sitka

A number of Southeast Alaska communities face housing costs that are so high some residents can't afford a place to live. Sitka officials have...

Dental associations drop fight against Alaska bush dental therapist program

The American Dental Association is giving up its fight against Alaska's unique dental therapist program. The president of the ADA was in Anchorage today...

Kensington Mine to bring in millions amidst concerns about environmental impacts

The nearly-completed Kensington Gold Mine outside Juneau has pumped more than $150 million into the Alaska economy, and could pump a lot more when...

Anti-missile radar installation headed to Juneau

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency will install a radar facility in Juneau this fall as it continues to test its Fort Greely-based anti-missile system. John...

Congressman Young officially under federal criminal investigation

A source with the investigation confirmed to The Associated Press today that Congressman Don Young faces a criminal investigation. Young joins Senator Ted Stevens...