
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

a musher prepares their dog team

Iditarod punishes 3 mushers for sheltering dogs in windstorm

Mille Porsild of Denmark, Michelle Phillips of Canada and Riley Dyche of Fairbanks were penalized for taking dogs inside shelter cabins to ride out the storm with winds so strong, they whipped up white-out conditions.

King Takes Iditarod Lead from Zirkle; Dallas Seavey Bolts into Third

Jeff King overtook Aliy Zirkle early Monday morning in the 2014 Iditarod. King took off from Elim about 1 a.m. and Zirkle, who had battled King and Martin Buser for the lead, left less than 10 minutes later. Dallas Seavey, who won two years ago, jumped into third place and was out of Elim about 2:52 this morning. While Zirkle, and King had spent more than an hour in Elim, Seavey was in and out of the checkpoint in minutes.

Iditarod strategies on view as mushers take “24’s”

At this point in the Iditarod, just about every top team has declared their mandatory 24-rest, and is either recuperating, or else charging back onto the trail. The rest gives both dogs and mushers a chance to catch their breath and rebuild some strength. And it’s one of the main indicators of a musher’s strategy, finally giving shape to the accelerating race in the days ahead.

Zirkle Leads Mushers Into Grayling

Aliy Zirkle has taken the lead in the 2013 Iditarod. She checked into the Grayling checkpoint at 9:54 a.m. Friday. Aaron Burmeister and Jake Berkowitz arrived in Grayling about 30 minutes apart, at 11:06 a.m. and 11:37 a.m., respectively.

2016 Iditarod’s Scandinavian contingent the largest ever

Red, white and blue flags flew high at this year’s Iditarod start line, but they weren’t the flags one might expect at an American race. These flags bear the Scandinavian cross and they were flown by fans who came out to cheer on more than ten percent of the race field. There are more Scandinavians in this year’s Iditarod than ever before. Iditarod - Day 1

Lance Mackey Leading The Way

Lance Mackey is in the lead, leaving Ophir at 5:45 a.m. Wednesday, nearly two and a half hours ahead of the next musher, Sonny Lindner. Jeff King is currently in third place, departing from Ophir at 8:50 a.m. Wednesday.

Seavey attorney: Report shows musher didn’t drug dogs

An attorney for four-time Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey released a toxicology report Wednesday that he says proves the musher did not drug his dogs in last year's race. Listen now

Iditarod race plans take shape as mushers take 24-hour layovers

Long before the race ever starts, mushers pack their drop bags with gear and food to so that they have options for where and when to take their 24-hour mandatory rest along the Iditarod Trail. This year, some of them tried something new, while others are doing what they know. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes clear who has the winning strategy now that dog teams are starting to come off their long rest.

Dogs That Take Their Jobs Seriously

Service dogs make a difference in the lives of the disabled by providing companionship and assistance. They can play an important role as guide dogs...

Bethel gives hero’s welcome to Iditarod champion Pete Kaiser

Bethel welcomed home its own Iditarod champion in grand fashion Monday night. Musher Pete Kaiser returned to Bethel on the evening jet after winning the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
a musher speaks into a microphone at the end of a race

Iditapod bonus: Aaron Burmeister interview in Nome

Veteran Iditarod musher Aaron Burmeister talked to Alaska Public Media’s Jeff Chen at the Nome radio station, KNOM, roughly a day after Burmeister finished his 21st Iditarod. Burmeister talks about stepping away from the Iditarod, about how his race went this year, and how much dog mushing has changed over the many years he’s been a competitive musher.

Iditarod Front-Runners Headed For White Mountain

Front running teams are making their way for White Mountain Tuesday morning.

Iditarod Field Notes: #6

Blog by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Nome -- Remember that line in the Rocky Horror Show where the guy says: “Come up to the lab...
Dallas (left) and Mitch (right) embrace and share a few words before departing Koyuk. (Photo by Emily Schwing/KNOM)

Dallas Seavey first into White Mountain

Reigning Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey is the first musher into White Mountain. He checked in at 9.48 a.m. Monday for the mandatory 8-hour layover at the checkpoint before continuing on the final 77 miles to Nome by way of Safety.

Sass exits ‘camping mode’ as Iditarod kicks into high gear

Unalakleet was buzzing overnight as Iditarod mushers and their dog teams arrived on the Bering Sea Coast. As KNOM’s Emily Schwing reports, their sense of urgency was palpable. Download Audio

Mandatory 24-Hour Rest Playing Into Race Strategy

Iditarod teams are making their way across the Interior region where the trail is soft, smooth and covered in snow – a far cry from the rough and rocky trail that took many mushers out of the race earlier this week. Download Audio

Top Teams Resting at Iditarod

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage The top teams in this year’s Iditarod are resting at the race’s namesake checkpoint Thursday evening. Big Lake...

Mushing Explained Video: Feeding the furnace of elite Iditarod sled dogs

The lives of the 1,300 sled dogs running now to Nome have led up to this moment as they race to against the world’s best dogs and wiliest mushers. Years of training come down to a couple short weeks of elite performance, sometimes running more than 100 miles per day.

Yukon Quest Champ Brent Sass Disqualified From Iditarod

Brent Sass has been disqualified from the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. The musher was informed by race Marshall Mark Nordman after he arrived in Tanana that he will not be able to continue the race because the Eureka-based musher violated a rule about using a wireless communication device on the trail. Download Audio