
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

Lance Mackey Wins 3rd Consecutive Iditarod

Lance Mackey rolled into Nome at around noon today to win his third consecutive Iditarod Trail Sled Dog race. Mackey joins Susan Butcher and...

Iditapod: Kaiser Racing team hangs on for first Iditarod win

That’s right: Iditarod has a new champion. And it’s really looking like we’re going to have three women in the top 10 for the first time in 47 years for the Last Great Race. As for the pride and swelling hearts of Bethel, the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, maybe all of Western Alaska, Peter Kaiser and eight dogs crossed under the Burled Arch in Nome at 3:39 a.m. Alaska time Wednesday trailed only 12 minutes later by the 2018 champ, Joar Leifseth Ulsom.

More Mushers Reach Nome

More mushers, including rookie Nicolas Petit, have reached Nome in the 2011 Iditarod. He finished in 28th place, arriving in Nome early Thursday morning...

Nome Business Owners Prepare For Iditarod Influx

Mushers are racing towards Nome. And so are the tourists. A small business owner is gearing up to capitalize on the influx. Download Audio

Iditarod Strategies Make for Some Head Scratching

As dogs teams drop onto the Yukon River, Iditarod mushers will find out how their race plans are playing out. The next 140 miles of long, flat river will shine some light on who has the most speed and who needs a little more rest. No one is quite sure exactly what’s going on with race strategies this year. In fact even the most experienced mushers are scratching their heads.
Jeff King in Ruby. (Photo by Zachariah Hughes/KSKA)

How chefs cook wilderness gourmet on the Iditarod Trail

One of Jeff King’s prizes for reaching the Yukon River in Ruby before anyone else was a five-course meal supplied by on of the Iditarod’s sponsors. And as Alaska Public Media’s Zachariah Hughes reports, the meal might mean more to the chefs than it does for the musher.

PHOTOS: 85 Iditarod mushers head for Nome

Hundreds of race fans lined the chute on Willow Lake to send off one of the largest fields in years under warm March sunlight.

‘It’s a dream position’: Norwegian musher Waerner leads Iditarod teams up the coast

For being first to the coast on Sunday, Thomas Waerner earned $2,000 worth of gold nuggets. But, more importantly, he was in a full five hours in front of the next team.

Iditarod Veterans Anticipating Rough Trail Conditions

The 42nd annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog race is underway. Dog teams left Willow Sunday. They’re making their way toward the Alaska Range, where the trail is reportedly extremely rough.

Iditarod checkpoint enforces ordinance to control loose dog population as mushers arrive

Coinciding with the Iditarod sled dog race, Unalakleet issued an emergency ordinance to address loose dogs running free around the community. Many residents complained about a problem, and not everyone is happy with the solution.
A man and his dogs

Hugh Neff scratches from Iditarod halfway into the race

Neff said he was given the choice of being disqualified or scratching because of concerns from veterinarians about his dogs.
Sled dogs eat from small, black bowls in the snow.

Four-time Iditarod champion Dallas Seavey first to McGrath

For Dallas Seavey’s first-place arrival, he won mittens made of beaver fur and moose hide, plus a beaver-fur hat. McGrath is roughly a third of the way into the race.
a musher removes a dog booty from a paw

Iditarod reports second dog death of this year’s race

George, a 4-year-old on Hunter Keefe’s team, collapsed on the way to Unalakleet, race officials say.

Iditarod reaches a turning point in Nikolai

The village of Nikolai was bustling all day as dog teams pulled in and out of the sixth checkpoint on the Iditarod trail. After teams have passed over some of the roughest trail, the race reaches a turning point. From here, mushers will evaluate their dogs as they try to decide how best to execute a their race plans. Download Audio

Iditarod Field Notes: #7

Blog by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Nome Wednesday Lance Mackey pulled it off. Hans Gatt almost caught him. Jeff King finished his Iditarod career...

Snow in McGrath Offers Relief for Battered Iditarod Mushers

The Iditarod trail continued to claim victims through Tuesday. Reports of everything from broken ankles to broken hands came filtering back from Rohn and Nikolai. It will take a combination of resilience and persistence for mushers to keep moving down the trail.

Mackey still leading Iditarod

Defending champ Lance Mackey is still leading the Iditarod at this hour. He's the first, and only, musher to leave Ruby thus far,...
a dog stands on the snow-covered pavement

Blunt, who gets better when the going gets tough

Eddie Burke Jr.’s 5-year-old leader already has an impressive racing resume, but it’s only his first Iditarod.
a musher on a sled

3 Alaska Native mushers lead the charge to Iditarod finish line

It’s a close race between Ryan Redington, Richie Diehl and Pete Kaiser.
a dog leaps into the air, on a dog team

Dusty, the smallest dog with the biggest energy

Meet Dusty, a leader on Iditarod rookie Jennifer LaBar’s team.