
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

Mushers Helping Support Care for Autistic Children in Bush

Parents caring for autistic children face challenges anywhere they live, but in rural Alaska, where a child can wander into angers not faced...

Nome Greets More Mushers

Nome’s fire siren blared at intervals through Tuesday night, announcing incoming mushers two miles out of town. The Iditarod’s elite top ten dog drivers...

Iditarod Field Notes: #7

Blog by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Nome Wednesday Lance Mackey pulled it off. Hans Gatt almost caught him. Jeff King finished his Iditarod career...

Mackey Wins 4th Consecutive Iditarod

Lance Mackey (above in bib) won an unprecedented fourth consecutive Iditarod on Tuesday. He arrived in Nome ahead of Hans Gatt and Jeff King. King...

Mackey Wins Iditarod

Lance Mackey won  his fourth consecutive Iditarod arriving in Nome just before 3 p.m. today. Hans Gatt and Jeff King were expected in Nome sometime...

Mackey In and Out of Saftey Racing With Lead

Lance Mackey continued his drive to win another Iditarod stopping only a few minutes in Safety about 11:37 this morning. He was racing with...

Mackey Leading Out of White Mountain

Lance Mackey was out of White Mountain early Tuesday morning and on his way to Nome with 11 dogs and what appeared to...

Iditarod Field Notes: #6

Blog by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Nome -- Remember that line in the Rocky Horror Show where the guy says: “Come up to the lab...

Mackey Continues to Build on Iditarod Lead

Away from the spotlight that is directed towards the frontrunners of the Iditarod, other races are taking place further back on the trail.  Mushers...

Iditarod Afternoon Update: Mackey Leads, Gatt Passes King

Lance Mackey  raced in and out of Elim this afternoon taking only a 15-minute break. Mackey has led the race for several checkpoints. He...

Iditarod Field Notes: #5

Blog and Photo by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Monday Morning in Unalakleet Top drivers moved out with the Unalakleet wind Sunday night or early this...

Iditarod Noon Update

Video by Patrick Yack, APRN - Anchorage Lance Mackey  was the first out of Koyuk today - just a couple of minutes before 6 a.m....

Iditarod Start: From Snow Level

You can hear the dogs coming a block or two away, even at a slow pace during the start of the Iditarod. Here's what they...

Mackey Leads Out of Koyuk; King and Gatt Right Behind

Lance Mackey  was the first out of Koyuk today - just a couple of minutes before 6 a.m. - with 12 dogs. Jeff King was...

Lance Mackey: Fan Favorite

They want his autograph. On the photo they have taken. On their Iditarod program. On their sleeve. They ask about his dogs. His strategy. He smiles....

Musher Newton Marshall

Blog and Photos by Tim Bodony, APN Musher Newton Marshall arrives in Galena over the weekend. Marshall is making his first Iditarod. Although a rookie, Marshall...

Mackey and King Battling as They Reach Norton Sound

Lance Mackey and Jeff King continue battling to reach Nome first. Mackey and King were out of Shaktoolik and making their towards Norton Sound. Mackey...

Iditarod Update: Early Sunday Evening

Lance Mackey and Jeff King continue their two-musher battle to reach Nome first. Both had reached Shaktoolik Sunday afternoon, according to the GPS tracking...

Iditarod Field Notes #4

Blog and Photos by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage Unalakleet - King pulled up at 6:29 am with 13 dogs They got bedded down in deep...

King's Sunday Breakfast in Unalakleet

Jeff King reached Unalakleet Sunday morning. Fed his dogs. Grabbed a bite to eat. Rested and then got back on the trail headed towards Shaktoolik. King is chasing...