
ll news stories about the Iditarod or mushing in general are categorized “Iditarod.”

A musher goes into a village.

Iditarod 2020 roster stocked with past champions, but Dallas Seavey is absent

Fifty-eight mushers are signed up for the upcoming Iditarod race, including six previous champions and many more top teams.

Zirkle, Baker, Mackey Lead Iditarod

Aliy Zirkle led a group of mushers towards Nikolai in the Iditarod Tuesday morning. She was followed closely by defending champion John Baker and past champion Lance Mackey. Hugh Neff was not far behind the trio.

Iditarod Musher Dallas Seavey En Route To Safety, Nome

After completing the mandatory 8-hour layover in White Mountain, Dallas Seavey left the checkpoint at 6:10 p.m. Tuesday on his way to Safety - the final stop on the way to the Iditarod finish line in Nome.

Iditarod Field Notes #3

Blog and Photos by Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage We wait till about 2:30 am in the race headquarters. And wait and wait. A nice...

Iditapod: What the heck is happening?

We look at three major problems hitting Alaska's mushing community ahead of the Iditarod. The Anchorage Daily News' Tegan Hanlon and Alaska Public Media's Zachariah Hughes sit down with host Casey Grove to discuss the whirlwind of recent news, including a doping scandal, musher mutiny, and increasing pressure from animal rights groups.
a sled dog is pet on the head

JoAnna, a hyper-obedient leader

Once JoAnna gets going, she doesn’t stop. 

Some mushers deck out in “full body armor” to tackle Dalzell Gorge

Even years later, the infamous 2014 conditions along the Dalzell Gorge stretch has left a lasting impression on mushers – one that they bring specialty gear for. Listen now
a woman gazes at her sled dog

Iditarod back-of-the-pack mushers and their dogs are learning on the fly

Sean Williams is a second-time rookie and says he’s doing less screaming this year, while Deke Naaktgeboren is enjoying watching his dogs start to gel.

Jeff King on PETA and past Iditarod protests

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or PETA plans to protest the start of the race in Anchorage tomorrow morning. Former Iditarod champion Jeff King sat down with Lori Townsend recently to talk about the race, his career and his feelings about the animal rights activists who are against racing sled dogs. Listen now
a sled dog rests on a mat outside

Schooby, the old man

Nicolas Petit says Schooby “carries the world on his shoulders.”

The weird, wonderful world of Nome after Iditarod

For nearly a week, racers continue arriving ahead of the banquet that officially concludes each year's Iditarod. For some, that means days of free time. And plenty of fun, strange events to fill it. Listen now

Iditarod mushers will still cross the finish line in Nome, but the city has canceled its race-related festivities

The City of Nome will not be hosting any race-related festivities due to concerns about the coronavirus.

Iditapod: Recapping the Kuskokwim 300

In this episode we talk about: - This year's Kuskokwim 300 with Ben Matheson. - Mushing's rural to urban migration with Zachariah Hughes

‘This is a nightmare now’: Iditarod musher recounts helicopter rescue from flooded trail

What Matthew Failor did not know when he left White Mountain with two other mushers was the relentless wind was pushing ocean water onto the trail ahead.

Iditarod Start: From Snow Level

You can hear the dogs coming a block or two away, even at a slow pace during the start of the Iditarod. Here's what they...

It’s sleep, eat and repeat in Takotna as Iditarod teams take their 24-hour breaks

The mushers and their sled dogs banked rest and calories during their longest rest of the race.
a musher puts booties on a dog

Iditarod set to mint Dallas Seavey as winningest musher of all time

If he wins, Dallas Seavey will have overcome a penalty earlier in the race for not sufficiently gutting a moose he shot after it attacked his team.

Iditapod: Wade Marrs is the first musher into Ruby

In Episode 9, we talk about Wade Marrs leading the way to Ruby, run/rest strategies, two-way communications,and a story from Iditarod past.

Iditarod to Start in Willow, Not Fairbanks

The Iditarod Sled Dog race will start from Willow as planned. The Iditarod Trail Committee has been weighing moving the race start to Fairbanks in the last week because of low snow and icy conditions on the 65 miles of trail between Willow and Skwentna.